yoon , let me make you wet .
They started to walk towards the car, Jimin sitting in first when I suggested we walk and stay around the neighborhood, getting everyone to agree.
Jimin stepped back out of the car as coach took his bag and I was in awe at how perfect his shorts made his dick look and showed off his thighs.
Pulling Jimin towards me, I lifted him into my arms, my mouth nearly hanging open at the weight difference he had compared to before.
"WHOOO COME ON MY PRINCE WE SHALL RUUUUUUN!!" I shouted as I down the streets with him screaming in my arms.
Everyone followed us out as we walked to a close by restaurant, staying fairly local.
"I'm so fucking famished, my energy needs to be replenished," Namjoon groaned as we all looked over at him.
"You could just say you're hungry and want to eat," Hoseok gave Namjoon an unimpressed look over his phone as we made ourselves comfortable.
"Hobi ain't havin none of yo vocab shit todaaaay," I snapped my fingers as everyone laughed.
"I can't wait to eat, let's order three of everything!" Jin volunteered as I knew we'd never be able to finish all of that.
Then Jimin could eat to his fill and whatever he wanted.
"What do you want to eat?" Hoseok turned to me as the waitress turned from a distance to come over to us.
"Jimin's thighs!" I responded as Yoongi choked next to me, Jimin turning to look away as he smiled softly. "I'll just eat from what we are ordering," I told him as he nodded.
The waitress looked over at our group, eyeing each of us as she smirked, unbuttoning her top more than it already was while I internally groaned.
Great, another whore as a waitress.
People like her really dirtied waitress' names.
Pushing her boobs up and together, she opened her hair from the loose ponytail it was in, running a hand through her hair. As if her skirt wasn't short enough, she pulled it up higher, her face caked with makeup as she batted her eyelashes. She walked over to us, clicking her heels loudly against the tiles of the floor, jutting her hips out with each step.
I tried to contain my laughter at her walk and how extremely long it was taking her to reach us even if we weren't they far.
My laugh got stuck in my throat when she came over to our table and placed a hand over Jimin and Yoongi's thighs.
"What can I get you fine men today?" She grinned at us as I looked away.
I felt Taehyung eye me as I just went on my phone.
As long as she wasn't hurting them, I had no reason to intrude unless I was told to.
I couldn't simply take actions over my own thoughts without the order to do so.
Just because she laid a hand on them didn't mean she was going to rape them or attack them.
I just overthought everything and was paranoid over the simplest shit.
Yippee ka fucking yay.
I felt Jimin shift closer to me as the waitress wrote down the orders. Raising an eyebrow, I looked over at him as he had a pleading face, slowly intertwining our hands together. He gave my hand a squeeze, his eyes going to the hand that was on his knee from the other woman.
'Please, get it off,' he mouthed as I nodded, a prominent smirk growing on my face.
Now this is where I take action.
"My prince," I lowered my voice, slowly blinking while I stared at Jimin.
"U-uh," Jimin stuttered as I pulled him close to me by his hand that was in mine, bringing him into my spot of where I was sitting.
Lifting myself up, I sat over his thighs, our bare skin touching as I leaned forward. Wrapping my legs to around his waist where they were on each of his sides, I slid forward closer to him, our chests pressed together. I threw my arms around his neck as my dress slid higher up my thighs. Laying my head over his shoulder, I pressed my lips against his neck softly, feeling a shiver run through him as I eyed the waitress.
Giving her a smirk, I winked at her as her mouth dropped.
Pressing her lips in a tight line, she gulped and turned away from us, listening to what Hoseok and Jin were telling her that we wanted.
"T-thank you," Jimin whispered into my ear as he moved his arms to stay loosely around my waist.
"Never a problem, handsome," I grinned when he gave a bashful smile and looked away, hiding his face into my neck.
I felt so happy that Jimin was bit by bit returning to himself. Lately, he had always pushed me away or avoided when I tried to touch him in any way. Now he was holding me back and not saying anything about me sitting over him.
Though the hardest part of him eating and not throwing it back up was still to come.
Progress is progress.
She kept her gaze on Yoongi as I watched her lean towards him. I narrowed my eyes as she threw herself at him, faking a fall so Yoongi would catch her.
But nothing of the sort happened because Yoongi simply moved away from her falling form as she caught herself against the table we were all seated around.
Letting a cough out, she kept staring at him as I snapped my eyes away from her, clenching Jimin's shirt into a fist.
