Chapter 14: Starcrossed
When we got back to Dragons mountain I decided to head inside of the manor before a naked Ash decided to shift back into his human form. Blade walked towards Ash with new clothes and a smug smile as I rushed away.
When I got to my room Gregory wasn't in, I figured this late he was most likely headed to a tavern and flirting with pretty dragon girls. Not that I really cared, I was happy for him as long as he was happy but I dont think even he knows what makes him happy anymore. I knew he needed out of these mountains just as much as I did and I'm sure Ash wouldn't mind if he came.
Every minute and every second we are making history. Creating a new map, new rules and to adjust we had to take things one step at a time to build a world to be proud of. In our history blood was always shed for power and I'm not a naive Fae... there will be more women like the one I met tonight. But I knew whether it was humans, fae or dragons that stood in my way would be cut down like a weed.
Even though my goal was clear there was still the one problem, I didn't really know what was going to become of Rone and I. When I watched him ride to me, I felt hope just a glimpse of everything I was letting go. I wanted to get off of my horse and run into his arms and find a way to make things work but when I looked into his eyes, when I looked at his heart I saw her....
I saw Nixins wild gaze and pale hands clinging to him. I didn't know what it meant but it broke my heart and I did what I do best, I ran. The funny thing is I swore after Gregory I couldn't love again, not that I couldn't but I simply wouldn't. And then I met Rone. I was numb to everything but power. My goal was to make my body a weapon. I was supposed to be Rones Guard and nothing more but he showed me there was so much more I could have.
I had built up walls so high no one could climb them... even to Berella all because I was too scared. Can you believe that? Me... Scared. I guess I had every reason to be. I was never meant to fall for him, was I? You'd think two people who discovered that they've been reincarnated to fall in love every life time would make them take their separate ways. Nope, we thought we could take on anything and anyone.
I wrote Rone a short letter about the Fae over the hill top, that we needed to gather the Trax and ride to Delphia as soon as possible. There was so much more I wanted to say but I kept the letter short for both of our sanity. If he didn't responded by tomorrow I would have to ride there and thats the last thing I needed or wanted. I handed the letter to one of Ashs fastest riders.
"This is of the most importance I need you to hand this to the king personally and wait for his letter to bring back to me," I instructed the older gentleman. I wished Gregory was here or Berella but Ive called out to her and received nothing, what was the point of a connection she completely ignores?
I went out to the gardens for some fresh air before bed to watch the shooting stars over the mountain, I'd never get tired of the beauty Valkri holds. There's so much I dont know but crave to find out, Dragons... I want to understand them. Tonight proved that there are people out there but it also proved that we're not completely safe.
"Its a cold night," I whirled around to a strange voice, a young girl maybe sixteen. She was in a simple green gown and a patched up brown cloak, insinuating she wasn't of wealth maybe a maid or kitchen girl. "You should have guards with you most of the men around here aren't gentlemen like," she said sipping on a flask. "Want some? I always sneak some whine from the kitchen after my shift," she whispered. "Don't tell."
"Your secrets safe with me," I said grabbing the metal flask from her, taking two gulps before I handed it back. "I'm Nadia."
"I know who you are, the whole town knows, I'm Loryn a kitchen maid in the manor I was transferred out of the farms so I guess this is nice," she sighed dramatically looking up at the sky.
"You weren't afraid to talk to me?" I asked her as she looked down at me her wide doe brown eyes dark in the barely light garden.
"You aren't much older then me, what is there to be scared of?" She frowned slightly, "unless there is something to be scared of."
"No of course not, its just most people dont approach me," I explained.
"That's because everyone here is nosy but dont have the balls to approach you, or they simply think they're better then you," she shrugged. "I happen to be too young to care so how do you like Dragons Tower?"
"I love it everyone is pretty nice for the most part though I haven't done much guys seem to have it all planned out here Ash seems to be a good enough man," I admitted. "How old are you?"
"Thirty," I guess I could see how thats considered young to dragons Ash would be considered ancient. "Time moves different for us our lives are endless till they aren't it would suck if we aged as humans did." It made sense even Fae aged slowly but not that slow, "Don't let him fool you... Ash is the kindest man here, the bravest by far. After his daughter and wife died when the curse broke out, he made it his job to care for everyone. You and Ash are a lot more alike then you'd think."
"I never knew he was married," I frowned.
"They were married for almost two decades, their child was one of the first to die when the curse broke out she was a Fae/Dragon offspring. I didn't get to meet her but I heard she was as beautiful as the sky."
"He must've loved her deeply two decades is a long time to spend with someone."
"No one knows of the depth of their relationship, once the curse broke out he found himself here. He gathered as many survivors as he could along with his people and made Dragons Tower to what it is today. So no one would have to suffer what he lost."
"He's strong being able to overcome personal loss and still lead his people," if he could do it there was after all some hope for me. Rone is still alive but I couldn't fathom a world without him but just like all things you grow. I could move past this after all the hardest part was done, I said goodbye. Now I just need something to hold onto.
"We all have lost and will lose people we love, it's how we honor them is what matters."
"I think this chat has done me some good," I mused as she handed me her flask again. "Have you ever been in love?" I asked curiously. One of the first questions Berella had asked me when we met, I thought it was a ridiculous one but you can tell a lot from who someone loves and how they love.
"God no," she scrunched her nose in revolt.
"If I were to tell you to stay away from it I'd be a fool," I said into the night as the torches in the walkway behind us shifted with a gust of wind.
"A wise fool, come let's go inside before we catch a cold," Loryn shivered wrapping her cloak tighter around herself.
"So you never seen the old world?" I asked as we walked back to the manor.
"Nope, have you?"
"I'm only 18," I laughed.
"You're kidding," Loryn gasped as we shuffled into the foyer, I was warm from the alcohol but not near as intoxicated as Loryn.
"Do you stay in the manor?" I asked helping her on a velvet couch. "I could get you a carriage home."
"I stay in the maids quarters I'll find my way, it was nice meeting you Nadia," she smiled sweetly.
"The pleasure was mine, goodnight."
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