Seaspray (yes that's their duo name deal with it)
Mateo was working hard. A drop of sweat rolled down his face practically every five minutes. Someone walked up to him. "Hey, you need to be hydrated." Sabrina said, handing him a cup of water and threatening to douse him in the nearby lake.
"Busy." He replied. She sprayed him with water. "HEY!" Mateo shouted. "Ha." Sabrina laughed. Mateo glared at her. "..Wasted time wasted time.." he muttered. "I'm trying to get these done and you're eating my time."
"Whatcha making?" She asked. "Statues." Mateo said, looking proudly at his work. "Ooh. Who's that?" She looked interested. "That's my first project, the legendary Percy Jackson." Mateo explained.
"Oh. Yeah. The guy who made our cabin the best cabin." Sabrina said. "It's not but alright." Mateo sighed. "Looks great. You got his eye color wrong though. It's a sea green." Sabrina comments and picks up a paint brush.
She fixed the eye color on the statue. "There." She smiled and just walked away.
"...Hey- Wait! Thanks!-" he shouted but she was out of earshot.
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