then take him .
Snorting the vodka as I felt it burn up through my nostrils, I saw Hoseok standing on the table as he took off his jacket, finding me and tossing it to me as he went to take his shirt off as well, a glass of alcohol already in his hand.
I adjusted his jacket in my hold as I turned back around to order a martini. Waving a bartender over, I started to say my drink as I got cut off with another screech.
Don't tell me he took his pants off too now.
Sighing, I turned, only to have arms thrown around my neck over the bar as I snapped my head around to see a familiar grinning face.
"STEFFIIEEE!!" I screamed, hugging him back over the counter as he let me go.
"FUCK MY GURL YOU BROUGHT THE SEXY MEN WITH YOU TOO!!" He gestured to some of the members in the crowd as I threw my head back to laugh.
"You know I did," I winked at him. "But no way! You work here?" I asked him as he laughed back to me.
"Gurl, I work everywhere! My parents own nearly every chain of bars and clubs that you could imagine and more than half of them have now got my name on them!" He proudly told me as I gave him a high five.
"Woah! You go!!" I cheered as he nodded and grinned.
"Now tell me what you want your poison to be and please tell me you brought your sex s- I mean friends here to get them drunk," he said while I chuckled.
"I wish, but not sure, and a strawberry champagne over ice," I said and he pulled out a glass and different bottles, shaking a few as he flipped a container over, ice coming into the glass as he poured the alcohol over it, leaving me amazed. "You're a pro at this!"
"I've been at work way before the legal age," he whispered as we laughed together.
"Tell me how you and Dere have been as well, how'd you like the bike?" I eyed him over the glass as I took a sip, Stefan falling silent.
"We crashed with the bike, Dere," he paused to take a deep breath as my eyes widened. "He, he didn't make it."
No, that's awful.
"Stef, I'm so sorry," I placed my hands over his as he took an unsteady breath in. "I shouldn't have given you both the bike to drive if you weren't comfortable or sure on how to. Fuck, Stef," I felt my heart break slightly for him.
It was all my fault for letting them take the bike that nigh-
"Quit it with your pranks, love," I heard another voice pop out from behind Stefan as my eyes landed over Derek, alive and well.
"YOU PLAYED ME YOU FUCKING HOE!!" I screamed at him as the three of us burst into laughter. "GODDAMN! That was good, I gotta admit, but woah did it make my heart stop for a moment there," I let out a breath, calming my nerves.
"Ah, you worry so much," he laughed.
That's because I've always been given something to worry about.
"I can't help it," I scratched my neck.
"You must not have had an easy life," Derek stated as my eyes snapped to him. "Ah, my apologies, I didn't mean to stir anything up, but I just noted you are far more tense than anyone I've ever seen. Always looking over your shoulder for someone that may attack. Flinching over the simplest motions. You may wear revealing clothing, but stay towards where the lights are dimmer or darker to remain unseen, I'd assume it's because of the scars that decorate your skin," Derek stated everything so matter of factly, holding my stare the entire time as my eyes stayed wide.
Well then.
"Dere, you scared her," Stefan put a hand over his shoulder as Derek broke off his gaze, looking down.
"I'm sorry if I stepped over the line," he apologized as I waved him off.
"No, no, you're fine. Your accuracy took me by surprise is all," I explained as Stefan gave me a smile.
"Yeah, he's got this talent of where he first meets someone and makes observations over everything. Dere has a lot of therapists in his family so that may play a role in his talent," Stefan informed me.
"Ahh that explains it," I said, drinking the martini as the both sat in front of me.
"We can't exactly relate since we've had it easy. We've always been supported by our families, from our relationship together to whatever we want to do. They support and love us as long as we put our happiness first, they're always proud of us. We can't think of any difficulties that may have come over us because of our families," Stefan said as I smiled softly at him.
"I'm so glad that there are families out there like that," I breathed out, staring down at my glass.
"Choose to be happy," Stefan said as he squeezed my hand. "I don't know what your issues may be. But to suffer so much to have those scars, I can't imagine the pain and misery. Don't let them hold you back," he whispered, almost afraid to strike a nerve as I smiled.
