Chapter 20: Mate
"You did not bring me to a mating party," I clutched the bust of my dress, my breasts practically spilling out. I should have worn less revieling clothes.... No wonder Rone wouldn't be here, a king cannot be seen at such parties and neither should I. "I can't be seen here," I hissed hiding behind Ash's navy cloak. He seemed to be enjoying my mortification.
A mating party is where a bunch of lonely people drown out their sorrows in sultry dances and wine. When population is decreasing these parties always did the trick. I glanced at the five tents streamed with mesh red fabric, mating tents for any "lucky" couples that find each other tonight. I never believed in the whole mate concept and nor did most Fae these days but they still found a reason for their dirty pleasures. "You aren't engaged with anyone," Gregory shrugged nonchalantly. "Oh look there's Scarlette."
I was even more shocked that she was here. She looked odd in her fancy blush pink skirts and tight white corset. She looked too much of a nieve girl but her feline eyes said pro in seduction. "How have you two been?" I asked Ash curiously as he folded his hands infront of him and inspected the crowd.
"She's lovely," he responded vaguely. His grey eyes seemed to be lined with worry tonight.
"Do you love her?" I looked up at him waiting for his reaction.
Ash almost chocked on his own tongue giving me an off look, "I've known her for maybe four days."
"Sometimes you just know," I shrugged taking a flute from a waiter and gulping it down.
"I so wish you didn't just do that," Gregorys dark brown eyes widened.
The wine was a bit more sweet than normal it gave me a sudden need... I wanted more I actually needed more. Was that strawberry I tasted? "Why?" Ash asked sipping on his own.
"That's Spiced wine, one glass and you're in a party haze for hours. Its what our ancestors used to clear ones mind, to find their mate." That did not sound good Ash and I shared panicked looks.
"I am a creator, that little flute of magical liquid will do nothing to me," I crossed my arms. "I believe you have work to do," I cocked my head. Where even was Nixin?
"Ash is it?" speaking of the devil. Nixin wore a hideous green short dress, her blonde hair floating around her shoulders. "Do you mind if I steal you for a bit?" She bit her lip and batted her eyes up at Ash. I look at him for his reaction but he gave off nothing. "That is if you dont mind?"
"Of course not," I gave her a tense smile.
"Great," she casually trapped her arm through Ashs and they walked off into the crowd, her green and gold trimmed dress flowing behind her.
"I did not see that coming," I murmured.
"Nixin seems like the type to go after what she wants," Gregory tilted his head. "Ash is extremely boring I think she chose wrong if you ask me," I wished he didnt sound so upset about it. Sure she was pretty and nice to everyone but was she really that nice?
"Were you looking forward to seducing her?" I hissed swatting him in the arm.
He gave me a boyish grin,"Say what you want but Nixin is a beaut. Now are you sure you're feeling okay?"
I felt a bit hot but that was it, "I actually want to dance," I said feeling the melody of the music fill my ears and cover me whole. Scarlet came over, her thin brows set in concern.
"What is Ash doing with Nixin?" Oh boy.
"She wanted to have a chat with him."
"At a mating party?" She sucked down a flute, "I thought he liked me," her bottom lip puckered out a bit, I could use another one of those drinks...
I sighed, "He's into you dont look into it that deep everyone wants to talk to them, he's a dragon."
Gregory gave me a humorous look, "I suppose you're right."
"I'm always right now lets dance!" I grabbed Scarlet and Gregory's hand and thrusted us into the crowd of dancing people. I could feel a hum engulf my entire body, every worry fading away, I jusy didnt care for the first time ever. I twirled from Gregory to Scarlet and then to the next parter. I didnt care where the crowd took me, I never wanted to leave and that's when I realized maybe I was being effected from that drink.... Another waiter passed through and I snuck myself another flute. To hell with it.
I didnt know what time it was, I didnt know if it was day or night. The fire was so bright it was hard to tell and well for the first time ever I didnt care where I needed to be."What is that stuff? Its like happiness in a glass! I just want to dance all night and forget my own name," I grabbed Gregorys hand and he twirled me round and round.
"This is nice," I caught a small smile form on his tan face a smile I hadn't seen in a long time. Gregory is my first love its almost crazy to think we once loved each other so much its almost sad looking to where I'm at now. Alone.
