Chapter 4: Dragon Alley Pt. 2
As we were walking toward Ollivander's, a familiar looking blonde came up to us. He had pale skin, almost like Nico, but had a resemblance to Luke. It was Draco Malfoy, son of Hermes. "What do you want Malfoy?" Harry sneered.
"I heard that there's a new kid coming to Hogwarts, that's going to be in our year. I want to let him know who's boss. And you apparently know him." Draco spat.
I remember him saying that he was going on a quest in England to protect a guy named Harry. Maybe he was protecting Harry Potter. He seemed like he and Harry didn't get along. I don't know how though. He was one of the nicest kids at camp. He and Luke help me settle into the Hermes cabin during my first few days. But then he left to go to school, and I never saw him again.
I thought he was dead. I decided to surprise him by doing an entrance worthy of Zeus. "Now Draco, you know Mr. Brunner hates it when you and your siblings are not being nice and breaking the rules." I said, coldly.
He jumped and looked around before his eyes landed on me. He asked, startled, "Who are you, and how do you know about Mr. Brunner?"
I simply responded, "I'm an old friend. Though last time we met, I was 12."
He thought for a second, before replying, "Jackson?"
"Yeah buddy." I smirked.
He gave me a hug before punching me, and saying, "You've grown, a lot! How's Camp?"
"It's doing good, but it's been through a lot since you left."
"What do you mean? Is Luke alright?"
I saddened, before switching to Greek and saying, "He died. Luke joined Kronos, and revived him. Kronos took his body as a host, before Luke killed himself to save the world. He died a hero."
Draco was shocked, and asked, "How's Annabeth? You know she has a crush on you, right?"
My expression said everything. He looked sad and apologized, "I didn't know."
"It's alright, she deserves to be talked about."
Suddenly, Hermione asked, "Who's Annabeth?"
"She was my girlfriend." I simply responded.
Draco said, "Finally, at least she was happy outside of camp."
"What do you mean was?" Ron asked.
"She died." I said. "She died a hero."
"Anyway," Harry said, changing the subject, "we need to go. Ollivander's won't wait for you to get a wand. School starts tomorrow."
"Okay. See ya Draco." I called back, as we left.
Also, I noticed, as we walked toward Ollivander's, girls looked at us, before their faces turned red, and they looked away in embarrassment. Did I really look that ugly? I thought.
We arrived at Ollivander's, and Harry said, "We have other shopping to do so we can't follow you any farther. So, make sure you have your money, and say your full name, along with your heritage."
"Okay," I said, "that's totally not creepy."
I opened the door to see an old man behind the desk. He looked up, and greeted, "Hello Perseus Jackson. I am Ollivander, legacy of Hecate. I think I have the perfect wand for you."
"Um thanks." I responded as he went to the back of a bunch of book shelves, until he came out with a rectangular box. He opened the box and pulled out a wand and handed it to me.
"Give it a go Mr. Jackson." Ollivander said kindly.
I flicked it, and immediately it broke a light-bulb. I shoved the wand back into his hand, while he simply chuckled. "The wand chooses the wizard. You're not that wand's wizard."
50 wands later...
"You are a very tricky customer indeed Mr. Jackson. Even worse than Potter if you can believe!" Ollivander complained, "But I think I have the perfect wand for you."
He went to the very VERY back of the store, and came back with a really old looking box. He said, "My grandfather created this wand. He said that the gods themselves blessed this wand. It's so powerful, that it can make the Elder Wand seem like a twig in a duel."
I took the wand, and it felt amazing. Just like Riptide, it was perfect. The grooves matched my hand perfectly, and I could feel it drawing from the blessings the gods gave me.
Ollivander said, "It's 12 inches and made from coral, while the core is made from a piece of each of the Olympian Thrones."
"What the Hades?! Zeus is gonna kill me now for being to powerful! Anyway how much."
"It's free. Consider it as a thank you for what you have done for us Mr. Jackson."
"Uh thanks." I replied as I exited the building.
The trio was outside waiting, holding some new bags. "Wow! I didn't know that Hermione loves shopping."
Hermione blushed (What is up with British girls blushing all the time?) and said, "It's not all for me. And it's our school supplies."
"Oh." I simply said. Harry looked at Hermione, and they had a silent conversation. Harry said, "Percy, let's go get you an owl."
OH NO!!! Don't think about her. She's dead. You can't pass out. There too many people. You have to stay strong. I thought to myself.
After I regained myself I said, "No. I'm not getting an owl."
"Perseus Jackson! You're getting an owl, no let's go." Hermione scolded.
"Fine!" I huffed.
We walked down the street into an owl shop. All the owls immediately started flying around, causing chaos. "What the bloody hell is going on?!" Ron yelled.
Then they all stopped. I looked to see a certain gray eyed goddess, in a store uniform, standing behind the desk. She apologized, "Sorry dears. The owls didn't get their lunch yet."
"Okay then," Hermione said, "we're looking to get Percy an owl."
Athena's next words were words I never thought she'd say to me. "Don't worry Percy. I don't hate you anymore. You made my daughter happy. Her death wasn't your fault. I have the perfect owl for you. Her name's Annie."
She picked up an owl, and gave her to me. She was free because Athena approved of me now. We left the store, and Ron asked, "How does she know you mate?"
"She's my girlfriend's mom. You know, the one that passed away."
Harry said, "Let's go and meet back up with the Weasleys. School starts tomorrow so we need a good night sleep."
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