"My fight isn't over. I don't think it ever will be until I'm six feet under ground," I muttered bitterly. "But to have those seven in my life and so close to me that I have to live with them and be everywhere with them, the risks of danger are absolute and there's no way to avoid it," I spoke softly as their gazes stayed on me.
"Then don't bother avoiding it. Get stronger than you already are. Fight head on with your fists ready to bleed," Derek said firmly, giving me a nod of reassurance.
"Let someone into your life, don't be so closed up. Your heart can love someon-"
"I don't believe in love," I cut Stefan off as I stared up at him. "There is no such thing. It's foolish, to give your own life for the one you love. If you don't have them, it's impossible to bear. To do anything for them and give your all," I shook my head.
"What about lust?" Derek asked me as I gave a nod.
"That's how marriages work and how children are born."
"What about you giving your life for the seven guys? Giving your all for them?" Stefan raised a brow at me.
"That's my job," I said as he sighed.
"You do have a point, but what if you felt that more for someone? Loved someone?"
I froze, my mind flashing to him again.
"I don't love, sure maybe love someone like friends or someone like that, but fall in love?" I scoffed. "Not gonna happen. I don't think I'd be able to trust someone that much."
Not again.
"What if you did start to fall for someone or do you not believe in love at all at any costs?" Stefan rested his chin in his hand as I looked at him.
I did before with him, but I won't again because that was my biggest mistake.
"It may happen, when I see you two, compared to my parents, it's clearly possible, but for me, I wouldn't want that," I let a deep breath out. "I'd crush their heart if I fell in love."
Just like I did with him.
"Then that would break your own heart," Stefan said as I sighed.
It still does.
"I know, but I've gone through pain and betrayal before."
"So you know the pain, and would put someone else through that pain, especially the one you love?"
Without a second thought.
"That's how my world works," I spoke firmly.
"You can't fall for someone because they'll just cut you loose. You protect your already shattered heart by breaking others," Derek sighed, running a hand through his hair.
Because I've been broken by what happened to him.
"You play with the concept of love."
"Exactly. Why are you both acting like my therapists?" I questioned as I let a groan out.
"Because someone has to. Your childhood traumas will haunt you a-"
"Oh, trust me. They do," I said, turning back around to face the dance floor.
"Your approach isn't entirely wrong, but it may lead to history repeating itself. I fear that you will learn the most painful way possible, just like you always have. You're going to get used again to your breaking point," Derek said, following to my gaze as I stared at the seven I was assigned to protect.
It's happened before too.
"I know. They'll be targeted and used as hostages. The innocent will become victims and burn in my own hell fire. My nightmares becoming my future. Falling in love with someone will only thrust them far into danger they can't handle."
I've experienced that first hand.
"Then fight with them, let them stand by you to p-"
"No, you don't get it. I'm supposed to fight for them, protect them. They aren't supposed to get hurt o-"
"You don't get it either," Derek cut me off. "They will get hurt. You can't protect them from the pain, even when you know it's coming. You will have to be with them, fight with them, stand with them. You're not alone anymore, you've got the seven of them and whenever you need us two, we're there," he gave a firm nod as I smiled softly.
That's what Santiago tried to convince me with too.
"That's kind of you, and what else did you put in my drink?" I asked as I shook the glass in front of them, Stefan's eyes widening.
"It was a strong alcoholic powder that your coach gave to me to mix into your ice," he looked down, obvious guilt washing over him.
"Ahh, it tasted familiar and I wondered why I was being so talkative. No worries, coach always gets me drunk to talk when I don't tell him this sort of shit properly," I said, finishing off the drink as I set the glass down.
"Why'd you drink it even though you knew?" Stefan asked as he took the glass to clean.
"It's harmless plus talking lightens the burden at times, but thank you both anyways for listening."
"Anytime, keep us as your favorites on your phone whenever you need us," Stefan said as I handed him my phone over to put his and Derek's number in.
"Ooh, you already got the seven hotties' numbers," Derek laughed as I nodded.
"We exchanged numbers when I put trackers in for everyone," I explained.