She's not hurting him.
Not my concern.
"If you have something in your eye, could you blink rapidly somewhere else so it doesn't get in my food?" I heard Yoongi say to her in a monotone voice as she stood up, shocked.
She went to look at the rest of us, Taehyung already having a hickey covered Jungkook in his lap while Namjoon kept a protective arm around Jin. Hoseok naturally stayed away from her on his phone as I sat on Jimin, smirking at her.
She huffed, flipping her hair over her shoulder before she walked away to give our order to the other employee. I let a sigh out, leaning against Jimin as he played with the strands of my hair.
"Did you hear the news this time?" Jin asked as we all turned our heads to him. "They're saying that Y/N is pregnant with Jungkook's kid and cheated on Namjoon," we all burst into laughter hearing it as it had become a routine to see.
I was always sexually involved with every member and the stories they could come up with were ridiculous.
"Oh, let me guess!" Hoseok sat up onto his elbows. "They used that picture where Y/N carried Jungkook on her back to our hotel because he scraped his knee during dance practice?" He asked as Jin nodded and we started to laugh again.
"And then for Namjoon it must've been when she gave him a good luck hug before he went on stage to perform?" Jungkook questioned as Jin nodded, laughing harder.
"It's bizarre with how much they can take something out of context," Taehyung stated as we nodded.
"But ARMYs are doing such a great job of defending Y/N too, which makes me really happy and proud to have such fans," Namjoon said as another girl brought over our food, setting it down as I instantly raised my guard.
Not that she was going to openly throw herself at any of the guys, but I didn't trust her the second I saw her. Something was off, she was never here, and I knew most people that worked here. Of course there was the exception of newer employees, but they would wear a different name tag.
Hers wasn't different, but she had also never been here.
I tensed in Jimin's arms as her gaze went over me subtly, giving me a smile as though it had double meanings. Yet in the next moment, her face wiped away of anything sinister, an innocent smile as she saw Yoongi.
What the fuck kind of a nickname was 'Yoonzie'?!
Rolling my eyes, I buried my face into Jimin's neck when Yoongi responded and I could hear the smile he wore.
"Yui! I never thought I'd see you working here!" He exclaimed as she laughed back.
"I've missed you!" She pouted and when I turned my gaze to her, she pulled Yoongi into her arms as he held her.
Maybe they were lovers.
Not my problem.
I turned around in Jimin's arms, sliding off to sit in between his legs instead as his arms coiled around me.
I took the rice and steak that had come and set it in front of Jimin and myself, piling it onto his plate as he stared at me.
"I don't think I can eat all of this," he said as I looked to see that there really was far too much even if he stuffed himself.
"We'll share then," I gave a careless shrug as I grabbed a fork and started to eat, not paying attention to Yui or her gushing over Yoongi.
I felt a poke on my shoulder as I turned to Jimin.
"There's only one f-fork for us," his gaze was on the fork in my hand as I looked to see everyone with their forks.
"Okay? I don't get it," I blinked at him cluelessly, pulling at the steak and putting it on the fork as I brought it up to his mouth.
He gulped and didn't move, staring at me as I held the fork against his mouth.
Oh, sauce!
Of course, we always drenched the sauce.
Dipping the steak into the sauce, I brought it back up to his mouth, keeping my hand under the forkful so it wouldn't drip onto him.
"Eat," I told him as he still stared at me, not opening his mouth.
Scrunching my nose up, I pushed the steak against his lips as he gasped, the food going in his mouth as I wiped his lips with my thumb, licking the sauce off my thumb as I went to eat myself.
Taehyung was sitting next to me as he gave me his fork, grinning at what I had done.
"I'll share with him," he said as he was talking about the hickey covered Jungkook in his arms. "You and Jimin can eat," he gave me a knowing look as I eyed everyone, catching Yoongi's gaze as well.
I couldn't read his emotions, but at the moment, I didn't care.
Jimin's health was more important than some girl of his.
Giving a nod, everyone nodded back at me, ready to eat past our limits so Jimin could fill his stomach properly.
Hopefully we won't be the ones throwing up later.
Laughing internally at the thought, I took Taehyung's knife to cut the steak so it'd be easier to eat in pieces. Placing it back over his plate, I let Jimin eat as I started to eat the rice, taking some of the chicken that Jungkook was eating as well.
