I ended the call and gathered my things, getting ready to go to class. I stand up and walk down the hall.
Soon enough, kids were flooding through the halls, almost knocking me down. I sighed to myself, thankfully no one saw me talking to my friend.
I don't need to know anyone here. There's a reason why I moved and there's a reason why I don't need trouble.
I yawn as I walk into my next class. Today has been pretty uneventful. I've been trying to figure out who to avoid.
So far I've come up with Strawberry Boy, Nendou, and some girl who basically glows.
She's a strange one, isn't she.
During gym I pop my headphones on and call another friend. One that didn't know everything about me. Manai gets that special title.
I talk for a while before I have to hang up because the class ended. At the end of the day I'm basically dragging my bag and groaning.
It was fun at first but it got progressively more boring. Not the best time. There's always tomorrow.
And that's how the next day goes as well. Fun and then boring. People learn to avoid me and I'm happy about it. SB is getting a little bit more annoying though.
As I walk home one day, I notice SB. I quickly turn and walk another route. I was gonna get lost, I could feel it in my bones.
I really didn't want to meet SB. Him and all his weird hair clips. He's probably like a brony or some messed up shit.
As I wander around looking for another way to get to my house I hear footsteps behind me. I turn around only to be faced with SB.
I feel like I'm in a video game. SB's the boss and I just can't run away. Great, I was never good at running.
I look around myself for options. There's only two pathways. One on my left and one behind me.
The one on my left seemed to be better decision but behind me would be easier to play off.
I took my chances and took the left. I walked for a while and realized that SB had also gone to the left. I silently cursed my brain for doing this to me.
I kept walking. I didn't dare turn around. SB is popular, I do not want that. Not at all.
"Fuck, fuck, fuckity, fuck. Why now, dad," I curse my dad as my phone rang. I picked up and my dad's voice rings out.
"(Y/N), honey, the stoves on fire again. Listen I need you to stop this. It's getting expensive and tiring," he said to me. I mock him a little.
"Dad, I didn't light the stove on fire. I can't light the stove on fire. Besides, the last time I lit something on fire was in fifth grade. I don't do that anymore."
My dad laughed on the other end, "it was seventh grade when you stopped. Remember the girl who took your phone for a while."
I frowned to myself, "she stole the phone. And she deserved it, too. Manai thinks so."
"Ah, yes. Manai is a totally dependable person. I almost forgot about the time you almost blew her to shreds."
"Ok, ok, dad. Whatever. I'm on my way home, just die or something, I guess."
I heard a laugh in the other end before the call ended. If you couldn't tell, I'm able to control fire. Also, I'm able to control water, air, and earth.
I'm like the avatar but cooler. And better. And I don't have the arrow things. I'm not that much like the avatar, now that I think about it.
I sighed as I saw my house come into view. It seemed to be completely consumed by flames. My dad was outside, freaking out.
When he saw me he smiled a nervous smile.
"I didn't want to die, honey. The fire grew," he said to me.
I glanced behind me to see SB staring at the house. I slightly panicked. I can't do it with him here, I'd be found out.
"Oh, no! My stuff," I yelled. My acting needed a little bit of work. I ran into the house without a moment to waste.
Everything was in flames. See, not only could I control the elements I could undo or redo what they've caused. Did someone drown? Well, whoopdy do, I'm able to undo the water drown.
Did someone's house light on fire because they're dad is an idiot? I can undo the fire and everything in the house is fixed.
I quickly step in the center of the house, the living room, and use my powers to undo the fire.
Everything goes back to how it was and I see the stove start to go a bit too hot. I turn off the stove and walk out of the house.
"Wow, Dad. What happened," I asked, still needing acting lessons.
"Honey, the man is gone."
I look over to see that SB has, in fact, disappeared. I smiled to my dad before my face fell again and I quickly said, "don't burn down the house again. It's not fun."
"Yeah, I know it's not fun. Our house was almost obliterated. Thank the lord no one saw that."
But someone did see that. A small little strawberry headed boy with weird hair clips did. And he's intrigued.
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