"What?" I asked swaying in place looking up at the moon.
"Seeing you be normal."
I was about to respond until I caught Nixin and Ash slip into a tent across from the fire, "Will you excuse me for a second..." Without further explanation I found myself walking straight to the tent... and then I found myself walking in.
"Nadia?" Ash stood up from the bed draped in velvet red and gold silk blankets, even fur there were dim candles lit setting a romantic mist in the air, rose petals scattered all over the tapestry floor.
"What going on?" I asked in a bit of a confused state, I was slipping. Normally I wouldn't have just walked in on a private conversation... I should have listened about those damned flutes.
"Just a little friendly chat," Nixin said sprawling out on the bed, the slit in her dress showing too much leg. "I wanted to know more about dragons mountain."
"In a matting tent?" I tried not to sound jealous but there was no way not to. "So much for being my friend," I said looking at Ash he was about to speak until Nixin cut him off.
"If the two of you are just friends then why would you care where we decide to talk?" Nixin tilted her head Licking her lips slowly. "Correct me if I'm wrong but it seems Nadia is fond of you Ash."
"You're wrong," Ash grunted as he buttoned up his blouse I almost felt wrong looking.
"You're not leaving are you?" She pouted.
"I should get Nadia home it looks like she has had too much to drink."
"I guess I'll just come to your chambers tonight?" She proposed.
"I'd like to cut out her tongue," I curled my upper lip in disgust. "You cant just have everyone!"
"Jealousy doesn't look well on you," she scolded me. "I'll tell Rone you and Ash here sent your best," she smiled wickedly.
Before I could hurt her Ash grabbed me roughly by the arm and yanked me out of the tent. "What was that all about?" Ash hissed as we stomped off into the shrubs. "She was bating you and you fell into it so easily, did you really think I would actually sleep with her?"
"Why else would you go in that room?" I raised my chin.
"She isn't interested in Gregory, she wants me. She wanted to talk somewhere more private, a few kisses happened and that was it. I did get out of her however that Rone and her are quiet close."
"How close?" I stopped walking abruptly.
"He spent the night with her last night, then asked to see her tonight at his chambers."
"Oh," the stupid buzz I was on was like a roller coaster of mood swings, sadness hit me hard. "He's already moving on," I felt my heart shatter, again. I was growing tired of that feeling, the feeling of vulnerability. At the end of the day I'm the one to blame, I knew Rone liked her and I left him all for her joy.
"He loves you."
"I love him," a tear escaped, then another. "I love him every day, every minute and every hour but to even know he's taking comfort in another just makes this even more real."
"Theres nothing you can do." He actualy sounded sincere.
"When I met Rone I thought I could never love again, I thought I lost everything that made me, me. He helped me find my way, how do I ever even let go of that? Then the thoughts of what if... what if I fought for us?"
"We all have regrets, you are going to make decisions that will break you and only you will be able to pick up the pieces."
"So your saying we're all alone." He nodded.
"I'm sorry."
A wave of anger flashed through me, "This is what I mean by how cold you are. You give the worst advice ever and then you just stand there like an asshole and say sorry! I feel sorry for you," I huffed. It felt good to yell, "You are so closed off to your own self you can't even for two seconds be a better person."
"You want me to lie to you? Thats not the kind of man I am no matter how much you love someone sometimes its just not enough. I wont stand here and tell you Rone hasn't moved on because well... he has and you should to. You should leave this town and never look back."
"And what? Live in your perfect mountains?" I sneered.
"Lets talk about what you're really upset about, you are threatened by me."
"Please," I rolled my eyes.
"You rely on your magic when you are given eyes for a reason. You will never trust me no matter how many times you convince yourself you can," we were now face to face both of our breathes harsh.
"I'm over this you make no sense," I snapped stomping past Ash.
"Is that what you do? Run from all of your problems?" He called after me. I stopped in my tracks my rage mingling with my heart, "Run from people that care about you?" His voice was softer this time and more pleading.
I turned around and looked at Ash, walking back to him slowly unsure what I was going to do or say. I was still on a high buzz and the closer I got the more I couldn't hold the tension built up between us. It was there all along and neither of us could figure out what it meant. He responded quickly as I rushed into his arms crushing my lips against his. He was shocked at first but then his eagerness began to match my own, he wanted me I could feel it. I wasnt thinking about tomorrow and how badly I'd regret this, all I could focus on were his strong hands sliding against my arms, back, breasts he was all over me I felt intoxicated for then ever.
