I heard a groan in my head and I looked over to Saiki, giving him a knowing look. He shot me a glance and his face seemed to look annoyed, but then again, when didn't it look annoyed.
"Hey, Saiki, Nendou, and Kaidou," she says in a sickeningly sweet voice.
Ugh, go away, bitch.
"Oh, my god, go away. I don't want you here," I say, making shooing motions with my hands. She gives me an unreadable expression before smiling at me and laughing.
I glare at her and suck on my teeth and match my way into the ramen shop. I'm guessing Saiki took this as his option to leave before Teruhashi talked to him as he walked into the shop a few second after me.
"You hate her too," I ask him. Saiki simply gives a short, almost unnoticeable nod before going reading the menu.
I follow his actions and settle for normal ramen, Saiki doing the same. I didn't know here they others were and, frankly, I didn't care. They were loud and annoying anyway.
Saiki's the only quiet, not messed up in the head, guy there. Teruhashi literally glows so she's automatically strange and most of the other girls are weird too.
"The people here are strange," I attempt to start a conversation. Saiki nods his head at it and I huff. "Come on, I'm trying to start conversation. You have to say something."
He nods again and I let out a groan, leaning on the table and putting my head in my hands.
"Idiot," I mumble. I don't get a response form Saiki and I laugh, pointing my finger at him. "Ha, ha! You didn't deny it!"
Saiki shakes his head and I realize that this is the equivalent of talking to yourself. I lower my hand and look down at the table, falling silent.
Man, mood change much?
I would laugh out loud if I could without looking like a maniac. I rest my chin in my hands and look out the window.
The sky was a bright blue and the sun seemed to be brisling through the clouds. What a lovely day.
Yeah, if you want to get rained on tomorrow, I hear Saiki's voice.
I glare at him before thinking, so now you decide to speak, huh?
I see a faint smile got win his lips but it dies as soon as it came. It might've been my mind playing tricks on me, now that I think about it.
Yes, I felt the need to but into your thoughts, Saiki responds.
I glare at him but immediately stop when a body sits next to me. I turn to see Teruhashi sitting next to me, Nendou and Kaidou sitting next to Saiki.
Ha, ha. At least I'm not squished, I sneer. Saiki shakes his head and goes to look at the menu, despite already ordering.
I tune into Teruhashi's conversation with the boys instead, finding it much more interesting than a menu.
"Ha, ha, Nendou you're so funny," she says. I have to hold back the urge to groan and leave. Saiki seems to be having the same struggle as he shifts in his seat a little and reads more of the menu.
Nendou? Funny? I don't know what drug she's on but I'll have what she's having, I think over to Saiki.
Saiki looks up at me and then back at the menu for a minute before responding, you'll be higher than the clouds. You'll be shining, glowing even. Like the sun.
I resist the urge to burst out laughing, only chuckling a little bit. Saiki doesn't look up from his menu but I can see a faint smirk on his lips, he probably feels accomplished or something.
"See, Nendou? Even (Y/N) thinks you're funny. Right, (Y/N)," Teruhashi turns to me. I freeze like a deer in the spotlight before silently nodding my head.
Nendou wasn't the one I was laughing at but it's be pretty hard to explain the I was talking to Saiki, who's very physic and very powerful.
Teruhashi grins and forgets about my existence again. I look over at Kaidou, only to see him coloring a children's menu. I feel myself die a little as he colors a duck Barney colors.
"A duck isn't purple and green," I tell Kaidou. Kaidou takes almost thirty years to finish his sentence, dragging out his sentence as he was distracted.
"Ye~ah. It's— uh, it's a... uhm, Barney duck. No more... Barney the Dino—saur," he finally finishes. I burst out laughing.
"Oh, my god. Barney duck. You actually called it—," I wheezed and felt all the air in my lungs leave me. "Oh, oh, my god, Barney duck."
I shook my head as the laughter wore off.
I called it, I stayed to Saiki. He simply nods and doesn't respond.
The others ordered and though me and Saiki got our food at the same time, the others food came out in some scattered pattern.
Teruhashi, of course, didn't care. Nendou didn't even notice and Kaidou. Well, Kaidou thought it was the Dark Reunion. They were trying to confuse us, poison us. Something!
As Kaidou ranted about that, I simply waited for everyone to finish their food, as I was already done. I was hungry, ok?
And as everyone finished we decided to go to the arcade. Except, I felt sick to my stomach for some reason, so I didn't go.
Instead, I walked home, all alone. It was still light outside so I figured I'd be safe. If it was dark, I would've made Saiki or someone walk me home.
But my prediction of nothing going wrong seemed to be cut short as I felt a hand roughly grab my arm and drag my into a dark alleyway.
I went to scream but I felt them put something over my mouth. Caught trying to scream made me inhale whatever chemical was on there.
I heard whispers as I felt my body become lighter. My vision slowly faded to black and all the voices faded out.
Who thought I'd be kidnapped? I sure didn't.
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