Yahoo! Go home time!
"I fucking hate you guys." South Korea glared at the both of you whilst being tied down. You stood there silently watching as South Korea spat on his brother.
"Hate is rather a very strong word, you should use the word dislike instead and besides you look like our brother." North Korea grinned, admiring his hard work in changing his brother's appearance.
The first that South did when you untied him was jumping at his own blood. You watched in horror as South gruesomely tore out North's skin, leaving cracks behind. North immediately grew back the lost skin but the one on South's hands still remains.
"Youch... Let's not do this, PG 13 thing yeah?" North huffed, acting like it did not hurt at all.
South strayed behind the two of you, muttering cuss words under his breath. "Hey, it's your fault that you don't trust YN and me being alone in different places." North looked over at South Korea that was disguised as Korean Empire. "You were scared of our reputation being ruined when hanging out with a human."
South looked at you being dressed as him, one has to be the sacrifice since the other is taller. "Actually you don't look bad yourself." He complemented your beauty, winking as if your face weren't his.
"Ew incest? We're in public, 'Ke'..." YN grimaced at the thought. The twins gave a lesson on how to act like a South Korea before going out, it seems like you're digesting the information quite well.
"Greece look! It's the Korea bros!" Someone shouted across the mall. You looked over to find flags belonging to the countries Greece and Poland. They both looked really flashy, practically shining, especially Greece. Poland had 2 pairs of wings, 2 at her head and the other 2 other the back. Flower petals were stuck onto his wings carefully, the choice of their clothing is like the pride month. Greece on the other hand dressed in all black and white, talk about emo...
"Crap! Last time Poland approached to talk, it was hours!" North ducked down as Poland tried to fly to him and give him a big hug. He grabbed both your's and South's arm, dragging you away.
"Erm- you mean-" South couldn't finish his sentence before North let go of his arm seeing that you're lacking behind.
" Awh... Do they not want to hang out? " Poland frowned, their wings closed slowly. She pouted sadly, giving a look of a sad kitten.
" Best not to disturb them, South Korea looks weirder than usual... Especially that height change. " Greece noted, staring at you three figures running away.
"Victoria secret? I think we shouldn't go here since it's secret." North murmured, pulling you away from the shop.
"North, it's a store for a reason, get your ass in here." South deadpanned, dragging North and you into the store.
In the store South kept quiet, you all scanned the shop to find anything for Belgium. Your eyes spotted a perfume, something in you told you to pick it up. You tugged the back of North's collar, almost making him fall.
"A perfume? I guess this should be enough, she kinda stinks." North murmured, passing it to the 'Korean Empire'. South looked at North, staring into him dead in the eyes before huffing and going to the cashier.
North Korea happily hummed as the gang walked under the scorching hot sun, the makeup on your face feels like it's going to melt away. South Korea still kept his mouth taped shut, which is nice since you don't have to hear him yap a lot.
Reaching the door to the house, you three found the two countries laying there exhausted.
"Oops... Did we make you wait that long?"
"Yes. Let us in, global warming is not cool."
Zimbabwe merely chuckled out of amusement, which irked South Korea. He bit his gums, preventing him to spill out any words.
" Trying to improve yourself South Korea?" Zimbabwe mused.
"Piss off."
" Hehehe~ this is my favourite brand! Helping you was totally~ worth it! ♪" Belgium grinned from ear to ear, giggling to herself.
The jacket South lended to you was comfortable in the Aircon mall, though this home does not have a cooling device, thus leading you to take it out.
The tea on the coffee table was burning hot but yet these countries managed to take sips from it like how they normally do. You scrolled through the newly bought phone as the countries talked like mothers that haven't seen each other for a very long time.
"Well... Do you guys want to come when I open the portal?" Belgium looked at the Korean twins.
" No thanks, I'm not really good with emotional goodbyes. " North smiled sadly. " I guess this is goodbye YN, farewell. May luck be with you. " He waved goodbye.
South Korea just frowned all the way, you couldn't read his emotions but at least he gave a wave.
Belgium sipped on the mysterious vial til it's finish and placed it inside her bag to reuse it. We gotta reuse, reduce, recycle and recover, that's a learning point there.
She cast some sort of dark magic and a portal opened, stepping in and motioning you to do the same. Zimbabwe stepped in without hesitation and you followed suit. You gave one last wave to the twinks, North gladly waved back happily. (South waved back at you and placed his arm on North's shoulder to be swept away by North's hand.)
Everything turned into outer space, stars glimmered brightly around you. There was portals everywhere, all leading to somewhere different.
The two stopped Infront of a portal. " I believe this is your dimension, yes?" Belgium said, looking through it. You weren't able to see anything as Belgium direct your attention to her before you could catch a glimpse of anything in the portal.
She plucked out a feather from her wing, handing it to you. " A souvenir from me to you, farewell dear." Belgium smiled cupping your palms with her own. She began pulling you into a tight hug. " Ooh! A group hug?" Zimbabwe said before joining into the hug.
You fucked her feather deep into your pocket to prevent it from dropping, you three waved farewell to each other. Taking a deep breath in, you stepped through, finding yourself in your own room. The portal behind you disappeared, fading away from reality.
You placed brown feather underneath you new phone case, tucking it into your pocket again before cuddling your comfy old bed.
"Do you think that they'll remember in the next round?" A voice said from the other side of the world.
"I'm sure they will, just one more and this will end. " Another voice replied to that voice.
"North what got you so flustered up?" South tilted his head, seeing that his twin was pinkish red while sipping on his hot coffee.
" Nothing... It's just YN, I know we just met them today but something in me shouts out familiarity when I first saw them. " North sighed, downing some coffee.
" So you do feel the same familiarity in them huh. I thought I was being high for a second. " South crossed his arms, leaning against the doorframe.
Author's note: Poland and Greece are both Gender-fluid and likes fashion! Greece is not emo btw, they like black and white.
Drawing of the twins after YN got home! :3 kinda forgot to add cracks to North.
They kinda silly, I like them.
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