I woke up in a, can you guess it? A chair! How predictable!
I look down at myself. Instead of ropes like the last time, there was some sort of electrical wire.
This is like when a superhero gets captured and they can't use their powers because of some new technology or something.
I should test this. I struggle to lift my hand up and try to summon some water. Nothing happens. This probably isn't good.
"As you can tell, you obviously can't use your powers," says some voice. It's not the same voice as last time and slight panic fills me.
This is new and, obviously, they know how to stop me from escaping. This... this isn't good.
"Now, we will unlock the chains if you promise you won't try to run," the voice says again. It sounds... feminine. Like a lady is saying it.
I look around and nod me head. Where am I going to run to? They're more powerful than me and I'd rather not die today, sorry.
A lock clicks and, suddenly, the chains go falling to the ground. I lift my hand up and make a small ball of water.
Some of the panic from before leaves me and I start to look around the room again. I'm not able to stand from the chair, but at least I'm able to use my powers.
I hear another lock click and swing my head up. A girl, who looked to be an adult, came sauntering into the room.
She looked around for a bit then looked at me, her long black hair flowed with every step closer she took. I leaned back in my chair as she brought her face really close to mine.
I could see the unrealistic rainbow of her eyes, eyes that looked brown from a distance. She was obviously wearing contacts of some sort.
She nodded to herself and hummed, bringing her head back. The lady stared my down, something I would've taken as glaring if not for her next words.
"Oh, honey, it's so good to see you again," she yells, leaning down and hugging me. I tense up, who is this lady?
My hands hover over her back but I don't hug backs at all. I just let her hug me. When she pulls away, her hands stay firmly planted on my shoulders.
Noticing my confused face she says, "do you... recognize me?"
I shake my head and look at the ground, "am I supposed to?"
The lady is clearly taken aback. Her face falters for a moment, showing sadness and pain, before going back to its original cheerfulness.
"Ah, well, introductions are needed then," she exclaims, sticking her hand out for me to shake. "I'm (M/N) (L/N). Or—."
She doesn't finish and I feel my stomach rise to my chest. She didn't need to finish for me to know. She's my mom. She's my...
I shake my head, "my mom is dead. You can't be my mom."
She tsks and shakes her head at me, "silly child, I am your mom. I would recognize my child anywhere!"
I falter. What if... what if she really is my mom? I bring my hands closer to my body and look down at them. I pay attention to all my features and compare them to hers.
Everything matches up, except the hair and eyes.
Tears start forming in my eyes and I blink to try and get rid of them. More come and soon, I'm full on crying in this chair, my supposed mother standing right in front of me, not doing anything.
"And I know it comes as a—," she starts but I feel anger control my senses.
"Why'd you leave," I ask, venom tracing my voice.
"Why did you leave," I ask again. (M/N) falters and for a second, one of her eyes looks blue. I blow it off as my mind playing tricks on me and focus on the task at hand again.
"Honey, I had to—."
"Bullshit! If you didn't leave then we wouldn't have had to move and I would be still be at home with all my friends!"
I feel my heart swell as more tears start falling down my face. My mom... or- 'mom' is standing in front of me, and I don't know how to react.
Clearly, I'm angry. But what else am I supposed to do? Sit here and not find answers? Not do anything? I want answers more than anything. And I will get them.
"Honey, calm down—," (M/N) starts again, trying to put her hand on my shoulder.
I lift my hand to grab her wrist but flames follow my arm. And soon, her shirt is on fire. I feel guilt burn into my soul.
I didn't mean to do that, I thought. This couldn't end well.
"You insufferable little child! I'll kill you, you know. You hear me?! I'll kill you," her voice fades out as she fades away.
I stand there, confused. What... what just happened?
A voice cut through the sudden silence, "failed the first trial. Second trial loading."
I feel something warm run down my leg and when I look down I see the chains cutting into me. I go to touch them but before I can they disappear.
"What," I mutter to myself. "What's going on?"
Suddenly, something hits the back of my head and I'm out. I can't tell how long I was out though, for when I passed out, a second later I was up again.
Bright lights about my and something holding my head, arms, and legs down. With my limited vision I can see the same woman from before, (M/N), standing against the wall, arms crossed. She looks disappointed in me.
"I really hope you pass this one," she says before disappearing. Hell if I know where she went.
I go to open my mouth but get cut off, "trial two loaded. Good luck, 208."
Oh, no.
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