I parked my power bike and took my helmet in my hand. Pushed the mahogany door.
The house smelt nice,some sweet smell of meat and rice and probably stew.
My stomach rumbled at that,I was indeed hungry.
"You are back" My mum's voice got my attention. She was sitting on the double seater,her eyes no longer on some African Magic series,Tinsel. She never got tired of watching it.
I didn't respond. I didn't know what to say,of course,I was back.
She was still sitting, looking at me with her warm eyes,eyes that reminded me of Matthew,only this time they looked feminine.
She was wearing some expensive looking abaya. Looking at me as though she had something to tell me,she always had something to tell me
"Can we talk?" She asked,she looked frightened or probably it was my thoughts,unsure probably,yes,she looked unsure with the way her eyes darted around.
"What do you want to talk about?" I responded coldly so she would know I had no interest
We've never said anything to each other since the dinner night,our relationship was more severed. Worse than ever.
She stood up from the couch, walking close to me,still elegant,like she was floating.
"Yobanna..." She stopped few steps away from me..
The air was already tensed, that was the way it had always been,tensed atmosphere,heated glares and everything.
She was still contemplating and I was getting impatient.
"What do you want us to talk about?" I asked her again.
She stretched out her hand to touch my shoulder and I took a step backward leaving her hand in mid air.
She looked hurt, but I didn't care. I was already running out of patience and I felt myself getting angry. Why didn't I just ignore her and walk upstairs but then I realized I still had a tiny, tiny soft spot for her.
"I didn't know about his plan,he didn't inform me,I would never impose anything on you"
She looked as though she was saying the truth, why was she telling me?
"Okay?" She repeated after me, confused, trying to understand the okay I had just told her. Her face scrunched up in confusion
"Okay,I've heard you,can I go now?" I asked her and her face fell instantly
"Do you hate me that much?" Her voice,it sounded hurt, teary, painful.
Was she trying to blackmail me?
"Give me one reason I shouldn't hate you! Give me one reason I shouldn't hate you and your husband!" My voice rose twice the normal octave.
I took two breathes, I didn't lose my cool no matter what, raising my voice wasn't my intention. I didn't want the staffs getting to hear my voice or know anything.
"Haven't you guys pushed Matthew out already,am I the next?What kind of mother are you mum?"
" What ever happened to you?Where did we miss it?"
She wasn't saying anything,just looking at me with those doe eyes.
"So because you aren't part of a ploy doesn't make you better, doesn't make you different, doesn't cleanse you,for fucking sake,you disrespect me when you bring in men into this house! Do you care?do you care to know how I feel, God,why the fuck am I having this conversation with you?"I turned around to storm off but she was fast.
Her hand already on my wrist, standing in my path, blocking me from taking an inch.
A kitchen staff happened to stroll into the living room that moment.
"Get the fuck out of here!" I yelled and the girl scampered away,I rubbed my hand over my head,tired and exhausted from talking. I was losing my temper quick these days.
"Let me pass" I told my mum quietly but she wasn't letting me go,her hand was way too warm,like I couldn't place it.
"Please" I added. I noticed how tall I was now, towering over my mum like that.
"Yobanna, please, listen to me, please" She begged " I know I have wronged you,I know I have but please,I promise to change,I promise"
I laughed, bitterly and yanked my hand from her grip.
" Change?did you just say change,your husband will be back very soon and we will know about that,for now,you disgust me, you and your husband"I spat bitterly at her and she flinched at how harsh my words sounded.
See why I hated conversations with her,she knew the right chords that made me flip.
Wait,she was crying?
"You never want to listen to me,you never want to" She was sobbing now and I didn't know whether to keep watching her or not,I was so mad at her, angry,sad and everything,all the emotions I was feeling were so indescribable currently.
"Are you trying to blackmail me?" I asked her and chuckled "Try harder ma,you might just make me break"
And she was still looking at me,tears rolling from her eyes, emotions I couldn't describe on her face,her eyes,so weak.
I took another step backward. Now I was the bad person?
"I ..." I didn't know what to say,I just left her standing there and fled upstairs,my emotions more conflicted than it had ever been,my head in a turmoil.
Once I got into my room,I turned the lights on,my chest was tightening,I rushed to my drawer,threw it open,took out the orange container and popped two pills inside my mouth
I sat on my bed, crying my heart out,it hurts,it really does.
I didn't know when and how,I found myself sleeping off.
I didn't know how long I slept but when I woke up,I noticed someone or something on my chair, watching me and I jerked up.
"Finally, the beautiful boy is awake" she sassed
I hissed at her. Ouch,my head was hurting. I reclined better on my bed.
"You look terrible" She told me. She was wearing some hoodie and trouser. Flipping through the pages of one of my note.
I didn't respond. She was still inspecting stuffs on my table. Myself and Paris were close trust me,she wore some of my hoodies sometimes,sometimes I felt she wasn't my manager. But she was, according to rankings on some online contest, Paris was ranked number 1.
