The Way Things Go
"What?!" I exclaimed. This is ridiculous. I don't even know this guy.
"Exactly what I said Lucy Heartfilia. You and Ben have caught my attention as a couple! Cool!" I looked at the smirking Ben next to me and looked at the reporter man or who ever he is. "This is a mistake. I dong even know Ben. He barely even said hi to me and plus, I have a boyfriend."
"Really? I didn't see you with anyone while you've been here." Ben remarked. That's when I looked at him kind of creeped out that he has been watching me for a while.
"Well he isn't here because..." I looked around nervous when my bestie came and wrapped her arm around my shoulder. "Because me, her best friend, and her were having a girls night together. So sorry Ben, she is taken." Liss started pulling me away when I saw Ben pay the blonde man. That explains it but apparently Lissana's comment didn't stop Ben. He came running towards us.
"Look Lucy, your imaginary boyfriend is not going to stop me from pursuing you. At one point you will give in to my total good looks. I am handsome after all." I rolled my eyes and continued to get pulled away. He was at my heels though and wouldn't leave me alone.
At one point Liss got annoyed and looked him straight in the eyes. "Look Ben. Lucy is not interested, so just leave. You don't want Lucy's boyfriend to see you chasing after her. He will end you. He's been know for that so leave her alone." Ben glared at Lissana and talked slowly. "Look, if Lucy wants me to leave her alone, she'll tell me."
I raised an eyebow, "Really, that's all it'll take for you to leave me alone? Alright. Ben I want you to leave me alone and I want nothing to do with you." He looked at me for a second. "No you don't. You are attracted to me and are just saying that because Elsa over here is telling you what to say." I looked over to see Liss turning red . "Never mind. Now she looks like little Tinkerbell. Aww so cute."
"Listen here Be.." Before my best friend could say anything I walked up to him and slapped him. There seemed to actually be an echo resounding despite the different arcade games sounds.
He turned to look at me and grabbed me by my wrist. He yanked it up and tried circling his other hand around my waist, but I kneed him where the sun don't shine. It was a low blow but that's where girls have an advantage. He let go of my wrist and fell to the floor in agony. "Bitch!!" He shrieked while Lissana was trying to surpress a laughter next to me.
He stood up weakly and was getting closer to me when Jellal and Laxus appeared next to me and glared down Ben.
"Umm. Do we have a problem here?" Asked Jellal.
Ben looked at both of the boys and then at me. He looked at me with a mixture of anger and something I wasn't sure of. It was kind of like he was surprised but then again not. He clutched his pained manhood and walked away.
"Thanks guys. Y'all are the best." I turned to the guys. They just smiled and walked me and Liss to the table the girls where all at. They were trying the hotwings that were suggested when they first arrived.
"Lu-chan!!" Exclaimed. "These are delicious!!" She was in the middle on ending a little basket of them. Poor wings. I sat down next to Erza whom was enjoying a strawberry cake. Not a slice. A whole cake. This woman. We stayed at the arcade for another two hours until everyone was tired. We left the M & Z and were on our way to our cars when Levy pulled me to he side.
"Lu-chan, I don't know what happened after we left but really he's miserable. You should have seen him when he arrived without you at the beach. He looked like the saddest puppy ever. I know that he is the one that messed up but you should try talking to him. Please." I looked at her and hesitated.
"I don't know Levy. I'm still kind of hurt by what he told me, but ok. I'll call him tomorrow."
Honestly, I'm dying to be in his arms but he kind of told me that I was a mistake. Then again, talking to him might be a smart choice.
"There's no need to call since he kind of also came," she smiled.
"Hey shrimp!! We're leaving!" Gajeel yelled.
"Coming!" Levy called back. "Alright Lu-chan. See you tomorrow." She hugged me tightly and left after my friends.
I left with Lissana back to my house. She decided to sleep over for old times sake.
The next morning
I woke up to the rays of the sun shining in my face and with desire for a shrimp cocktail. I stood up and walked to the kitchen where my mom was drinking a coffee.
"Morning mom," I gave her a kiss on the cheek and went around to the fridge to see if there was anything to satisfy my craving. Sadly, there wasn't so I walked over to the little island in the middle of the kitchen and grabbed an orange.
"Honey, it's seven in the morning. Why don't you stay in bed?" My mom asked.
"I couldn't sleep anymore. My stomach wasn't letting me anymore." She just laughed and continued to look at some outlines for a new hotel.
"Hey mommy?"
"Hmm?" Mom answered but continued scanning over the blurprints. "Can my friends come over today for lunch?"
"Of course honey. Just tell Miliana what you want to be served and tell her to ready the dining hall."
"Alright. Thanks mom and where's dad?" I asked her while I began to peel the orange.
"He's out on a business meeting. He should be back by next week. You know how it is sweety." True. Dad is always away on trips.
I finished peeling my orange and began to eat it. I sat there talking with my mom for a while before Lissana came out yawning with her hair in a messy bun. She stole half my orange and sat down with us.
"Good morning," she said after sitting down. "The gang is going for breakfast. You coming?" She looked at me.
"Ano, I think I'm going to dedicate the morning to myself. You go ahead." She and mom looked at me. I guess I never really like being myself but this time I need it.
"You sure?" She asked.
"Yeah. I'm inviting them for lunch later after all." Still unconvinced she eyed me.
"Liss, I'm fine. I need time to collect myself before I see him." She just gave up and agreed. By nine, she left and I was in the mini theater we have in the east wing looking at the blank screen.
"Lucy!!" I heard Milliana call me. I was still laying down on one of the seats when she finally found me. "Ano, someone is looking for you. He is down in the living room waiting for you," she smiled. I stood up and on the way out I looked at the grandfather clock across the hall and noticed that it was already eleven in the morning. I walked slowly as Milliana was a few feet away from me. After I finally reached the living room I saw salmon colored hair.
"Hey Luce," he smiled, but I noticed that he looked pale and he had circles under his eyes.
"Wow. You look awful," I remarked but didn't make an effort to get closer. I just stood in the entry of the living room.
"Well you look wonderful too." I smiled at that and sat down on the couch closest to the entry. He saw that and frowned. "Look Lucy, please let me explain to you..."
"No need to Natsu. It's ok. I forgive you." I smiled but still stayed in place. He wasn't satisfied with that answer. He walked over to me and got on his knees. "Please Lucy, I need you. I am an asshole, a dumbass, a retard. Anything you want me to be, but don't forgive me that easily."
"Look, you want to know why I forgive you?" He looked up at me with a questioning look and held my hand.
"It's because..."
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