Bobby - Welcome 15
Bobby – Welcome
In about twenty minutes my new JC-130X3 aircraft will set down at the Chiang Mai International Airport. I avoided Don Muang intentionally not wanting to accidently run into Kulabta. Actually, Chiang Mai is closer by air.
No one was expecting me. Upon landing, we were instructed to taxi to the military runway. The ground crew directed me to a spot on the taxiway and signaled for me to cut my engines. I thought, "It is an unusual request, but we are in a secondary war zone."
The tower demanded that we directly deplane, detecting there was a blunder in the instructions. I walked down the rear ramp which led me to notice two Royal Thai Guards in their bright red uniforms. They saluted me which prompted me to return their salutes.
While I descended the ramp, four more Guards dashed to the end of the incline and snapped to attention. They were carrying an object, made a circular turn, and faced me. They put down the rolled object, and went back to their concentration.
This is crazy. Somebody believes that I am a celebrity, someone important, or maybe a dignitary. Surely a bigwig will be angry when they discover it is me.
The four sentinels did an about face. Two of the them tugged on the thing that they had sat on the pavement. The other two rolled out a bright red carpet toward a long black limousine. Every three feet two guards would march toward the red runner on each side. They would stop and come to attention before stepping on the red covering. Then they drew their swords creating an archway to the limo.
As I marched forward, Chiang Mai John opened the back door and motioned for me to be seated. I saluted him and took a seat. Jerry Lee was in the vehicle facing the back seat wearing a Royal Thai Air Force uniform with a two star general placard on each shoulder.
General Tuk was on the left side of Jerry Lee and Major General James Matthews was on the other. Next to me was a lady who introduced herself as Mae Sua. Two other ladies were on the seat behind me. One of the women was Ling Noy Matthews and the other was Nang Chom Lockhart. They favored the woman next to me.
Chiang Mai John was driving, and he was wearing his Royal Thai Air Force uniform with four star general insignias.
The vehicle moved forward about seventy feet and stopped. Two guards approached the automobile. One held open the door and the other assisted as each one of us stepped out of the rear seats.
We were escorted to the grandstand. It was covered and provided shelter from the sun. There were bleachers across the street. I noticed Rufus, Martha and my two children seated on the risers holding umbrellas for shade. There were several banners that proclaimed, "Son of Thailand." One large poster had the words "Robert Olander a Son of Thailand." It finally struck me that the honoree was me.
The mayor of Chiang Mai read an edict in Thai stating today was declared as 'Robert Olander Day.' John translated in English, and presented a decree that I was given the rank of a Two Star General in the Royal Thai Air Force Reserves. I was presented a uniform with the echelon on the shoulders.
General Tuk read a declaration in Thai, while Ling Noy translated it in English.
Whereas Robert Olander is the greatest fighter in the world. And,
Whereas Robert Olander did raise twenty-four million Baht to help the orphan refugees in Thailand. And,
Whereas Robert Olander represents the best of what The Royal Realm of Thailand is to the world.
We do proclaim that said Robert Olander is a Son of Thailand with rights of full dual Citizenship. And,
We further declare his family receive the same rights and benefits thereof to be recognized as dual citizens, and establish this day as Robert Olander Day.
General Tuk invited me to the mike to share a few words. I stated in the Thai language, "Thank you very much. I love Thailand." The viewers cheered. A few came over with pictures of me shirtless and in my fighter shorts. I signed their pictures and chatted with those that wanted my autograph. John told me that he needed to take the women to work, but he would return in a few minutes to take me and my family to my quarters.
The audience had dissipated. I walked to the stands where my family was sitting. My heart had jumped a few beats. There was a beam shining from me. My walk was bouncy. Warmth radiated throughout my body. My children were jumping up and down on the benches for their Daddy.
Rufus bore a gigantic smile and informed me, "They flew us here a couple of weeks ago. The Thai Embassy in Washington D.C. and the United States Consulate in Chiang Mai have worked together to make our stay here wonderful. Martha enjoys the shopping. The kids love playing with kids their age, both Thai and American. A woman, Sy La Maaw, watches them every day. They love her."
Rufus enthusiastically continued, "We have been living in your billets - a spacious four bedroom luxury suite at the Crystal Dragon Inn. Our meals have been free of charge at the Crystal Dragon Inn Restaurant. We have been treated like royalty, and we have been given tours of the city and region daily.
They have spoiled, indulged and made a fuss over us repeatedly. You are a hero to the Thai people, and by association we are esteemed. They love your kids, and little Bobby and Leanna have enjoyed the attention.
John pulled up in the limo, dismounted from the car and was holding the back door open for us in a few seconds. I cannot fathom that a Thai general acted as my chauffeur asking if we needed anything. "I want to get my bags."
"Your belongings have been delivered to your bedroom.
Your dress blues and new Thai uniform have been pressed. There will be a formal luncheon in your honor in the Crystal Dragon main ball room in an hour. A fresh tux has been provided for Mr. Olander and a ball room gown for Mrs. Olander. Sy La Maaw will take care of your children. They will have hot dogs and tater tots for lunch."
I was stunned by the kindness of the Thai populace. Their graciousness caused my former departure to fade from my memory. Hoping to be worthy of their respect, I am resolved to deliver skill, and to be my best in fighting.
My life has been great, and I have been blessed. The past has touched me, and love has a way to repair all hurts. Le Anne's love completed me. Her last words confronted me to refrain from assigning condemnation. She also signaled that John and a boy name Seebhabee (สี่บาบี) would show me the truth.
I was ushered to the head table which was elevated a couple feet above the other tables. Rufus and Martha had their backs to me and were seated across from Ling Noy, Nang Chom and Mae Sua. There was a woman sitting next to Martha. She looked like Kulabta, but I was not sure. To some extent I was meandering my way to their table, but the woman had disappeared. "Who was the woman sitting by Martha?"
Martha replied, "That was Dawkmymy (ดอกไม้ใหม่ – A New Flower,) who has helped us in many ways. I disclosed, "She reminded me of someone I use to know." Mae Sua stated, "Maybe she is, but perhaps she is new to you."
Why was Mae Sua attempting to share a hard to believe message? Could it be me imagining a meaning which is not present? It will be revealed in time. Perhaps inside me was a desire for it to be Kulabta. Possibly I need resolution with my past to enjoy prospects of the present.
General Gofourth and George Roth came to the luncheon. We had a good reunion even though I had seen them a few hours ago upon leaving Clark AFB. They informed me Margret could not come, because she had a big push on a new PR design.
We talked about a lot of things, but not much in particular. General Gofourth whispered for us to move to a quieter room. It was strange, but each one filed out on his request.
As we were leaving John, Jerry Lee, Mae Sua, Ling Noy and Nang Chom joined us. Ling Noy informed us that General Matthews had to leave for some business at Don Muang. I was wondering what was going on and why everyone was so mysterious.
Mae Sua declared, "This room is sound proof." Gofourth replied, "That's good, we need our privacy." George turned on a slide projector. We saw a projection of the Gulf of Thailand with a red circle drawn by a marker.
Mae Sua illustrated, "Inside this circle is a small vacated island. There used to be a small fishing village here many years ago, but no one has lived on it in a while."
George reported, "Fishing boats from Ko Kut Island have reported strange boats to and from this tiny piece of land late at night and in the early morning before light. They related that young women bound in shackles and chains were on these boats going to the islet. However, there was no sign of these women returning from the trip. Small aircraft have been reported to land during the dark hours."
John added, "Members of the Pink Handkerchief gang have been seen on these creepy boats. The only items visible during the day are a few dilapidated huts.
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