Once I had switched on my data as early as 6am,my phone was buzzing with notifications.
My phone was practically hanging and I had to wait for it regain it's senses.
I tapped on the Instagram app and the first picture was that of Yobanna, the caption
Happy birthday to @yobannaBrown,we love you so much,from all of us that Universal phones, have a lovely day.
Universal phones picture of him had gained over 10k likes within an hour,more and more pictures were just about him.
Teen celebrities I was following all posted his picture, tagging him,wow,he was actually friends with all these people?
The class group chat was ablaze,girls posting his picture up and down all over the group, same on their Twitter and other social media sites. Like it was practically world Yobanna's day and before long World Yobanna's day was actually trending on Twitter with over 200k tweets.
God when
His manager Paris had actually posted on her page,it was a picture of herself and Yobanna,he was taller than her but it wasn't so noticable,her in some Versace shirt and him donned in a Christian Dior, everybody knew how much these people had on their body in the name of clothes.
No one would ever believe I had actually hugged this boy the previous day,that I actually saw him most times and that I chatted with him. He looked really good in the photo with Paris,it was an unaware picture though but it looked so fine,his hair in locks and the dark shades over his eyes,was it even legal to look this good?
Over 30k,now now oh!
But in the midst of all these,I didn't see a single post from this human,wait o?
I quickly searched his page.
And checked on the last picture he posted,it was the one he had modelled for a clothing brand.
November 3
And today was actually November 26,wait?No posts from him and all these ruckus was happening.
Mad o
Well,he did say he was going to come to school today and I hoped he does and that brought me to the question,what the hell was I going to give him?
Yobanna was an early person, even though he was busy person,he didn't come to school late and that was why when I had arrived at school and I didn't find him,i knew he was somewhere around,he had promised to come.
I texted him
Where are you?
He replied almost immediately
Library 🙃
I tossed the phone back in my pocket and walked to the library,the chill breeze of the month seeping through my uniform.
I knew where he was going to be and so I made my way to the far end of the library,I paused when I finally found him,he was yet to notice my presence.
Why did I pause?
The whole internet was talking about him, celebrating his birthday on his behalf,oga was just there reading Castle of Otranto and occasionally playing Candy crush on his phone.
Its the audacity for me. Honestly.
He raised his head from his phone and there it was, that look as though he was seeing someone that wasn't the person I saw in the mirror every morning. Tender looks yet intense.
"Why are you standing there?" He sounded more cheerful today than the previous day,well he had to,first it was his birthday and secondly I was hugging him now. Tightly.
"Happy birthday" I told him over and over again
"Thank you" he whispered against my hair,I was going to leave his arms but the big baby craftily made me seat on his legs,still hugging me.
"I don't want this to end,I want to keep hugging you" He whispered.
"You can keep hugging me later,I have something for you"He let go of me,I really do not weigh anything with the way he was comfortably sitting.
"You didn't even tell me today was your birthday"I eyed him
" I forgot"I looked at his face,this boy was actually serious,he didn't even remember his birthday.
"Is it because of your brother?" I asked him and I watched him turn away and then looked at me.
" Partly but majorly because I always forget,I remember only when I wake up and all the notifications start coming in, I'm weird abi" His eyes were twinkling in amusement.
" Of course you are weird,I love birthdays"I said dreamily. But my birthdays have not always been eventful since my dad died but I didn't tell him.
"Don't worry,your birthdays will definitely be fun from now on"He told me as though he could hear my thoughts. I smiled wearily and draw my small bag closer and brought out a copy of a book.
"I didn't know what you like exactly,I figured out that you probably have enough boxers and singlets"
He was laughing now and I joined him.
"And I totally do not know what I'll gift you,I knew about your birthday this morning,so I went to the nearest bookshop and fortunately,in your hands are the first copies of all of Donald Prince's books, Isabella,The things we do, Before Matric and Before Sixteen,they all got released today and you are lucky, people rushed them"
He was looking at me intently now while I talked, holding the books as though he would never let them go
"I know they aren't very extravagant you know" I laughed nervously "But I just.."I was always blabbering when nervous but he was already kissing me,me on his legs and his hand around my waist, holding me in place as he kissed me softly, like he would never hurt me.
"Thank you Selena, you've given me one of the best gifts in a long while,majorly I got money,flashy stuffs but this one Selena,it means a lot to me"
I smiled.
"But you have mind o,your birthday is currently trending and you are here reading Castle of Otranto"
He laughed. God,this boy is finee.
" I don't know,I just don't know where to start from,like my phone is buzzing every second and I don't know what to do,where to start reply from"
" You've not even posted anything about your birthday!"
"Yeah,that's another thing,I have over 5000+ messages on WhatsApp,where do I start from? "
I laughed at him,I didn't have any solution to proffer.
