I collapse onto Saiki's bed and let out a sigh. Saiki sits on the end of the bed and just stares at me.
After a minute of silence, I sit up and stare back at him. We end up just staring at each other for a while.
I opened up my mouth and asked, "what does Teruhashi know?"
Saiki looked away from me and at his desk before responding, "I don't know. She averts her mind from it and pretends she doesn't know."
"So you can't read her mind for it?"
I scoot closer to Saiki and bring my arm around his shoulders. I lean all my weight on him and sigh really loud.
"I guess we'll just have to wait and find out then, huh," I say with my eyes closed.
"I guess so," Saiki's voice gets quieter as he talks. I open my eyes and look at him. He's looking at my face, towards the bottom of it.
That means he's looking at my... lips. I feel a blush crawl up my cheeks as I think.
Do I like Saiki? My heart fluttered when I though of his name. Yes, obviously. Does Saiki like me? Well, I didn't think so until now.
I bite my lip and look up at Saiki. He obviously knows something as he's smirking at me. It's one of his rare Saiki faces.
He leans forward and gets really close to my face before— the door slams open and there stands Teruhashi.
Saiki bolts up and I didn't know he was capable of such movements. I look at him and then at the door. My head keeps going back and forth.
What do I focus on right now? Saiki or Teruhashi? Teruhashi just slammed the door open and she knows something about me.... but Saiki was about to kiss me so...
I look at Teruhashi and walk up to her. Sorry, Saiki. As much as I like you, I need to deal with Teruhashi first. I walk up to her and mentally apologize to Saiki.
"Can we talk outside," I ask her. She nods and follows me outside. "So I heard you wanted to talk to me?"
"What's your relationship with Saiki," she asks quickly. I think for a moment. We're friends but he tried to kiss me recently. What do I say?
"It's... uh- it's complicated."
She seems to take it well but that idea gets flipped on it's head when she yells, "complicated? It complicated?!
"What do you mean it's complicated?! I've liked him for so long. SO long! And you're here telling me it's complicated?! Tell me. Tell me what's going on between you and Saiki! Are you dating him?! Are you guys friends with benefits?! What is it?!"
I was taken aback. Teruhashi seemed so mad. So, so angry at me. I didn't know what to do. I crouch down and stare at the ground.
I look at how the wood twists and forms together and listen to Teruhashi's huffs and puffs. I think and ponder on what Teruhashi said.
What are me and Saiki? It's clear we aren't friends anymore. We're definitely something more. But what? What are we? What will we be if he does kiss me?
My heart beats wildly at the though of me and Saiki dating. At the though of us holding hands and kissing and—.
I shake my head. No. No, no, no. Fear takes over my body. This isn't good. I think back on me and Saiki.
He knows so much about me. He could use it all against me. If we get into a fight, he could ruin my life. My reputation.
So could Teruhashi. I look up at her and I see tears rolling down her cheeks. We were still inside, just outside the room. No one else would see them.
"I know," Teruhashi breaths. "I know about your parents and your powers. I had to dig around a lot and ask a lot of people about you. But I figured it all out and pieced everything together."
"You do," I ask in response. Teruhashi nods and lifts her head. She wipes her tears and I stand up.
"I felt bad after learning it. I wanted to find something to use against you. An embarrassing fact or photo. I didn't mean to find it. Please, I didn't mean to—."
Her words catch in her throat as more tears stream down her face. I hesitantly pull her into a hug. Teruhashi gives a light gasp.
"What did you think I would do because you knew this information," I quietly ask her.
"I thought- I thought you'd tell everyone that I was digging for information. I thought you'd ruin my image. I thought—."
She starts crying even harder and I squeeze her tighter, feeling bad. She thought I'd be the one to ruin her life.
Knowing that, I wasn't afraid about her knowing everything about me. Cause if she tries to use it against me, I can use this against her.
She pulls away from the hug and smiles at me.
"You're to kind, you know. I don't know what I'd do if you decided to use this against me," Teruhashi tells me.
I smile back at her and say, "that's what people do. It's what... friends are for."
Teruhashi nods. "Friends," she repeats.
"We are friends right, Teruhashi?"
She nods again and says, "just call me Kokomi. My given name."
I nod, "then call me (Y/N). My... given name? Yeah, my given name."
Teruhashi sticks out her hand and I shake it. It's like we're doing a business deal except the business deal is that we're now friends.
It feels nice. Teruhashi as my friend. This powerful person, my friend. She knows about me, but instead of using it against me, she's worried I'll use her knowledge against her.
"So you guys are on good terms then," I hear Saiki from behind us. Teruhashi freezes and I turn to face him.
"Yeah. We're friends now," I say. He nods.
"I just want you to know that I completely support your relationship and that I won't try to get in the way or anything," Teruhashi exclaims quickly.
I expected Saiki to tell her we aren't in a relationship. That we're just friends, despite when he tried to kiss me earlier.
But instead, he grabbed my arm and pulled me closer to his body.
"That's alright, Teruhashi. You should probably get going, we've got stuff to do," Saiki tell her.
Teruhashi blushes and skeptically says, "ah, yes. Stuff. Well then I'll be off."
She leaves quickly and I push Saiki away.
"What was that," I ask him.
He looks at me and gives a small smirk, "that was the quickest way to get rid of her. Besides, I couldn't do this with her here."
And he kisses me.
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