She looked at me,right in the eyes and then turned away.
"Why were you crying?" She asked.
Girl is a witch
"I don't want to talk about it"I resorted,I didn't have strength to deny.
"Sure you good?" She asked again watching me as I stood from my bed.
" Yeah"
"I cancelled your photoshoot with Pepsi drink,your mum told me you weren't so good"
I snapped.
"Who gave her the fucking..."I paused mid sentence, trying hard to constrain my breathing seeing the kind of shock on Paris face. I took two breaths in.
"Next time just ask me first" I said instead.
I was going to use the restroom and when I was back, Paris was holding a bottle of wine.
"Aren't you too young to be consuming this stuff?" She asked me inspecting the bottle,I was grateful she didn't ask about my outburst.
"Paris I really don't feel talking"
I found some aspirin in my drawer and Paris poured some water for me from the jug.
"Thank you"I mumbled and swallowed the stuff
She sat close to me, watching me intently.
"You are creeping me out" I told her.
"I'm always here for you,like I always am,your eyes speak volumes of the stuffs you are going through that I don't know about.."
" Paris..."
" Yobanna. You need help."She told me.
I didn't know what I should say next.
I just climbed back on my bed and tried to pull the comforter over myself
"I'll cancel all your appointments this week,you need to rest"she told me and posed,her hands in her pocket.
"It's weird when you are acting nice" I finally told her and she laughed.
"Mumu,you cannot even say thank you" She snorted and pulled the comforter away from my body.
She was already at the door, sticking out her tongue and dancing some funny moves that I couldn't help but laugh.
She opened the door and then stood there for a while.
"And better call our wife,I didn't know you could save someone's name with emojis"
I covered my face laughing and threw a pillow at her which she caught accurately.
"I'll change that password Paris,I must today" I yelled and winced,my headache wasn't totally gone.
She laughed at me as she threw the pillow back and left and suddenly I felt alone. Again.
When I woke up the next morning, the first scent I perceived was a familiar scent of vanilla and coconut,like a scent I knew very well and so I turned around and found someone on my bed, sleeping soundly. Her hair scattered around the pillow and the blanket barely covering her. Only one person could sleep like that
She rolled on cue and nearly kicked my eyeballs out with her legs, muttering incoherent words and I actually chuckled. She was a terrible sleeper and I wondered how I didn't get up at night due to her kicks and rolling.
I stood up, pulled aside the windows allowing the sun rays fill the room, illuminating the whole room with it's bright lights.
Madam was still sleeping despite how bright the room had become.
My stomach was rumbling since I had gone to bed on her empty stomach,I slept from afternoon to evening and after Paris left,I continued.
Okay,we had sleep in our genes.
It was when I had my shower and was about to grab a box of cereals downstairs that she rolled over, sitting upright, yawning and trying hard to rub the sleep off her eyes.
She saw me watching her and before I could say jack,she was already on me, hugging me,her legs wrapped around my waist squealing,I could never get use to it.
"I miss you,I miss you, I miss you" She kept repeating over and over again while I tried to stand well, holding her tight and laughing.
Still hyperactive as ever.
"Bro Mattew picked me up yesterday afternoon,we went to some places and then he dropped me off but you were already sleeping when I came in and I had to sleep close to you cos I miss you"She said all at once.
"I missed you too, God,you weigh so much, come down biko"I dropped her gently.
She didn't braid her hair,so she had just tied it with a ribbon that was undone now.
She looked happy as always though and the huge smile still plastered on her face.
"With all these your muscles, you are still complaining"She eyed me.
" Of course, I have too, I've not eaten since yesterday"
"You are not hungry that's why na"
I ignored her.
She was now sitting on my bed, yawning and stretching.
"Don't pollute my room with your bad breathe o,go and brush"I teased her and the hyper human stood up chasing me around the room trying to blow her breathe right on my face.
"Zara leave me na" I tried to catch my breath, laughing and jumping over the bed and pulling the door fast.
"Till you promise me ice cream"She hollered at me,we were now running down the passage.
"Okay okay" I replied and somehow we had found ourselves at the edge of the staircase.
"Promise?" Her eyes were sparkling and I nodded. She liked running too much and I didn't see it as fun except I was playing a game.
She tried to fight the stubborn hair to stop clouding her vision. She didn't even look out of breath.
"You are the best big bro everrrr" She tried to hug me but I didn't know whether to push her away, little devil.
"She's beautiful" She muttered still hugging me.
" Who?" I pulled away gently from her hold.
"The girl you kissed at the dinner"
I was suddenly embarrassed,like it was just nerve wracking I had to discuss a kiss with my baby sister. I rubbed my hands over my head repeatedly.
She was supposed to be in a boarding house but I forgot that some students were day students and Chizara knew and now she was talking about it.
"It's in the past" I muttered and tried to walk away but soon she was blocking my path
"So is she your girlfriend, have you kissed her again?"She asked,she was asking innocently yet a smirk underneath, sly witch
"Aren't you supposed to be reading your book or something?"
