This chapter is by Story_Teller_oxoo
When I had woken up the sound of music blasted through my little sensitive ears. It was rock music. Rock music. Of all the things my mother could wake me up with. I opened my eyes weakly to see my mum standing over me with the radio. I grunted turning over in a lazy manner.
"Come on! School!" She yelled over the music.
Help me.
"No..!" I groaned back. The thought of school ached me at the moment, I didn't want to work hard! I wanted a break! My mum removed the covers and a cold draft rose up my body. For god's sake. I rubbed my angry and tired eyes. I starred at her with a bleak expression before swinging my legs over the side of my bed sitting up.
"You're evil." I snapped watching her stroll out of the room, the radio cable following her. The guitar and drums still going in my head.
"And you know it!" my mum yelled back. I got changed into my uniform glancing at the time. 8.30. No wonder she had to blast music out, I was going to be late. I straightened my long hair before speeding down the stairs grabbing my bag and piece of toast.
"Goodbye, Darling! Be back early won't you?"
"Sure." I replied slamming the door. I literally ran down to school. Twenty dreaded minutes of running through streets and nearly getting run over was the half of it. I noticed that the bell rang as I was approaching the school. Caleb was slumped against the railings, his green eyes on his little watch. A small smirk spread across his face seeing my flushed face. Sweat was dripping off me. Oh my god. Don't look at me.
"Hi." I replied as we walked in sync. The school corridors smelled of food from the canteen near by, the student's congregated in lines near the classes. I just glanced at Caleb. I always relied on him when I was having one of those days. "We have music." he said knowing my thoughts. I punched him with a small smile.
"Having a laugh are we?"
"You look so exhausted. Too busy worrying?" He ran a hand through blonde strands. I just raised an eyebrow as we stood outside the classroom.
"Worrying about what?"
"Just everything in general, Seph."
"Yeah. I suppose."
The door opened and we were invited in. The smell of rusty metal hit my nose. My music teacher, Miss Briggs was sitting there next to a piano, a slideshow was up on the screen. I took a seat next to Caleb, the radio blasted as the other students came in.
"Hey. It's that band." Caleb nodded in time to the rock music.
Rock music.
The same band from this morning. I have no idea who they were. Something fresh in the charts except I didn't really like this, well, not if it was constant like it was this morning. God my ears.
"Who is it?"
"Unterwelt." Caleb sounded proud that he knew his stuff.
"Don't you mean Underworld?"
"It's German. Pretty cool band."
Now I look dumb.
"They sound alright..." I replied whispering now because the music was quiet now as Miss Briggs was about to speak.
"Alright? they sound fucking amazing!" Caleb replied. His swearing made me laugh a little. Me and Caleb had been friends since forever. He didn't fail to make me laugh. He was my best friend. "I have tickets." He whispered slyly looking at Miss Briggs the whole time to make sure she wasn't looking, she was asking questions around the class. Me and Caleb were at the back. I'd be surprised if she even knew we were here.
"Do you want to come? With me?"
"What?" my eyes wide.
"There's a concert. Unterwelt are performing. Tonight."
"Persephone. Do you know what chord this is?"
My teacher interrupted playing her piano. The whole class starred at me. I just sat there thinking about what Caleb had just said. He wanted me to go to a gig with him? A rock gig? weren't they the concerts that people get crushed out? In mosh pits? I've nothing against them but-
"Earth to Persephone." My teacher waved a hand in front of me.
"Sorry." I blushed. "C minor."
"Correct." my teacher smiled going back to her piano playing. I looked at Caleb with a small smile, a slow nod. Caleb fist punched the air. The class was over an hour later, an hour of nothing. Just sitting there.
Caleb hugged me so I hugged his lanky figure back. I guess I'm up for anything...better than the stresses of school. But if it's after school wouldn't I have to tell my mum? She would probably say no. "I'll meet you at the school entrance and we'll go together on the train. Does that sound cool?"
He was waiting for a reply. I was still thinking about my mum.
" mum.. she would say no."
"So don't tell her." Caleb suggested.
"Don't tell her?"
"I mean we won't be long. The concert starts at eight. Just tell her your at mine doing extra work. Say we've got a project."
"Okay." I replied with a small reassuring smile. It was time to do something different, to be grown up and besides it would be nice to spend some time with him. He had been away quite a lot so.
"I'll give you a lift home. But be at school entrance for 3.30."
"Got it." I replied as we both walked off in different directions. I walked to my next lesson, I sit down in my chair getting my pen and paper out. The excitement running through me. Even though I didn't like rock music, this would be an experience. A hell of an experience.
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