why the hell haven ' t you said shit ?
"Anyone," I answered as I stared at him like he was an idiot.
What kind of question was that?
"No, that's the thing. They have to take one, so who?"
"You aren't a member of BTS, dumbass," he rolled his eyes.
"They have to take one, so no one?"
"And everyone thinks that only guys would need to use their dick instead of their head."
"Dick, head, heart. Whatever, point is, you're just stupid in this field," he stared firmly.
"Then make it easy, Sherlock," I snapped back as he came to stand in front of me.
"Get up," he said as I got off the couch and stood to face him. "Your neck," he pointed a finger at my neck as I cocked my head to the side.
"What about it?"
"The hickeys, whose are they?"
Silence fell between us as we both stared at each other.
"Answer honestly," he didn't falter his gaze as I gave a small nod.
"Knew it," he muttered under his breath as he turned around, his back facing me. "Then that's it," he said simply as I was far more confused.
"That's what?"
"The answer, babydoll. Your answer to my question."
"Why doll instead of girl now?"
"Is that really what you're going to focus on at the moment?"
"Not sorry."
He gave a grunt as I had cut him off and went back to grab the vodka bottle.
"You're smart so why do you play dumb?"
His question threw me off as I was genuinely surprised, not understanding what he meant.
And where was he going with all of this?
"I don't get it, is this why coach is making me stay the night? So you can confuse me?" I sighed as I sat down, taking a glass of the champagne he had poured.
"Not confuse, I'm sorting out your confusion before you have to make a decision with a dagger at your throat," he said firmly as I walked up to him.
"I'm sorry, I'll put my full efforts in whatever you've got to throw at me," I gave him a nod as I placed a hand over his shoulder, his back tense as he didn't turn to face me.
"Promise me that you won't back out."
"Promise me," his voice was stern as he still didn't face me.
"I promise you."
"You spend every second of your life with those seven men now, don't you think that maybe in the process of protecting them, you started loving them?"
"I do, that I can strongly state," I spoke as he turned to finally face me. "I love each and every one of them like they are my brothers."
"Funny since your actual brother is an asshole," he chuckled bitterly.
"The one that's still alive is, always has been," I sighed.
"Your older brother, he was kinder," he spoke softly as I stared out the window.
"Probably why he's dead."
"Don't say that, he died due to an accident," he argued.
"Seemed like a well planned accident. Someone who had something against my parents killed him."
"Were you ever able to find his grave?"
I stayed silent at his question as Santiago didn't push me any further.
"No, and don't bother looking for it either. I don't want to know where they buried him, if they even had the decency to do that."
"Then what? Burned him alive?"
"He died due to the immense torture he was put through, so who knows," I said as I ended the topic of my older brother.
"Your parents couldn't find him either," he brought it up again as I sighed.
"Because my younger brother said he wasn't worth the trouble so they didn't. If they had continued to search, they could have found him, they could ha-"
"Okay," Santiago rested a hand over my head as I took a deep breath. "Back to what I was trying to help you with."
"So what? The whole family discussion went off topic?" I raised a brow as he nodded.
"That was my bad since you said the seven were like brothers and I brought up your actual brothers. Whoops."
"You're so great at being this counselor of mine," I rolled my eyes.
"Someone's got to do the job, and at the moment, it's me," he said, raising an eyebrow.
"Alright, go on."
"You love them like brothers, right?"
"Then what about Yoongi? Because as far as I know, brotherly love does not include hickeys," he said, tipping the bottle back as he gulped the liquor down.
"He's not really much of a brother to me," I tried to explain. "And I don't know if I love him. I mean, I don't love him like I love the others. There isn't family love between us like it is with the rest of us," I said as he gave me a nod.
"Then what is it?"
"Just lust?"
"I guess."
"And do you feel that lust for anyone else other than Yoongi?"
"No," I answered without hesitation.
"And before Yoongi?"
"Would you fuck him?"
"Without a doubt."
He gazed out the window as he took a sip of the bottle, nearly finishing it off.
"You're going to think I'm crazy," he said as I rolled my eyes.
"I already do," I replied.
"This is what I think," he started off as I nodded. "You're falling in love with Yoongi."
There was silence between us as I spoke up.
"This is what I think," I said as he gave me a nod to continue. "You're crazy."
"So what? I'm wrong?" He asked and I nodded as he raised a brow. "How so?"
"Because I think I've already fallen in love with Yoongi."
"Well," he stated as he stared at me and I only stared out the window. "Wow, that's great!" He stood straight as he cracked his knuckles. "So like the whole, fight for your man instinct thing hasn't kicked in yet?"
I stared at him as he paused.
"Well then, I guess not. So le-"
"He's not my man, nor will he be. I can't have anything of my own desire to do with him," I informed as he scrunched his nose.
"Because of the whole parents thing?"