He broke from the kiss for a second leaning back to look into my eyes, "We shouldn't-"
"Shh," I said letting out a shaky breath. "I dont want to feel anything," I said caressing his face his grey eyes closing for a second his lips kissing my palm. Before I knew it he pulled away from me and I was cold and empty all over again.
"I'm not an escape," his jaw twitched slightly.
"I didnt mean it like that-"
"I know what you meant and I get it..." he bristled for the first time he let his guard slip but not long enough for me to read him, he was hurt. "I just can't not like this not when you'll regret this in the morning," not saying anything more he walked away his dark cloak gliding behind him. What the hell did I just do...
I found myself staring at Rones door, why was I here? I was supposed to go home but I found myself here because I needed closure. Ash was right, Berella was even more right. I needed to tell him everything and finally put this all behind us. We at least deserved to be friends because we needed each other in more ways then either of us knew.
His door creaked open slowly but he didn't let me in, "What are you doing here?" Rone looked worse then he did this morning, his face was too thin and his eyes far gone in his own mind.
"We needed to talk," I reminded him, I made it a point not to change out of my dress.
"I dont think you have anything to tell me that'll excuse the fact you left me without saying goodbye, the fact that you broke my heart."
"Can I just come in?" He opened his door slightly. I pushed past him and took in his room, it was still the same. His desk full of books and papers, his bed unmade twined with red silk sheets. "My time in Dragons Mountain has been good," I started. "I went to a dance at dragons mountain I never told you about and there I meet a witch, she did a telling for me. Her magic is long gone but she still held her sight. What she told me terrified me," I turned to meet Rones gaze. "She told me you would be the death of me." He didnt say anything at first.
"You believed her?" He broke away from my gaze and walked to his window rubbing his hands over his face tiredly.
"She wasn't lying," I said. "I wanted to tell you the truth-"
"Then why didn't you? We could have worked together!" Rone began to pace back and forth which wasn't a good sign.
"I was scared, it was easier pushing you away... I know this is not an excuse but you were on the edge already from becoming King I just wanted to make things easier."
"Easier for who exactly?" Ouch. "You made a mess thats all you did Nadia. You made me believe you didn't love me anymore and then you broke off our engagement by leaving!" The hatred that boiled around him was powerful, he really believed I didnt love him? "Why did you decided to tell me the truth now?" He paused finally looking up at me, searching.
The answer wasn't clear, I didn't know why I was here only that I wanted to be. I wanted to tell him the truth, "Do you still love me Rone?" I looked into his eyes, really looked and searched for the man who caught my heart time after time, was he still there?"
"You wouldn't love me if you knew the truth," his face then twisted in guilt, his heart racing against his blue tunic. "You will never forgive me."
I stepped forward slowly, only inches apart from him making him hold my gaze, "What did you do?" My words were broken and heavy, I could almost feel the disappointment. I had to summon whatever strength I had to curve the ache of my magic at my finger tips.
"I can't get her out of my head," tears now formed in his swollen eyes. The Rone who stood before me was gone and I didn't even realize fully until now, his heart wasn't only mine it never was. Just like Lorelie and Vero, doomed from the beginning. "We slept together," at least he kept it short and sweet.
I wish I could say I was a respectable lady after the news I received but this might be the ugliest I have seen me myself yet.
"You disgust me," there it was again, a hatred I knew too well then it faded into shock. The kind of feelings I thought I had grew out of. "You couldn't wait to bury your failures and sorrows into that leech," If I saw her right now I would kill her without a second though I had to suppress the urge to do so with Rone. He tried to reach for me, he tried to speak but a spark of light lashed out at the distance between us, a warning. "Dont touch me..." my voice wasn't my own, it was like a beast was being unleashed, pawing its way through. I needed to get out of here, all of a sudden I really did feel sick as Rones eyes grew brighter and brighter, burning into my mind.
I whirled around my wings spreading out behind me as I ran to the balcony and leaped into the night, my wings beating hard as I soared as fast as possible. For the first time in my life I didn't want to be home, I couldn't even think of it as that.
A home isn't a place.
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