Chapter 23: The Siege on Camp Half-Blood
4 months later
It's now June. Four months since we won the Battle of Hogwarts. And quite a few things have changed since then. Hermione and Ron got together, which from what I've heard, is something that almost happened after the Second Wizarding War last year.
Harry and I finally became friends. I guess saving his life really opened his eyes.
Artemis, sadly now has about twenty new hunters. A few joined from Camp Half-Blood, or Camp Jupiter, but most of them were new demigods. That's why it was sad.
On the happier note, we haven't heard anything from Kronos. No one has had any dreams, and there haven't been any attacks.
And we still have to take those to tests called O.W.L.s. Like seriously, I'm gonna fail just because it's called that.
Anyway, my first two classes of the day went pretty fast. I had Potions and Care of Magical Creatures. But my current class, Transfiguration, went as slow as turtle, and I love turtles.
McGonagall was talking about how to transform yourself into something other than a human, and how to transform yourself back. This lesson really made me wish I was Frank. He would pass this class with flying colors.
She was saying, "It is believed that this form of magic was originally created when Poseidon blessed his grandson with the ability to shape-shift into any animal. And as you all know, we have a son of Poseidon in our midst."
She eyed me, as if she was expecting something from me.
"Mr Jackson," she said, "Would you care to show us this ability?"
My eyes widened. She expected me to have it too.
"Oh, no I can't, Professor. That isn't one of my abilities. Only Frank can do that."
"Frank Zhang?"
"Yeah. He's a descendant of that grandson of Poseidon. So only he and his future descendants would have that gift."
I mentally shuddered at the thought of Hazel and Frank having kids.
McGonagall was about to say something when an Iris Message appeared in the middle of the classroom.
It was Chiron. And he didn't look like his usual happy self. He looked worried. He said, "Percy! Thank the gods, I can still reach you. Earlier today, we learned that Kronos has sent Oceanus and Hyperion to lead an attack on Camp Half-Blood. We need your help. Please get as many allies as you can. We have already contacted Camp Jupiter, and the army is stuck at the border. But I fear that it will not hold for long."
I nodded and cut the connection. I turned to Draco, Harry, Ron, and Hermione. I asked, "If you want to come, you can. I can't force you to fight."
Draco and Harry immediately agreed.
Hermione said, "Ron and I will too."
Ron opened his mouth to protest, but Hermione stopped him. She scolded, "No buts! You're coming, Ronald. What boyfriend would you be if you let me go alone?"
He was dumbfounded. I could tell that everyone in the room, including McGonagall, was trying to hold back their laughter.
I decided to break the silence and ask, "Harry, Draco, could you go get Snape, Lupin, Sirius, and Dumbledore? And then meet us at camp?"
Harry nodded, "I'll try to get as many members of the Order if I can."
I motioned for him to go, but I didn't know what he meant by "the Order". However, I shrugged it off because I currently have more pressing matters.
I pulled off my armor bead, before vapor traveling to camp with Ron and Hermione.
When we got there, the campers were running around like crazy. Hermione asked, "This is Camp Half-Blood?"
I nodded, "It doesn't look like much, but on a normal day, it's beautiful. Look at the sunset behind you."
They both turned. Hermione said, "It's amazing."
I chuckled, "Apollo loves to show off for his kids.
I then told them to go help the others while I went to the Big House.
Chiron was fully suited up in his armor, with his bow and arrows, and sword, ready.
He said, "Percy, you came just in time. The barrier is about to break, and I fear that the camp will be overrun."
I asked, "Wouldn't the Golden Fleece heal the barrier as soon as it cracks?"
He shook his head, "The fleece is a powerful object. But healing takes time. It would take days for it to heal the damage that has been inflicted by two powerful Titans."
"Where are they?"
"Half-Blood Hill, and we better go now. Before it's too late."
I nodded and we ran to the entrance of camp.
The barrier had fallen, allowing the monsters to enter the camp. Through the chaos, I could see that Harry had arrived with Dumbledore, Lupin, Sirius, Draco, and some guy with a fake eye.
I uncapped Riptide and stabbed a hellhound, turning it into gold dust.
There were monsters coming at me left and right. They weren't fighting like they did at Hogwarts.
Before, they had a plan. Now, they're just attacking anything in sight. I didn't know why, but I couldn't focus on that.
I had to focus on getting the monsters out of the camp. And the only way to do that was to take out their leaders.
See, most monsters are like little kids. They're smart enough to think for themselves, but they need an authority figure. Someone to call the big shots. Without that figure, they're stuck.
I had to fight the two Titans.
I slashed through all the monsters in my path. I didn't worry if I had killed them or not. Eventually, it was only me and the two Titans.
Hyperion immediately took out his gold sword.
He screamed, "Die demigod!"
I blocked his strike with my sword. He was so strong that Riptide almost fell out of my hands.
I knew that I wouldn't have a chance if I stayed on the defensive. However, Hyperion was too fast.
The only reason that I could keep up with him was because of my blessing from Hermes.
Oceanus then decided to join in, creating water out of thin air.
He then solidified it, turning it into a giant icicle.
I ducked out of the way of his strike.
I could see why Kronos chose these two to lead the assault. My abilities over water would just strengthen Oceanus. And my fire abilities would strengthen Hyperion.
Together, these two are unstoppable.
Hyperion kept pushing me back into the battle, and Oceanus was trying to land the killing blow.
I tried to fight back, but I couldn't. They were just two powerful.
Suddenly, the two began to slow down drastically.
I looked around to see everyone else also moving around in slow motion.
I took the opportunity to stab Oceanus in the chest, and Hyperion in the cut.
As everyone else began to speed up to normal, the two Titans turned into gold dust.
Before he fully turned into gold dust, Hyperion said in disbelief, "It's not possible."
I didn't know what he meant by that, but I quickly shrugged it off because there were still some remaining monsters attacking the camp.
I ran back into the main battle, while throwing some fireballs at the monsters.
I stabbed one in the back, and another in the gut. They both turned into gold dust.
Harry quickly stabbed another one, killing the last of the remaining monsters.
After we got all the injured demigods to the infirmary, Chiron, Harry, Lupin, Sirius, Dumbledore and I met outside the Big House. Chiron wanted to thank us for our help. He said, "We couldn't have won without your help."
Lupin quickly said, "It's good to finally come to Camp Half-Blood. I've heard a lot about it."
Dumbledore then said, "We better get going now."
Before any of us could say anything else, Travis Stoll ran into our meeting. A little out of breath, he said, "It's my dad. He just arrived, covered in his blood, and he needs to talk to you, Percy."
I looked at Harry and said, "Come with me."
The three of us rushed to the infirmary. When we got there, Hermes was already on a bed, being tended to by Will Solace.
I pushed through the crowd of the Hermes campers. I met his eyes and he said, "Percy, you need to get to Olympus. The attack on camp, it was a distraction. Kronos knew that Olympus would be unguarded. I tried to stop him, but I barely escaped with my life."
I put my hand on his shoulder.
"Don't worry," I said.
I grabbed Harry and said, "Can you apparate me to the Throne Room? I can't vapor travel myself there because I'll need all my strength when I fight Kronos."
He nodded.
I then grabbed his arm, and I saw darkness.
I opened my eyes, and we were in the Throne Room.
I could see the gods rise with weapons in hands.
Behind me I heard a voice, "Welcome, Perseus Jackson. As you children say: I'm glad to see that you've joined the party."
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