Finding Le Ann 4
Bobby – Finding Le Ann
Le Ann looked at me again, and her tears immediately dried up. She said, "OK." Now, she looked at me like I was her favorite piece of chicken. A frown turned into a wide smile. Her eyes began to sparkle. I was stuck. I could not back out at this point.
Le Ann and her mother ran up the stairs to get ready. Rufus told me that Rusty's room was up the stairs to the left, and the bathroom was at the end of the hall. He claimed the other four rooms upstairs did not have any furniture in them.
I had taken my smelly shirt off and was washing under my arms and face. I sprayed under my arms with a popular cologne. I was walking back to Rusty's room with my shirt off when Le Ann's door opened. Le Ann moaned and Martha screamed, "Wow!" I apologized for being in the hall without a shirt. Le Ann articulated, "When Rusty is around, we become comfortable with it." Then she displayed a broad grin.
As Le Ann descended the stairway, I became enchanted at how beautiful she appeared to be. Her ex-boyfriend must be an idiot to give up this amazing woman. I uttered, "You're a knockout. Not that skinny freckled-faced kid I knew from school." She blushed and whispered, "Thank you!"
Once we entered the student union center Le Ann froze. She declared that her ex-male friend and ex-best girlfriend were directly in front of us-twenty-five feet away. I slid my hand around her waist, pulled her to me and planted a long juicy penetrating kiss on her lips.
She kissed me back. I felt a quivering of her whole body. If I was not holding on to her, she would have collapsed on to the floor. She looked at me with her eyes smiling and emitted a gleam of pleasure. She admitted that this was the first time in years that she felt anyone loved and cared about her, except for her parents.
Many women approached me for a dance. I told them that I had promised I would save all my dances for my sweetheart. They oohed and aaahed and backed off. Le Ann would glare all lingerers away. Her ex came and told Le Ann it was time she danced with him. She said that she would rather dance with a gentleman.
I came up behind her and explained she did not dance with gutter slime. He gave me a dagger look full of revulsion, and told me he would get me and Le Ann later. At the close of the activities, Le Ann and I were approached by her ex and four of his companions. Her ex proclaimed, "We are going to beat the crap out of you and make Le Ann love us all night long."
I said, "You touch my woman and I'll remove your manhood, break both your arms and both of your legs. You have one chance, run away now and I'll spare your lives."
The ex-boyfriend tugged at Le Ann's arm. I took his other hand, pulled him to me, and kicked his groin. He fell to the parking lot crying like a baby. I kicked him in the head and blood gushed from his nose. One of his buddies attempted to hit me.
I hit him in the gut, and he bent over. I gave him a hack on his shoulders. He fell to the parking lot groaning. The other three ran away leaving their cohorts laying on the pavement. I am glad they did not know who I was, or what I could do!
Security arrived. Half a dozen witnesses told what happened! Le Ann stared at me beaming. Her eyes were effervescent with admiration.
"You told them I was your woman." I quizzed, "Do you want to be?" She nodded in the affirmative. "I suppose you are!" She responded, "I love you!" I told her that only one other woman told me she loved me, and later changed her mind. I felt appreciated and valued.
I suggested we date for a while, and see if we are a good fit for one another. She indicated that I would discover that she is stubborn. When she made up her mind there is no way of stopping her. We stopped for burgers, fries and shakes at the Urbana drive-in restaurant.
Rufus and Martha were up waiting for us. She told them that I had saved her life, that she loved me, and she was going to marry me. Then she revealed what happened with her ex. I was stunned about her declaration that she was going to marry me. We went from pretending, to being serious in a few hours. I wasn't worried. I believed Le Ann would forget about it in a few days.
Rufus gazed at me and responded, "Poor guy. You don't know what you have gotten into." Le Ann hit him on the shoulder and both laughed. Martha countered, "My girl is persistent. She'll make you a wonderful wife. It appears like you have no choice in the matter. Your momma and daddy would be proud of you." The morning paper reported, "G.I. saves girl from being raped."
The next twenty-eight days were blissful. Le Ann ran with me every morning at 5:00 A.M. I had hung a punching bag and laid out a mat in the barn. She wanted me to teach her FFF so she could protect herself. I did. She was a fast learner. My focus was fixed on her as my heart fluttered. She gave me something amazing with which to look forward.
She helped me mount the engine to the airplane my dad and I built. There was an old deserted dirt road behind Rufus' house that I used for a runway and landing strip. After my third test flight Le Ann joined me.
She was excited about flying. I taught her the basics , and she enrolled in a class at the University. She excelled in flying, and became a good pilot and flight mechanic. I discovered that she was the woman with whom I wanted to spend my life.
Kulabta had faded from my memory. She no longer haunted my thoughts. I believed I was over her, and she had no power on me. I felt great. I knew I could fly without a plane. Everything was right with the world. Healing and wholeness entered my life. I became a renewed man.
By the time my leave was over, I was in love with Le Ann. We went to a jewelry store, and picked out wedding rings. My pulse pounded in my head that Le Ann would be mine forever. I informed Rufus and Martha that I wanted their blessings. They hugged me and Martha cried with happy tears. "You are our second son."
Upon signing in at Chanute AFB I was presented with orders that I had been promoted to First Lieutenant. I was assigned to a C-47 as an alternate co-pilot. In three more weeks, I was a permanent co-pilot.
I was free to go home each day after 4:00 PM. My pilot was Captain George Roth. George was a friend from ROTC at the University of Illinois. He was from Champaign, Illinois, the town next to Urbana. He was on our rival high school baseball team.
Le Ann was the greatest asset I had. It was more than distraction. She completed me in every aspect. Getting to know her eased my heart and mind. Sad memories were fading away. Le Ann guided me to fulfill the direction and destiny that life was leading me. There was peace, and turmoil was absent. I was free to enjoy what the future had to offer.
Being with her caused me to experience ease in my demeanor. Rufus and Martha had already accepted me, and they trusted me with their daughter. It was an honor to be part of their family.
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