He read a message on his phone.
"Interviews by 2 and 5,mehn,I don't think I'll be going"
"Why"I furrowed my eyebrows.
"I don't know,I just feel tired in advance" He confessed and I chuckled
"Just go there,use that medium to say thank you to everyone who wished you"
He nodded.
"I'm surprised he actually came for this interview,his just so stubborn most of the times"Paris told me,in her hand was some yogurt,she has gotten two, one for me too.
She was wearing suit,like a red trouser and white shirt inside and the jacket over it,trust me,she looked hot and every shade of classy.
"He actually didn't want to come"
We were outside watching him in the studio of MTV as he answered questions. He looked so cute I had to admit.
"Look at your face" Paris laughed loudly,
"You look smitten by him" she added and gulped her yogurt.
I blushed and turned my face away, Paris was something else.
"So tell me,hope you guys don't do what I would do?"She winked at me and I face palmed, seriously?
"We've not done anything yet" I swear I was blushing shamelessly.
"But you certainly have kissed"And she wriggled her brow and I didn't know when I started laughing.
"Didn't know that the isi aki will ever like a girl"She snorted
" He'll always be acting tough, giving me unnecessary headache"She whined and I smiled.
"But i like you Selena. I like whatever you both have. You see, Yobanna I don't know stuffs his going through cos he doesn't tell people but he needs some shoulder and you are definitely one person I like with him"She was smiling, looking at me and then at him like a proud mother
"God,I really give nice speeches, don't I?" And she rolled in laughter and I joined her again, Jesus,if she was my seatmate, I'd definitely not learn anything in school all day.
"I like you too Paris,you are amazing" I told her honestly and then I watched her expression flatter for a while.
"It means a lot coming from you Selena,thank you" it was honestly the first time she was serious.
She took another gulp from the bottle and smiled at me. Paris was something else,what was she thinking when she bought such large bottle for herself,mine wasn't even gone halfway and the yogurt was really nice no doubt but it was largee.
But that we why she was Paris,she was definitely different.
"There's a small birthday party, it's always been me, Yobanna,his brother and his three friends, I'll love you to be there"Her hands in her pants now fishing out her phone
I wanted to protest,I had a job to attend too,I was already cooking up a story but she lifted her eyes off the phone and gave me a pointed look
"You'll be there, won't you?" She asked me, looking at me that way that told me she wasn't just asking.
"Okay,I'll tag along"I shrugged
I should have known when Paris said small party,it wouldn't be so small,the party was happening in Dozie house for unknown reasons.
Dozies house was large, guy, was that even the right word to qualify it.
It made me realize that these boys were actually really rich, that they weren't just rich,they had loads of money to spare and not get broke.
The gate was looking like marble and it had opened automatically on its own, making Paris drive in,yeah,she actually drove myself and Yobanna, bobbling her head to Said by Runtown and Nasty C. The song was actually on repeat throughout the journey and though her voice wasn't so nice,I found solace in the fact that she could rap Nasty C part effortlessly.
"Nasty C is gonna be so proud of me,dude did you see that?"She chuckled, swerving into another street.
"Show off" Yobanna laughed,he was actually laughing more these days,him sitting beside me, holding my hands occasionally.
"You are just jealous brah,I'm definitely tagging him or I'll just send the video to his DM to post"
My eyes widened at that.
" Wait,you chat with Nasty C?"I asked.
"Yeah, we've been following each other over a year now and we chat occasionally"She shrugged,the way she was so casual about this stuff. This was Nasty C we were talking about.
"Who's the highest person following you on your Instagram?" I asked again
" Rihanna"She replied casually again,wait, what!?
Rihanna was following her?
She turned back for a while and then laughed hard at my expression.
"Chill, Yobanna has Drake, Billie Eish,Justin Bieber following him including Rihanna o"She told me and my jaw dropped,like literally dropped that I had to pick it up, literally.
The said boy was just sitting beside me, smiling calmly like he wasn't the one that was followed by all these people.
"I just meet them at events sometimes" He eyed Paris and looked outside as though he was nervous.
"You both are so lucky"
They both shrugged as though it was nothing, remind me what I was doing in this car with these people, they were way above my imagination and class.
I felt fingers interlacing with mine reassuredly, long fingers that seemed well pampered against mine,how does mine feel, probably hard from washing too much dishes, clothes and scrubbing the walls. I wanted to take my fingers off but he still held them and then I turned to meet such soft looks that melted me.
Now we were actually in Dozies compound and I had to hold my breath for a while.
When they said don't throw stones at a glass building,they were actually talking about Dozie house,so tall and standing magnificent,glass everywhere as though it was more of a multi billion company than a home and then the fountains,at almost every angle,flowers and lots of workers around.
