Tomato appearance!!
Trigger warning, there would probably be mentions of Third Reich and other sensitive topics from this chapter onwards. I'll put trigger warning before the chapter starts though.
"Novonalia? Erm... Does it not exist in your world?" South Korea scratched his chin, trying to think of how to explain to the clueless human standing in front of him.
"Novonalia is where all the countries decided to reside in. "
" Does that mean that it's a country too? " Y/N curiously asked, leaning closer as they're keen on knowing.
" Yes. It's the first and probably the last country that's ever made by countries. " South bit on a cookie thag he baked." Y'know, it's to save time rushing here and there for meetings. "
" So like... Where is Novonalia on the map...? "
" Up yo ass- ahem... For your information, it's in the Pacific ocean, it's closest neighbour is Marshall Islands. "
It was dead silence after South Korea answered Y/N's question. The country stared at the human silently, his phone was locked with parental controls.
" want a cookie? " South tried to start another conversation, offering a small chunk of cookie that he was currently eating.
" A small chunk, really? But I'll gladly accept your offer." Y/N took the small bit of dough, no chocolate unfortunately, South was being a bit stingy. Either way, with or without the chocolate, they could taste the sweetness that could possibly cause diabetes.
"It's good..? Did you pour a pack of sugar while baking?" They hesitated to complement the baking.
"Noo... It was a bit more?... I dunno, I didn't bother to check how much I poured. How sweet of you to say my baking is nice!" South giggled at his own joke, getting another piece of cookie and shove it in his mouth.
The two of them sat in silence again. Unfortunately for South Korea, he was never the type to socialize. The white-haired country stared into the empty space, trying to figure out what to do next.
"That should get you fixed up. How are you feeling now Qwerty?" The country asked as they patched up one last bug found in the robot's software.
"I'm feeling great West!" The bot closed it's digital eyes and circled around Germany. The dim lighting messed up Qwerty's vision causing it to bump into the metal gear Germany is holding.
"How many times must I tell you not to call me West? Did my little sibling influenced you?" The country gently picked up her creation, hoisting it on their lap.
"Noo... You're the one who programmed me to say West, you were afraid that people will mix you and you brother up." Qwerty looked at her with sad eyes, no matter how much the bot tell them, they will always forget.
Germany opened her eyes wide, unable to recall such thing. She tilted her head before shutting down the robot to check the software. Their sharp piercing eyes glanced through the coding, soon enough they spotted the code that caused Qwerty to call them West.
"Huh... Since when did I put this here, either way, it should be fixed by... Now."
Germany watched as Qwerty came booted up again, it's digital eyes looked around before focusing on its creator. " You have approximately four more hours to your performance. "
" Why didn't you mentioned that earlier? "
" Cause it's my weekly check-up duh! "
Qwerty hurried and pushed Germany out of the maintenance room, though it struggled as she was wearing some metal equipment. Germany huffed, grabbing her instrument.
" Hey your score!"
The country U-turned, snatching the music file from bot's mechanical hand and rushed off.
" She's gone Tomato." Qwerty said with it's hushed tone, turning to the fallen empire that was hiding in the corner. The two snickered as the third empire changed the coding of Qwerty.
"Y'know it's so boring just changing my code just to prank West, let's do something more..exotic!"
" No, I'm scared that she'll be mad, I'm sticking to hiding her stuffs for shits and giggles. " Tomato shrugged, browsing through their little sibling's blue prints." You'll never know that she'll go berserk. She's been working on this project ever since she gave East life."
They grabbed a handful before scattering around the area, hiding them in different places than before.
" Don't you find it boring to hide in West's room? Why not socialize with others? "
" Look at my face, do you think people would want to talk to me? The only people who would want to talk to me are just my siblings. "
" So like that's the mall and the HQ is just around the corner. " South Korea pointed out to Y/N as he gave them a tour around out of his kindness. "There's a large park somewhere here too. "
" Yeah basically everything is packed in this single spot? "
" Well yeah, it's convenient that way. "
The two of them entered the oddly large park, it was like any other except it's bigger and better. It's definitely an eco park. People were scattered everywhere, it was jammed packed like rush hour.
Y/N and South struggled to find a spot to take a break from the mass 'exploring'.
"We should rest on the grass..."
"You can rest on the grass alone, I spot a somewhat empty bench over in a distance." South was not hesitating to ditch Y/N. (🙏)
He spotted a figure wearing all gloomy like they're hiding from the FBI. "What is good Zim! Never see you as the type to go out without your hat...?" He gave a loud ass smack to the back of the stranger.
The gloomy stranger stared at South like it could pierce through diamond. South Korea flinched back, accidentally bumping into Y/N. The two toppled down as the stranger that has a staring problem continued staring.
" Oh tomato is too shy to say anything, he likes to stare, sorry for his behalf!" The familiar bot that Y/N had encountered in the mall appeared behind the bench. "Oh it's you! How was the lollipop I gave you? Tomato was testing out their candy making skills! " The bot approached them closing it's digital eyes in joy.
"It was..great..? Would try them again!" Y/N tried to end off with an optimistic tone to complement the stranger's candy. The red stranger beamed in joy, showing a small part of their teeth, South Korea squeaked softly after seeing the sharp teeth.
Qwerty looked back at Tomato, seemly able to understand their complex mind. " Could you possibly hang out with them? They feel quite lonely, they'll compensate you with lollipops though! "
"I'll think about it."
"Yay! Thank you!" Qwerty antennas bounced from happiness.
" Don't you think giving candies to strangers is weird?"
"Dunno, that person seems to lack of social interaction, bro's fashion is way before the medieval period. "
" How did your performance go West? " Qwerty looked up to the fancy looking country.
" 'West'? Shouldn't you be calling me Germany? " The puzzled country asked, taking of the fancy black tie that was suffocating them during the fancy event. " Urgh... It went like any other performance does? What irritates me is that I saw a person on their freaking phone during the performance! Like appreciate the musiccc? Why waste your money if you're not going to listen to the beautiful piece? "
The country continued ranting about that one person on their phone. Germany huffed before going back to her blueprint, only to find it missing. " Alexa, what's the symptoms of Alzheimer's?"
Author's note :3
Tbh I felt like the story is not focusing on Y/N enough😭🙏
I feel so clueless on what to write so I had to switch the main focus so like there'll be a time skip and it'll kinda make sense?
The reason as to why Third Reich is called Tomato is that I also fear that some people would get triggered by the name😔😔 I also feel like it'll build the character's personality more?
Changed the story cover cause I find the old one a bit weird for Belgium's waist lije look at the difference 😭☹️😢
Would possibly make a new cover :3/
Abba Gold is fire btw 🔥🔥🔥
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