01 | fiona
EVER SINCE YENDOR'S Publishing House thought my CV was actually decent and worthy of a job that mainly includes sitting in a shared office with huge manuscripts to edit or a meeting room with boring people talking and ranting about boring stuff that is never directed to me or the colleagues in the same position, doodling has been a must that you'd always find a paper and pen with me.
Especially at meetings like the one I'm sitting at right now. Jeffery was, as usual, talking some materialistic shit that didn't make one bit of sense, the only ones seated around the oval-shaped meeting table who were actually even looking at him are watching how ridiculously gestural he's being with his hands so they can talk each other's ears off about it at lunchtime.
I snap my head up from my cupcake doodle to look at Harry, who has unbuttoned his dress shirt to the top of his stomach that his butterfly tattoo was visible. He gestures with his index finger as if slicing his throat with his eyes closed and tongue poking out the corner of his mouth. A giggle involuntarily escapes me and I'm immediately greeted by Jeffery's look of accusation.
"Fiorella, would you like to add something?" He asks knowingly, folding his hands together and resting them on his tummy. I purse my lips and pretend to throw the key away, earning some chuckles and eye rolls from around the table.
When he decided to move on, I glared at a quietly snickering Harry who has his hands covering his mouth so he won't laugh aloud. He winks playfully, having me flick him off discreetly and go back to doodling random ice cream cones in my notepad until we are finally dismissed to lunch break.
"I'm fucking starving," I groaned to Harry as all the employees piled out of the meeting room. Harry raises his hand to swipe his chestnut curls of hair aside and nods.
"Same, do you wanna stop by at Annie's?" He suggests as we pass Claire the receptionist, who sent him a flirty smirk topped off with a wink.
"Yes! I'll pay," I grin, as my heels click over to the elevators and I press the key downwards.
"It's my turn to pay, though," Harry chortles, his green irises twinkling with relief from my offer.
"I feel like spending money. Oh, shit, don't let me go shopping!" I pass a hand through my hair and clench my fist in frustration just as the lift dings its arrival.
He shrugs as we get into the crowded space and as the door closes, he says, "I won't be coming for our Friday meet-up at your place, by the way."
"Another date?" I wiggle my eyebrows at him suggestively in a playful manner.
"You know me," he clicks his tongue and shoots me one of his signature smirks.
I've known Harry since second year in college. We actually weren't on good terms until we were assigned on an article project together and simply have been friends since then. There wasn't that much of an interesting connection between us, but people had always suspected our friendship to be more because of how much time we spent together. Even though the girls were taking turns in lines to date Harry Styles, the incredible looking male with the chiseled jawline, the emeralds of eyes, the Casanova, long, curly hair, the tall and muscular structured body, and of course, the endearing personality that every girl wants.
Except that all of these hungry girls didn't know Harry, they only saw one side of his character - the sweeping-you-off-your-feet, sexy and charming personality. The Harry I know and have known for about three years is the goofy, playful, dumb and adorable Harry that always hangs around with me and has my back.
He had, for sure, tried his way with me once in college, with his attractive personality, but he even admitted himself he didn't feel anything more than friendship for me because apparently I was 'better than the others' or some other line he threw at me then.
So, somehow, I learned to appreciate his odd respect for me, and here we are. Working together in Yendor's Publishing House and living the life of independence while both our parents -who also know each other- live in the town we grew up in; Wondage, London.
We're not roommates, too. It would've been far too much, and Harry needed to live in a 'boy's place' where he can be 'free to walk around naked,' he'd said. We are, though, in the same building.
I live with Teagan, a beauty guru who earns loads of money and has my back whenever I'm feeling less than okay with monthly rent. Harry's living by himself, having money from his parents, and living the true life.
"Two smoked turkey sandwiches and two cokes, please," Harry orders politely to the cashier at Annie's, which was across the street from Yendor's building. We get our order and sit by the window, watching the New Yorkers go by in a frenzy as we munch on our delicious food.
"So," I turned to Harry and wiggled my eyebrows at him. "What's her name?"
He pauses then scrunches his nose and laughs, swallowing his bite of sandwich. "I can't remember, fuck!"
"You're out of this world, Harry." I snicker and shake my head at him. "Do I know the lucky shag?"
"Nope, I met her at the after-party of some starter band last Wednesday." He sips from his coke and shrugs with a chuckle. "She's hot, and I'm taking her out to that new restaurant downtown."
"That's if you remember her name before she strips for you," I tease, laughing when he threatens to pour coke on my hair.
"Shut up, Fiona," he rolls his eyes in amusement. "At least I've got plans for Friday, I'm not netflixing and chilling."
"Excuse me, Shrek," I tease back, knowing full well he knows I hate being called Fiona. "I will be going out Friday evening."
"Oh, really?" He licks his lips before he takes a huge bite off his sandwich.
"Yeah, you just surprised me that you're not coming, so I have to make other plans." I frown when I feel my phone vibrate, fishing for it in my purse's pocket. "Hold on, Belle just texted me."
fiorella! where are you?
w/ harry at annie's. everything alright? x
connor bentley is asking for your number, hot stuff!
Smirking up at Harry, he raises an eyebrow at me in confusion. I shrug one shoulder up and smiled sweetly at him. "I think I worked it out. Connor Bentley's finally manning up!"
Harry rolled his eyes once he realized what I'm talking about. Connor has been eyeing me ever since I stepped foot into the company, but he's never talked to me except to ask if I'd like coffee or how many manuscripts I've edited so far. He's definitely the shy kind, which is reason number one why Harry despises him.
"How did he get your number?" Harry asked curiously, glancing at the phone in my hand.
"Oh, no, that's Belle. He asked her for it," I explain.
Harry scoffs. "Yeah, I can see the manning up!"
"Don't be rude, Haz." I giggled and sipped my coke as Harry rolls his eyes at my nickname and gets out his own phone while eating. I text Belle back.
go for it.
i'm a single woman and i have the right, don't i?
lmao yes you do, babe. he's got it, tell me everything if it happens! that office gossip is in my hands!!
fair enough! the spot is reserved for you, queen b!
Seconds later, my phone dings with a text from an unknown number and my smirk grows as I read it.
Hey, Fiorella. It's Connor Bentley - Editor at YPH. If you are free on Friday, I would love to hang out. Text me. x
hope you like this chapter. it's only the beginning ;) and fiorella's name is italian and it means the little flower! here's a pic in media of how i imagine her to look like!
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