A/N In case you didn't know, Toph and Sokka and some characters that will be appearing in later chapters are from Avatar the last airbender. If you haven't watched it, it's on netflix so go watch it now cause it's absolutely amazing. DON'T WATCH THE LIVE ACTION THO IT SUCKS!
On with the story!
John POV
Our class Mr Washington was definitely the best of the day. All the other classes quickly went through some stupid rules then made us work. And they even gave us homework! On the first day!
At lunch Alex and I decided it was the perfect time to show Herc and Laf that video footage that we had taken last night. "Hey Laf, you seem to be sitting awfully close to Herc," I said to him. He looked flustered for a second, then responded.
"Well he is my, how you say, BFF,"
"Or is he more?" Alex said, getting out his phone, opening the gallery and pressing on the videos.
"Laffy!" video Herc said, then he went up to hug Laf.
"That's... that's what normal friends do," said Herc quickly. Alex just continued smirking, scrolling through all the photos of them holding hands and walking together, and finally on the last video.
As video Laf blew a kiss, I saw both of the real Herc and Laf blush redder than a tomato.
"I'm, I'm uhh straight!" Herc exclaimed.
"As straight as my hair," I muttered, loud enough for all 3 of my friends to hear. Alex laughed, Laf turned away and Herc managed to go even redder.
"Well, uhh, Mon ami's I have to go!" Laf said. I raised my eyebrows. "I have, uhh, yoghurt! I mean yoga!" Laf said. He was lying, I knew his english only slipped when he was nervous. Maybe someone had a crush.
Herc made an excuse to go to the bathroom, and as soon as the both of them were out of sight, Alex and I burst out laughing.
"Did you see the looks on their faces!" Alex wheezed.
"I don't think they could've gone any redder!" I laughed back. As we continued laughing, I took a closer look at Alex's face. His brown hair that was tucked into a ponytail with a few bits of hair that had come loose. The way his eyes crinkled at the side when he laughed. And his eyes. They were a spectacular shade of violet, a shade that I never expected to see as an eye colour. They were beautiful. He was beautiful. Stop it, Laurens, your inner gay is showing I mentally scolded myself. He stopped laughing, and we made eye contact for a split second before I turned away, embarrassed to be caught staring.
I was saved from an awkward conversation by me checking the time.
"Sorry, I've got art class now," I said. "Bye Alex!"
"See ya later, John!" He said, waving.
~time skip to John's art class~
I was sitting next to a boy I recognized from Law during art, I think his name is Sokka. Let's just say he didn't have 'the best' art skills. He seemed to be drawing some sort of animal? It had an arrow down its back and onto what I thought was it's forehead, but I wasn't sure.
(Here's what it looked like)
The art teacher had said, because it was the first lesson, that we could draw whatever comes to mind, so I was absentmindedly drawing a turtle. I wasn't really focused on what I was doing, so my hands were just working without my brain processing what they were doing.
After a while, the teacher told us the lesson was over, so I took a proper look at what I had drawn, and almost had a heart attack. The turtle looked the same as it always did when I drew it, but one feature was different. The eyes.
I had drawn Alex's violet eyes.
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