" I'm on break"She replied fast, still smirking.
"Then give yourself homework or something or project" I replied walking away
" It's just a kiss" She hollered and I turned swiftly around.
Just a kiss?
I walked slowly towards her,in slow strides, trying to understand her statement.
"Just a kiss? Chizara?" She knew what I meant with my expression and the way I cocked my head too,I needed answers.
"What?I didn't say I've kissed anyone...yet" She stuttered, unable to look at my face,her eyes darting around.
"Who is he?" I asked instead.
"Huh..."..she took a step backward probably cos of the glare I had "I swear I've not kissed anyone,I swear" she rushed her words.
"It better be true. You are just 15" I told her and then she stopped me with a question
"So do I get to start kissing people by 18?"
"Till you turn 18 we will know" I replied coldly. Chizara is too young I kept mumbling to myself.
"You are too serious" I heard her say finding her way around but I ignored her. She was my responsibility.
"And I have some letters for you from my seniors in school"I heard her say.
Whenever she came back from school for break,she came with lots of them, students expressing their love.
" Burn them"I replied and made my way upstairs
He attended class two more times and a particular Friday,there were very few students who had arrived.
May I tell you that oga never comes early,always 5 minutes late and he always strolled in like he owned the place.
I discovered that Anthony had actually taken the video and posted but he never knew that it would go viral.
So I had plugged in my headphones listening to Jalabi baby by Tesher, loving the song and dancing in front of the mirror.
Fact;I didn't speak to 5% of the people here,so most times I minded my business and danced in front of the mirror. I only rolled with Adam and Waje.
I was warming up and doing some moves,some moves until I noticed the group of girls who were practicing had left their stead and were now walking towards me.
One of them yanked my earphones off my ears,a disrespect I ignored because I wanted to hear their reason.
Everyone knew Ann,she was one of the best at the academy. She was tall,as tall as I was and she had this brown skin like cocoa and small eyes too and then her signature tainted hair which was white and a mixture of gold.
But she had a nasty attitude.
"Everyone was practically invisible to you, everyone and then suddenly you are everywhere"
I was wondering where she was heading to. They were three in number;her minions. I didn't ever know their names.
And guy,I would singlehandedly beat them without flinching so I wasn't even bothered if they were up to 7.
Personally,I could handle them,a single punch was sure to knock them off,I didn't pull hair with people,neither did I scratch faces,I threw accurate punches.
Their looks didn't even scare me one bit.
"Go straight to the point" I told her,my hands in my pocket as I analysed her.
"Oh,so you can actually talk to people. I never knew" she said sarcastically, laughing and clapping her hands.
"So how does it feel like, going viral because of him?"
I chuckled.
" It feels good"I replied and oh,it feels good cos she was definitely not expecting that reply.
"So because you think you can dance you just ignore people and act as though they don't exist and suddenly the new boy comes along and you are all over him like a fly that you are, dancing and acting as miss know it all,I thought you were the miss perfect girl,the one who didn't have time for boys, what changed,huh,cos his dad is rich right?"
" Correction bitch,I can dance and why are you pained that I'm ignoring everyone,did anyone complain?,if I ignore you,then ignore me too" I stated plainly.
I knew she still felt pained that her boyfriend dumped her because of his stupid crush on me,I no kuku send
"And you know it more than everyone" I stepped forward " I don't throw myself on boys,they do, including your boyfriend"
Oh,that was enough to make her crack,I saw it,the pain that flashed her eyes and the moment she raised her hand to slap me,I didn't shake,I was waiting for her hands to touch my face.
I laughed as I watched her hands caught in mid air. She knew better than touching me,I saw how she restrained herself.
My hands were still casually in my pocket as I watched her.
"Thank God you didn't touch me,I'm proud of you cos I wouldn't be so sure if you would remain the second best here" I was looking her in the eye and watching as she cracked.
"Bitch!"She yelled at me and walked away, probably with tears in her eyes
That went well.
And so an hour later, dance lessons started and Ken strolled in ten minutes late wearing his over sized clothes and looking fine as usual.
He always made it a duty to dance close to me and when it was time for some freestyles,I knew what I wanted to do badly.
I drew Ken to the middle and when Jalabi baby by Tesher began to play, I moved against him,my lower back pressed against him as I moved my waist against him.
Everyone gasped but I wanted badly to see Ann's face and oh,I got the reaction I wanted,the bitch was close to tears.
Call me petty!
Kim is wicked Sha,just know that one,if madam Ann had raised a finger ehn,Kim would have dealt with her like she did to CJ.
Yobanna and acting big brother roles😅
And I just appreciate the relationship between Paris and Yobanna. Sometimes Paris will act sane and sometimes you know na😂😂
Ann's hair color was actually inspired by one of my friend,trust me that girl is finnnnne😩😩 and that hair color is bomb,white with gold at the edges😩 and she doesn't have any nasty attitude,she's my sweet heart 💋💓
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