Somehow I discovered I had never been in Yobanna's house,I had only seen it on TV as Africa's finest home. How was it then going to look like?
Dozies house had totally taken my breathe away,how much exactly was used in building this artwork
We walked in,the door was opened by a doorman and we actually took an elevator. An elevator in somebody's house.
God, when?
We arrived few minutes later and then we stepped in an hallway. Yobanna and Paris looked as though they had come several times before but I couldn't help the awe on my face.
Artworks lined up the passage right to the very end, paintings, vases, anything you could think of and then the red carpet as though it was a run way and then the walls were a soothing pink. It blended really well.
"This is Dozies floor,like this whole floor belong to him"Paris announced,her hand in her pocket
Okay, someone tell me not to shout right now,how could someone own a whole floor,there were about 5 doors at each side.
So about 10 rooms belong to him alone. There were rich people and richhh people. These guys were wealthy as hell.
Paris pushed the first door at the right and got in.
"Happy birthday Yobanna!" Loud boisterous male voices shouted and soon they attacked the boy, punching him and hitting him with pillows on the couch.
It was actually a sitting room, Dozies sitting room. It had a simple decor,a TV, really flashy though,sound system and walls painted pink too. The couches were made of brown furs and it was so cute,the whole place had a homely feel.
There was a large table that had a large cake, that was one nice cake I had to admit especially with the butter icing and there were drinks that Paris was currently inspecting carefully.
She didn't seem bothered that the birthday boy was on the couch and they might actually kill him,seemed she was used to it,they were yet to notice my presence though and it was Dozie who actually noticed me first and he grinned,left the boy on the couch and hugged me.
"Welcome to my humble abode" He told me chuckling. His eyes were glowing, he had his contacts on I noticed.
If this whole house meant humility, lord,I wanna be humble forever.
Precious was off him too, coming to hug me,trust me, we've never had any serious conversation but he was so friendly and I remembered that kids in school usually say:
Yobanna will snob you outright,he doesn't care, don't even go close to Ken,Dozie might actually listen to you but Precious is the friendliest
"You are welcome,you are welcome"
Ken,the boy just simply nodded in my direction, God,he gave me this chills,you wouldn't even know he was part of the people laughing some minutes ago and beating up a boy. He was all expressionless.
"Aren't you all too young to be drinking sminoff ice?"Paris asked and I saw how they rolled their eyes at her.
"Paris don't come with your problem now o"Ken was the first to attack her, finding a seat for himself
"But I'm honest,I'm the adult here,I'm supposed to be responsible for you all"
"Wahala for who no be adult" Precious teased and they all laughed including Yobanna who was trying to arrange his hair better. Seemed as though it was their birthday tradition to pounce on celebrants.
I noticed they all wore similar clothes, vintage shirts and pants, Ken's own being the biggest as usual. Yobanna was wearing something identical to Paris suit,just that his was blue and he had removed the jacket now.
And me,I was wearing some gown that Paris had made me wear, pink, definitely not my favorite color but I had to admit. I looked good too and I was grateful because guy,these guys were looking way too good despite wearing normal clothing.
Dozie was fiddling with his phone now, probably trying to connect to the Bluetooth of his speaker and before long,some song by Enimen was playing
"Yobanna,come here,make a wish" Paris told him and he actually closed his eyes and blew out the candles.
"What did you wish for?" Precious asked suddenly and Yobanna chuckled calling him amebo and all that.
The birthday was actually fun,we got to play games,loads of them and then when Precious was asked to mimic someone among us,he actually stood up,his hands in his pocket.
"Aren't you guys too young to be drinking this stuff?" He mimicked and we all laughed at the accuracy
"Paris ooo" Dozie screamed and we are laughed.
I've never had so much fun at once and when it was actually time to take pictures,mehn,you had to see the flashy phones these guys pulled out.
Pictures upon pictures and they all looked cute and funny. When it was time to go home,he had actually taken me to the subway.
"Did you have fun today?" He asked me and I nodded. Thank God it was not the rush hour else I would have had a problem standing casually.
"Paris and Precious are so funny together" I chuckled remembering how they had fought for the last piece of cake and he joined in.
"Thank you for coming Selena,it means a lot" He hugged me,I would have stayed in his arms longer,breath in his colonge and feel safe but the whistle went off,it was definitely time to go.
I didn't know if he stood there till I went into the train though but when I got home,he had actually posted something,a photo of all of us from the birthday party, smiling and genuinely laughing,even Ken was smiling in this one.
+1 today
Donald Prince is actually an author on Wattpad,my guyest guy😂👊
Better check out his books,they are all lit🔥
These boys gat me shouting God when na😂,I know they are fictional oh but I really want to be part of them now 🤦😂💔
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