Hades Daughter
The first time Peresphone left Hades was lonley once more. He missed his wife dearly so he began to daydream of having a child with the Godess. A beautiful little girl who was in many ways like her mother.
Well Hades daydreamed of this child so much that she became real as soon as her mother stepped into the Underworld once more.
At first the Godess was surprised and did not believe her husbands story but once the child made a flower grow in the womans garden she could not deny it.
It is said that one day Aphrodite heard if the young child and grew jealous and burned half of the girls face off.
This is where our story begins.
The blond godess came home to the underworld in tears and rushed to the armory where she put on a helmet to hide her face.
Her mother found her.
She stood in the doorway and saw her daughter reflection in a shield as the teenage Godess placed the helmet upon her head.
Persephone gasped in horror and rushed to her crying daughter.
"What happened?" Her mother demanded.
Mesperyian sobbed as she told her mother what had happened when she went outside.
The Godess felt anger grow inside her. She held her daughter until she sobbed herself to sleep.
The mother put her daughter to bed and went to her husband and told him of the horror that happened to their child.
The two went to Olympus where they found the Godess.
Hades grabbed his wifes arm so that the Godess would not kill the other. Not yet at least.
Persephone summoned vines to trap the Godess where she sat.
"Why?!" The Godess of the spring roared.
Of course all of the other Gods and Godesses were confused. Hades told then what had happened to their daughter.
To say anyone was surprised was true. They feared the Godess of beauty would go this far someday but never to a fellow Godess.
"What did she ever do to you?!" The mother screamed tightening the vines.
Ares came to strike the other Godess to make sure he let go of his lover. Hades went forward to block the blow.
The fight began between the two Gods.
Peresphone realeased Aphrodite and drew a sword. Aphrodite did the same.
The two clashed swords and thunder roared throughout the home of the Gods.
The two parents fought with raw anger and hatered towards the other immortals.
"You Selfish! Enviois! Bitch!" Peresphone roared with each word sticking the Godess with her sword.
"Harming a babe!"
Aphrodite scoffed
"A babe she is a teen!"
"Technically she is nine months old!"
Aphrodite nearly dropped her sword.
"Oh Gods."
Ares stopped as well looking at Hades who nodded in agreement. Their child was nine months old but in the body of a teen.
"Presephone. Hades. I didn't know."
"Shut up!" Presephone cried out anger and now sorrow filling her heart.
"If you ever come near our children again. You will die. UNDERSTAND?!"
The ground shook as she yelled.
Hades grabbed his wife hand and she began calm down. He took his wife home as the other Gods would surley give the other Godess more than they could do for what she did. Hopefully.
That night while their daughter slept Hades and Presephone held each other in grief for their daughters trauma that she had to go through.
"I'm sorry." Hades said in a whisper "I forgot about fire I didn't give her skin to resist it."
"It's not something we are use to thinking of." Presephone sighed.
Hades did not feel that much better but no one really did that evening.
"I meant what I said earlier about Aphrodite." Presephone said bitterly
"I will kill her."
"I won't stop you." Hades said kissing his wifes forehead.
"Mom." A small voice said from the doorway.
The couple broke apart and saw a girl with a helmet on jer face.
"Mespyrian. Why the helemt?"
"I'm terrifying." The girl said in a voice with no emotion.
"No." Hades said "Come here sweetie. We're your parents we won't be afraid of you."
Mesperyian sat at the foot of her parents bed and took off the helmet.
At first the parents were taken back Aphrodite got half of their childs face but the wound was infected.
"Stay here tonight." Hades said
"I'll get the ambrosia Mes. The wound is infected."
Throughout the months the child grew colder. She was no longer warm and happy due to her trauma. She wore the helmet most of the time unless around her family.
When the day came for the mother to leave for earth (she had stayed later in order to stay with her child).
The child said she would not go.
"I will stay with father." She spoke "I am going to help him punish those who are guilty."
The mother nodded and kissed her daughters forehead.
"You may do the same with me on earth. If you wish to stay though it is up to you. I love you."
"Love you too mother." The girl saod with a slight tightening pain in her heart.
Now Mesperyian went around to punish assholes.
Aphrodite did not forgive herself for harming a child and I am glad to tell you that.
Though the Godess is no longer warm and kind she is stronger perhaps more bitter but she has a beauty that in my opinon Aphrodite probably does have but did not let it show years ago.
Mesperyian has a beauty of the soul. I hope that you all remain upon her good side. If not then good luck when she tortures you.
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