Chapter 1: What?!
This song has nothing to with the chapter I just like the song. Dedicated toniko8942
Hope you enjoy this chapter
Bye bye my little souls~
Yuuki's POV
I was in home room with my twin, Yuuna. We heard the intercom click on. "May I have Yuuki and Yuuna Jackson on the roof please?" The clerk asked on the intercom.
"Sure they'll be right up." Our home room teacher said. "Thank you" The clerk said and we all heard it click off. We walked up to the roof and saw one our teachers: Mr. Kimberly.
"Alright you brats where the hell is it?" Mr. Kimberley asked looking stern. "Where the hell is what?" We asked in unison. "We all know you have it." He said
"Have what?" Yuuna asked looking as confused as I am right now. "Don't play dumb we all know you stole it." He growled. "What the hell did we steal? Nothing so you can shut the fuck up right now." I said getting irritated.
Mr. Kimberley turned into this demon looking thing, he came charging at us. He was about to attack us. But then Someone lifted me up and moved out the way. I looked up and saw Kao?.
"What. The. Actual. Fuck is going on?!" I asked to no one directly. Kao set me down next my sister who even more confused than I was.
I saw Yuuna with a scratch on her arm. That was it I snapped. "How dare you touch my sister with your dirty ass hands?!?" I yelled with a dark aura coming off of me.
The boys turn to look at me. They looked terrified. I grab him by the horn and pull him down low enough for him to hear me.
"If you touch my sister with your grimy hands again, I'll fucking kill you." I whisper in his ear. I thought that wasn't enough so I ripped off his horn.
Whoa Yuuki is brutal!
Yuuki: Can I do the disclaimer?
Me: Sure
Yuuki: Soulreaper1019 does not own anything but her OC's
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Bye bye my little souls~
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