He stayed silent as thought he debated to say something.
His voice was so light, a breathless whisper that I wouldn't have heard if I wasn't so close to him.
"What do you mean by 'so'?" I raised a brow as he gave me a fierce glare.
"You're being a bitch about this," he seethed, anger flaring through him as I rolled my eyes.
"You get pissed over bullshit," I sighed as he only glared at me.
"Because you pull this bullshit!" He yelled, making me roll my eyes again as I took a seat.
"I know I'm a bitch about this but it's how I'm going to be, throw tantrums all you'd lik-"
"I'm not the one throwing a tantrum, you're the one acting childish. If you fucking love him then go after him!"
"I'm always with him, I can't really leave hi-"
"No, but he can leave you," he cut me off sharply as I felt my own patience ready to snap. "He can get taken away from you just like I nearly wa-"
"Enough!" I screamed, pushing him as the bottle fell from his hands, crashing onto the floor as we faced each other off.
"Always using your fists instead of your mouth to speak to someone," he narrowed his eyes. "You always do this!"
"Yeah, I do!! Because I don't have any other fucking choice! I abuse the ones I love because that's all that I can do! Why the fuck do you think I push everyone away from me?!" I shouted as I kicked him back against the wall and he grabbed my arm to push me.
"Because you don't try to do anything else!! You only turn to hurt them because that's all your parents ever did and you're turning just like them!"
"Well then no fucking wonder, their blood runs through my veins!" I snapped back as he pushed me against the edge of the counter.
"Is that the kind of mother you want to be!?"
"I'll never be a mother you fucking moron!" I pushed him back by his throat as he swung a kick at my torso and I stumbled back.
"Then what about Yoongi!?! What if he loves you?" He shouted as I punched his jaw and he elbowed the side of my face as I heard a crack and I winced from the pain.
"Then I'll break his heart to smithereens!! There's no way he can love me!" I yelled as my head spun from the hit and I felt blood fill my mouth.
"You're not even fully recovered from the fight s-"
"I don't need to be!" I cut him off as I smacked him, kicking him again as this time he flew against the wall and fell down.
"Then don't whine like a bitch when I leave you sore because I won't go soft," he gritted his teeth as I scoffed.
"I'm not a baby."
"Then stop acting like one," he shot back, getting my arms into his hold in one try as I squirmed.
"He's better off without me!"
"And with who?! Someone like Yui who is always there to rape him!?" He snapped as he pushed me on the floor, keeping his knee over my abdomen as I couldn't regain my breathing.
"Fucking asshole!" I pushed my back up, letting a sharp scream out as I felt my back ignite to flames.
Despite the pain, I brought my leg up to kick at the back of his neck and he rolled off as I gasped for breath. Getting up, I pulled him towards me only to slam him back into a wall as he groaned. Before I could slam my elbow down over his face, a phone rang as we both turned to see it ringing on the counter.
"That's not yours," I noted as he gave a weak nod.
"Yui's," he answered my silent question as I only got angrier, letting him fall to the floor as I went to pick it up and it went on speaker.
"Hello sweetheart?"
My heart picked up its rate as I heard the familiar voice of my mother on the phone.
It had been so many years yet she still was the same.
It was as though I had yearned to hear from one of my parents, a deep part of me wished that my parents loved me.
"Just wanted to know if you got any progress, haven't heard from ya so I thought maybe you might be busy making babies with Yoongi and I didn't want to intrude. I'd hate to interrupt your steamy sessions with him."
But good thing that part of me had died long ago.
"That is unless my blood brat got a taste of him first, she's grown gorgeously, that I have to give her. Went off of her parents, that's why," she crackled, stopping to continue talking. "There's also that first love of hers, sandy shit or something," she said as I rolled my eyes. "But he's way too out of your league, he's too good for you. I mean, even Yoongi is with my blood by his side, but I'm sure you can make a fool of him once he's drugged."
I stayed dead silent as I felt the urge to slam my leg into the counter to relieve part of my rage.
"Sandy man did come to us though, he's still got such a heart for her, pathetic scum. Anyways, he knows that we'll be giving our brat a special visit soon so try to keep them apart. But even if you can't since you're not the best at this work, it doesn't matter since everything is already set in motion and done now. The only part left is the play toy we need. I got your reports of the Park guy who was pressed up against her, and you said you don't think that he'll be of any use since he's not harder to get to. But I think that if we can't get Yoongi which I know you won't be able to do, then our second target is for sure that little munchkin since he'll be fun to play with too but you have to aim for Yoongi. If I get nothing from you, I will get the work done myself."
I turned my glare to Santiago as he sat on the floor, clutching his side as he stared at me, eyes narrowed as he heard everything.
"And another thing," she started off.
She paused as Santiago and I looked at each other.
"Why the hell haven't you said shit?"
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