"So loyal to your work," Derek chuckled.
"You know it," I grinned.
"They've got a busy schedule since they already have such a growing fanbase. Derek and I already put a bet on you with coach," Stefan said as I chuckled.
"Of course you did, what over?"
"That the paparazzi will be on your ass and your face will be all over the news with BTS just by tomorrow morning. Coach said that it'd take longer than that, and we are ready to win that bet," Stefan cheered as Derek grinned with him.
"I wish you both the best of luc-"
"OOH SHIT SHIT, Y/N! Y/N!" I heard Hoseok scream my name as I heard Taehyung's angered shout.
Sprinting off of my seat, I ran over to them, pushing past people to see Hoseok trying to hold back Taehyung as I placed my hand over his chest.
"Tae, talk to me, what's wrong?" I asked him as I pushed him back, keeping him in my hold as he was ready to lash out at someone.
"Hoseok, get Jin and Namjoon to take Jungkook out. Get his clothes and your own jacket, I left it over the counter with Stefan and Derek. Bring Jimin and Yoongi over here and you can go out by the car as well," I told him as he nodded, pulling a terrified Jungkook into his arms as he comforted him, going over to Jin and Namjoon.
"Taehyung, enough," I spoke loudly to him as he kept lunging forward, trying to break free from my arms.
"TAEHYUNG THAT'S IT!" I shouted at him, pushing him back as I kept my arms around him, seeing Jimin and Yoongi rush over. "Remember what I fucking tell you," I spoke by his ear.
Jimin and Yoongi took a hold of Taehyung as I stared at him.
"Anger weakens you while rage blinds your senses."
He took a deep breath after my words, spitting over the floor as he turned the other way, still shaking with anger.
"What the freaking hell?!" I heard another voice squeak out as Taehyung raged. "We were just having some fun until you came and threw a tantrum, what a baby h-"
"And you," I snapped my fingers at the one who caused this. "Watch your mouth before my heel is so far down your throat, you lose a kidney."
"Who do you thi-"
"I don't have the fucking patience for hoes like you and your shit you pull," I snapped, going over to Stefan and Derek. "Make me your fastest drink," I ordered, Stefan nodding handing me a drink in seconds as I walked back over.
"What are you going to do? Drink and scream at me like the whiny bitch you are?" I let her talk as I glanced over at Taehyung, his anger visibly rising back again. "I mean he's such a frea-"
Throwing the drink over her face, she screamed, her hand still in the air as she was pointing at Taehyung, ready to insult him.
"Did you not hear me clearly the first time? No one talks shit about any of my men while I'm alive," I grabbed her top, pulling her forward before I pushed her back into the wall as she stumbled back. "So watch it."
I turned back around as I saw Taehyung wear a satisfied smirk. Grabbing onto his hand, I pulled him out of the club as Yoongi and Jimin followed behind us.
"Thanks for the great night, Stef, Der! We'll keep in touch!" I yelled out as we left, waving as they both waved back with big ass grins over their faces.
"Tae, take a breather," I spoke to him lightly as I pushed him up against the wall of the club.
The cool air from the night seemed to help calm him for most part as I kept a hand over him.
"I'm here, I'm here," I comforted him as he clutched onto me tightly, resting his head in my neck as he took large gulps of air in.
"I was ready to snap her throat off, I fucking hate this sort of shit," he breathed out, far calmer than he was before.
"I relate, but you've got an image to keep. People will be over this like fruit flies, ready to paint you as a villain when you're the charming hero," I spoke as Jungkook yelled out behind me.
"ARE YOU TRYING TO FLIRT WITH HIM WHILE I AM RIGHT HERE?!" He yelled out as we all laughed.
"Tae, Kookie is a man of his own. You don't have to baby him so much to the point of where it irritates him. He may be the youngest, but he isn't an idiot, for the most part," I said as he chuckled quietly at the end.
"You're right, he's still a person of his self and I should respect and trust him as that," he let a breath out as he kept me close to steady himself. "I just want him so much," he spoke against my neck as his grip tightened over me.
"Then take him."
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