Sincere Feelings
The sudden explosion and declaration of war seemed to frighten the teens. Everyone ran up to the location of the explosion. It was in a chemistry room on the third floor. When arriving, they looked at the scene... Liliana and Juvia turned quickly before they threw up. Bruised teens were all around the room, clearly many harmed. Sirens and fire fighters were heard all around. The building was evacuated and that clearly meant us too.
All the guys huddled around Laxus' car. "Liliana. I know this sounds weird and all, but your going to have to stay with one of us for a while. So do you Juvia. Sadly, we got you into our mess and we can't just let you go, because I am pretty sure that they will now associate both of you with us. They will use you both as hostages or something. I can't explain all the details now, but chose right now. Who will you be staying with?" Laxus asked. "Juvia would like to stay with Gray-sama. If that is okay?" The blunette blushed and looked down. "Um. Sure.. I mean, its cool." Gray answered with a slight blush creeping on to his cheeks.
"Liliana can stay with me. You know she'll be safe." Natsu stated. "Oh sure. I know for certain that my second in command will protect Liliana and not have sex with her. Right!?" Laxus asked with a straight face. "Yes Laxus. I mean. I need to stop having relations like that. I could get STDs or something." They all found that quiet hilarious except for the two girls. The boys all drove off and agreed to meet at Natsu's in two hours.
Liliana sat down on a bench and was going to call a taxi, when the yellow convertible pulled out on the curve. One of her most favorite smiles was seen when Sting exited the car. "Sting!!" Liliana ran up to him and gave him a warming hug. They chatted for a while. "Hey.. You wanna go to the mall and hang out for a while?" The blond male asked. "Hmm. Should I, or should I not enter this vehicle. Defenseless with one of the people I may or may not love most in this world?" Sting just stared at her with a blank expression. "Of course you dummy!!" Sting's smile must of have been brighter than the sun. They drove off to Magnolia mall together.
Both young blonds had a great time at the mall. They shopped a little, watched a movie, went to the arcade, took pictures, had lunch/dinner, and were just hanging out and talking. They were walking around when Liliana noticed the beautiful attraction of the mall and got an idea. It was a large fountain in the center of the huge mall. She grabbed Sting's hand and rushed to it. She gave her phone to a random lady and asked her to take a picture of them.
The lady gladly took the picture. "You both make a lovely couple." The lady's comment made Liliana and Sting blush as she handed Liliana her phone back. After the lady left, both Sting and Liliana made wish at the fountain.
"What did my lovely princess wish for?" Sting asked while bowing.
"I cannot tell. Or it will not come true my Sting-bee"
"Ok. Don't tell me. Hey Lily can I ask you something?"
"You already did. But sure. Go ahead."
"Liliana. I am sorry if this is sudden, but I feel like I should tell you. Lily..., I love you."
The shocked blond just sat there. Speechless. Without motion.
"I'm sorry. Can you repeat that? I feel like I'm mishearing."
"Liliana. I love you! Be my girlfriend?"
Liliana leaned forward and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. "Yes, Sting-bee." The happy new couple were walking out when Liliana's phone rang.
^Liliana! Where the hell are you!? We all agreed to meet at my place. Remember?^
"Oh that's right. I forgot."
^You can't just forget things like that. You know we had to all settle some final adjustments to all this that is going on. Where are you? So I can go get you.^
"I'm at the mall."
^Which mall?^
^I'll be there like in five minutes. Go to the front entrance.^
The masculine voice on the other line soon stopped talking for he ended the call. Liliana told her new boyfriend that she had something to attend to. he gave her a small kiss on the cheek and left.
Not long, the pinkette pulled out front and let the blond enter. "Luce. You know we were worried about you. Right? Please don't do that again. You could have at least send a message."
The sincererness in his voice triggered something in the blonds head.
"Hey Luce. Please don't run away from me like that. You worried me. Please don't do it again," A pinkette was telling a blond. "Ok ok Natsu. I won't do it again, but only if you promise me one thing," The little blond said. "Anything," The boy declared as Natsu said. "When we are older, you have to marry me. That way we will never be separated again," The little girl was excited. The young boy blushed, "ok..., but this is to make sure you really want to." The little boy kissed the little girl straight on the lips. They both deeply blushed and continued to play.
She stared straight into Natsu's eyes. "I kind of feel like I have met you before Natsu," she sincerely answered. He pulled the car over and turned the car off. "Liliana. You know, the reason I've been acting weird around you is because, you remind me of someone that was really close to me as a child. One day in middle school when I started to get popular, I forgot about the usual meeting spot. When I suddenly remembered.. I went to look for her. I guess it was to late. She was in a serious accident and so she was transferred to a hospital in America. I haven't seen her since. I really miss her. As kids, I know its funny but, we promised each other we would get married when we grew up. Its silly but I would have loved to be with her right now." The blond was extremely confused. She opened her mouth to speak, when there was a sudden smash on the front window. "Shit," Natsu cursed under his breath. There were three guys surrounding the car. Two of them had a baseball bat and the last one was holding a gun!!
Natsu turned on the car and sped away before anything serious happened. A sudden gunshot was heard and the car began to start getting out of control. Liliana turned and saw that Natsu had been shot. She started to try her best and steer while staying in the passenger seat. The car came to a sudden halt, when the front of the car impacted with a light post. Suddenly, she couldn't move and neither could Natsu. Blood streamed down their faces and they were covered in bruises. Flashes were flashed in the car. "They are dead. Boss is going to be mad that we killed his spy though. Shit. Let's deal with it later before..."
"Wait.. We can't just assume they are dead." One of the guys took out a hand gun and shot Liliana. The pain she felt, started to make everything go black, but before it did, she heard gun shots everywhere and lots of cars. The voices of the other guys and her friends were the last thing she heard. Then... It went black.
-flashback/Dream (Lucy's POV)-
I was standing in the middle of a field. I remembered that I was going to meet someone here. The small river that crossed the field, was icy cold. The sun had already gone down hours ago. Yet I am standing here, waiting. Why? All of a sudden I saw my crush and best friend, kissing a girl with golden brown hair at a party. I began to run towards them, but to no avail did I reach them. I kept at, until I saw that he and her turned to look at me and smile. That's when I stopped. The image of them broke before me and was replaced by a sudden bright light. It came extremely close when...
(Still Liliana's POV)
I jerked up and flinched at the bright lights around me. I was in a small room on a hospital bed. In the room, there was a small table beside me and besides that, just a small couch and two doors. I tried getting up, when I realized I had a something,.. Wait no. Someone with their head on my lap. It was no other than my best friend Levy McGarden.
My movement startled her because she began to wake up. "Lu-chan!"
"Hey Levy-Chan. What are you doing here? What am I doing here? What time is it?"
"I'm here because I'm obviously your best friend, You were in an accident, and its 9:49 in the morning...and before you ask, its Friday and yes. I your best friend, skipped school to be with you." I love this little bookworm!! I explained everything that happened to me on Monday and I told her about me getting some lost memories of some type. I kinda just left out the Natsu part.
We were chatting when my room was suddenly flooded with my friends!! I saw all my close friends and new friends I barely made. Yukino, Mira, Juvia, Valentine, Erza, Wendy, Lissy, and more. I don't even think I can have this many visitors. I was happy to have them all here but my thoughts were true. Two nurses came and kicked people out. Well I still have my close friends.
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