"So how do you like it here?" Yui asked Yoongi as I hadn't heard what they were saying before, too focused on Jimin.
"It's great," he answered as he ate.
"You guys are eating so fast," Jimin whispered in my ear as I turned my head, my lips grazing his as his eyes widened, feeling everyone's gaze on us as Taehyung and Jungkook choked on their laughter.
"Then maybe you should speed up too," I suggested, my voice so soft even Jimin barely heard it. "Aren't you hungry?" I raised a brow as he looked back down at the plate and back at his thighs.
Placing a hand over his thigh, I gave it a firm squeeze, leaning to whisper into his ear.
"Don't worry about it so much, your thighs are such a turn on," his ears heated up as he shifted slightly, my lips brushing over the soft cartilage of his ear.
I went back to eating as I saw Taehyung wear a smirk in the corner of my eye, feeding Jungkook.
"Don't you have to go back to work so you won't get in trouble?" Jin asked through a mouthful of pasta.
"I actually just got my lunch break!" She cheered as she sat herself down next to Yoongi.
I looked over at the large clock, gritting my teeth.
This restaurant's owner never gave lunch breaks at this time.
I knew the manager's schedule and routine for every employee, it was something coach made me do to train my mind.
I memorized details about each and every place near my house and who worked where, what shift, where they lived, how long they worked.
It was something that stressed the hell out of me, always having sleepless nights to figure things out when I first moved here.
I realized that remembering all of that was actually so important to me and why coach really was harsh on me to know them.
Because that way I'd know any new face.
Anyone that may be linked to my family.
My parents sending someone after me.
Seems like I won't be sleeping tonight either. I'd have to figure out what was with her. The newer workers that were local always stood out like a sore thumb and were obvious.
Yet Yui blended in.
When she shouldn't.
It was what threw me off so much.
Either that, or I was overthinking everything and getting ahead of myself.
"Yoonzie and I go way way back!" She exclaimed as Namjoon grunted.
"No one asked," he responded while Jin was forcing him to stuff his mouth with mangoes.
I heard Jimin stifle a laugh in my neck as my breath hitched over the feeling of his breath over me, his teeth slowly resting against the skin.
"Hahah, I know," she forced an an obvious laugh out as Yoongi didn't seem to notice. "I just am so happy to see him with so many others!"
Sure as hell doesn't sound like it.
I tuned her out, my focus on Jimin as he was eating normally. He seemed to noticed how much we were eating and felt more comfortable to eat, since I knew he'd end up eating less than us because we wouldn't stop until he was done.
I heard Yui's laughter as I bit too hard on the potato I was eating. I felt a tap over my thigh as I gave a hum and faced Jimin while he pointed to the fries. I reached over to take a few in my hand as I put them in our plate. I picked one up in my fingers as I held it to Jimin's lips.
He glanced over at me as I pushed the fry against him again. He opened his lips slowly as he chewed away at the fry. Picking another up, I kept feeding him until he shook his head, pushing the fry back to my mouth as he kept his finger over my bottom lip, pulling it slightly.
His eyes widened at what he was doing as he pulled his hand away, moving his gaze to the floor as the corners of his ears turned slightly red.
"I'm full," Jimin announced as everyone's utensils dropping onto their plates could be heard throughout the restaurant as they groaned.
"I'm stuffed," Jungkook leaned back into Taehyung while he kissed him, sucking the spice off that was stuck to his lips.
"Bathroom break!" Jin announced as everyone nodded and got up so we could head over to wash our hands and whatever else we needed as I stood too.
"Woah, you go with the guys?" Yui spoke out as she looked over at me.
I didn't plan to respond since I didn't bother to look back at her and even before I could, Yoongi did.
"More like we would never go anywhere where she's not with us," he scoffed as he stretched.
They walked as I followed behind them, going to stand outside the door as Jimin just pulled me inside instead.
"You can just wash your hands here," he said as everyone freshened up, Jin fixing his hair in the mirror.
"Yeah, and freak out the next guy that comes in," I said as I washed my hands with him.
"Good point," he chuckled as he moved over to dry his hands, the water from his hands dripping onto my legs as he moved, apologizing as the water splashed onto my chest, slowly trailing down under my dress.
"You're fine," I told him as I handed him the paper towel before he could continue apologizing.
Drying my own hands off, I glanced over to see bits of sauce splattered over Yoongi's shirt as I tsked.
"Yoon, let me make you wet."
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