Chapter 5: The Hogwarts Express
Harry POV:
Today's the day we go back to Hogwarts!!! I wonder how everyone is doing now, since we won the war. And how they'll react to Percy being Voldemort's grandson.
I got dressed and headed downstairs only to see Percy, Ron, and Hermione talking. "No way is that wand more powerful than the Elder Wand, mate." Ron said in disbelief.
"Yeah how is that possible. Voldemort tortured Ollivander, so how did he not know about it. And that it was in his possession?" Hermione asked.
I interjected, "There's no other wand that can be that powerful. After I destroyed the Elder Wand, no one else can use it again."
"And the Elder Wand was made by Death itself," Hermione stated.
Percy shrugged, "I've cheated Death too many times to count. I'm cheating Death right now, by just being here. So this is probably no different."
Percy started to leave, but Hermione asked, "What do you mean you're 'cheating Death by being here'?"
"I had a dangerous life in New York. I've been kidnapped at least three times. I should have died when I was 12, and I jumped off the St. Louis Arch."
Percy went to the kitchen to eat breakfast, satisfied with his answer. But in reality, it just left us with more questions. We followed him into the kitchen, and breakfast was ready. Mrs. Weasley made pancakes. Percy sat down at his pancakes, but they were BLUE!!!
"Um Percy," I asked, "why are your pancakes blue?"
He gulped down what was in his mouth, and said, "Cause everything tastes better when it's blue."
Ron leaned over and said, "Those Americans are weird."
I laughed a little, before digging into my own food.
Hermione POV:
Percy is the cutest boy ever, but he eats like a pig. In fact, I think he might be worse than Ron.
Percy gulped down his pancakes, which were blue! He got up and went to change his clothes. Ron finished soon after and did the same. That left me and Harry for a couple of minutes since we were ready to go. "Somethings off about Percy." Harry said after a couple seconds of silence.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"He's been waking up in the middle of the night and going to the bathroom for an hour at a time," Harry stated, "don't you find that weird?"
"It could honestly be anything. He could have really bad constipation."
"Hermione, he's been talking to somebody. I heard him talking to a girl one night. Last night, he was talking to a boy, and remember, Draco knew him. He could be a Death Eater for all we know."
"I don't think he's a Death Eater. He's too nice. Remember what he did a Diagon Alley for the Weasleys? But I agree, there's something he's not telling us."
I thought about this for a couple minutes before Ron and Percy came down. Followed by the rest of the Weasleys. "Okay dears," Mrs. Weasley announced, "it's time to go."
We then apparated to the train station.
Time Skip
Percy POV:
I was confused. Our tickets said platform 9 3/4, but there's no such thing. I think that Mrs. Weasley saw my confusion and said, "We have to run through the wall that separates platforms 9 and 10."
I was still confused, but Harry showed me what she meant by running into the wall. Hermione went next, followed by Ron and Ginny. I noticed that they all ran into the wall, so that's what I did. I ran into the wall, and immediately was transported to another platform. There was an old looking train that said Hogwarts Express. I looked and saw Harry talking to a chubby-ish kid. I walked over to them, and Harry said, "Percy, this is Neville Longbottom."
I greeted Neville with a simple, "Hi."
"Hello. You must be Percy, I'm Neville." He paused before asking, "Have we met? You look really familiar."
I figured that he had fought in the war Harry told me about. So, I didn't want to tell him my grandfather is Moldywarts. That would a horrible first impression, am I right? So I said, "Yeah, I've been kidnapped a couple times, and as a result, blew up some landmarks in America, so I've been on the news a couple times."
"Oh. That's probably it."
I looked around for Draco, and I saw him talking to his mom and step-dad, I think. I walked over to him and asked, "Whatcha doing Draco?"
He looked at me and said, "Percy, this is my mom and step-dad. And this is Percy Jackson. He's a Half-Blood, and apparently the fates hate him because he is also the grandson of Voldemort."
For some reason, his parents looked at me with both respect and disgust at the same time, but only for a second. Suddenly, the train honked, and Draco said, "Percy, that means it's time to board."
Draco said goodbye to his parents, and we boarded the train. All the other compartments were empty, except for the compartment Harry, Ron, and Hermione were in. I opened the door and sat down. Draco sat down as well, but Harry quickly said, "There's no room here for Death Eaters Malfoy."
Draco put his hands up, like he was just defeated in Capture the Flag, and pleaded, "I'm sorry for what I did Potter, I did I because if I didn't, I wouldn't be allowed to return to Hogwarts. Hogwarts is my home, as I'm sure it is to you. Plus, you're giving Voldemort's grandson a seat."
Their mouths were hanging open. Ron, still in shock, asked, "Did Malfoy just apologize?"
And Hermione asked, "How does he know that Percy is Voldemort's grandson?"
I spoke up, "Draco's a good friend of mine, which means that he deserved to know."
"But he's a Death Eater," Harry spat.
I couldn't hold my laughter in. Between laughs, I managed to say, "Draco...a Death Eater...who would want to eat Thanatos?"
After I stopped laughing, I said, "Draco can stay. Otherwise we'll both leave."
Harry thought about this for a few seconds before concluding, "Fine! But don't expect to be nice to him."
"Uh guys," Hermione pointed out, "It's time to change into our robes."
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