The Kiss that Changed the World 24
Dawkmymy - The Kiss that Changed the World
Bobby and I looked bewildered. Leanna repeated loudly, "Do It! Go ahead and Kiss." Bobby peered at me sporting a strange expression. He put his arms around me and began with a mock kiss just to appease Leanna. The pressure on my lips increased as he inserted his tongue into my mouth. We remained in that position for a long time. My night dreams were fulfilled. I knew he loved me and my happy ending was coming true.
He backed off and gazed at me with pleading eyes. His embrace tightened and he kissed me harder. I returned the caress savoring every second. I darted my tongue into his mouth, cherishing him. He uttered softly barely whispering, "I love you - phom roack koohn (ผมรักคุณ.)" I reiterated louder, "I love you - chaan roack koohn (ฉันรักคุณ,)" Leanna yelled "Cut!"
But we persisted to hold on to the other because our knees were buckling, frightened we might fall. Bobby receded an inch mouthing, "What just happened? Where did that come from?" I replied that it erupted from the depth of our hearts.
I shared with him that the reason we were barking at each other was because we could not release the passion inside us. We were mad at ourselves, but we took it out on the other. Martha mentioned, "You two have been making 'googoo' eyes at each other for months. It's about time you realized it. If you would have done something about it sooner you probably would be married by now. We love Seebhabe as if he is one of our grandkids, and Dawkmymy loves your two children the same as they were her own. The children treated each other as if they are brothers and sister from the day they met."
Rufus said, "Get with it. What Le Ann was trying to tell you in the hospital was not to blame anyone and to move on after she passed. You were too stubborn to listen. What a waste! For two of the brightest people in the world, you must have had on your dunce hats. Both of you remind me of an old stubborn Missouri mule who thought he could till an acre of unplowed land faster than a John Deere tractor.
I was getting ready to find a club to pounce you up the side your heads. Poor Mae Sua had to listen to both of you pitching a fit. You are enough to send her to the hospital for the insane. Martha and I love both of you the same as if you were our flesh and blood. It's time for you to love one another. Do you get my point?"
We said, "Yes sir." Bobby asked Martha and Rufus if they would watch the children while we are doing some apologizing. We went to Ling Noy's and inquired if Mae Sua was in her apartment. She apprized us that Mae Sua was in the dining room waiting on us with Nang Chom.
We walked into the room holding hands. Mae Sua verbalized, "It's about time you two came to your senses. You wasted a lot of time when you two should have been lovingly married a long time ago." I noticed my mother and father were in the room, along with all of Mae Sua's sisters. I probed, "Did Rufus call and let you know we were coming?" "No, your mother, Ling Noy, Nang Chom and I are all seers. We receive revelations from time to time about events in the past or in the future. We saw you and Bobby coming here this evening to apologize for being stupid. We know you are sorry. We also know that if you could change the past, you would. Being a seer does not mean that we can change anything.
You can tell the ones that are effected about what their future holds, but usually they will not believe you. Not too far in your future you will become a seer. It is a gift from God. Let me back up. I said that you can't change things. That is true, but you can influence someone to be better prepared when these future events take place.
Also, you can help someone get a clearer picture of their past. As a result, they can make amends. I said, "Like me!" "That is how we knew initially you had the gift. When you held hands with us you could view the truth of your past. Welcome to the club. It is an awesome responsibility. You will not have a choice of what you see. On many occasions it will not make sense. Some instances will scare you to pieces."
Bobby probed, "How do I fit in this picture?" She disclosed, "You were chosen for Dawkmymy, but she threw you away. As a result, you were directed to Le Ann. She was a seer that had not matured, as she delivered a revelation from her hospital bed to direct you back to Dawkmymy.
You were too hard headed to listen. Yes, it was sad what happened to Le Ann. It was sadder to watch the two of you act like idiots."
Bobby and I told everyone we were sorry. Mae Sua responded, "We have a new job for Dawkmymy." I informed all, "I don't want it." "There you go again. You will not listen. Your mouth is moving when you need to shut up. I am not speaking about the job we discussed."
"I am retiring tomorrow and will assume the role of CEO and President Emeritus. Ling Noy will become the new CEO and President. Nang Chom will be Ling Noy's replacement as Assistant CEO and Vice President. You will become 2nd Assistant CEO and 2nd Vice President, as well as member of the board.
All the details will follow tomorrow. Everyone here is a member of the board except for Bobby and General Tuk. We affirm your appointment. You are a smart girl. We need you to say Yes." Exhibiting a big grin, I said, "Most assuredly, YES!"
"There is one provision. You must marry Bobby." I turned to Bobby, and pleaded, "Will you have me?" He answered slowly with a frown, shaking his head left and right, then replaced it with a laugh, "I want you to know that (pause) I will marry you. Now, give me a kiss."
I slugged him on the shoulder. The hit glanced off of him like a fly on the back of a water buffalo and I said, "You are a big tease." Then I kissed him. They all applauded, and hugged me and Bobby wishing us a happy life.
The next morning the receptionist, who usually ignores me, chirped loudly and pronounced, "Good morning Miss Dawkmymy, all your personal things have been moved into your new office #303. Hope it is alright."
I went to my old office first. It was occupied by one of my former district managers, Nookseedang (นกสีแดง - Red Bird.) I asked her if she could find what she needed? She emitted, "Yes Maam, Miss Dawkmymy!"
"Just call me, Dawkmymy." This woman is twice my age and calling me, Maam and Miss. I went to my new office and found my personal objects were all there.
The office was about three times larger than my previous workplace. There was a secretarial cove in front of my accommodations marked off by half height dividers. There were two desks in the cove. One had my secretary, Beth, an American woman, who spoke Thai fluently, and the other was occupied by Sheri my engineering assistant.
I was sitting behind my desk daydreaming when the intercom 'squaked' Miss Dawkmymy you have two visitors Mrs Ling Noy and Mrs Nang Chom. I pressed the button and said, "Beth, send them in."
Nang Chom and Ling Noy entered with a bounce and appeared with a smirk on their faces.
Ling Noy announced, "You are the boss when both of us are gone. Your primary job is to make sure everything is running smoothly. Second, the regional managers report to you. Third, building projects and acquisitions come under your portfolio.
Since you are not an engineer or an architect, our chief engineer, Sheri, will report directly to you. We are having a work area prepared for her. She can answer all the why's and how's.
If you have an inquiry or need to know about anything, please call on us. There is no such thing as a dumb or small question. Do not hold back. It may make the difference on the way we operate.
Ling Noy handed me a piece of paper with a number showing six digits. This is your salary. She also informed me that I owned twelve percent of the corporation, and would receive twelve percent of the net profit.
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