Chapter 22: The Battle of Hogwarts Pt. 2
The ships were getting closer. And from what I could tell, there were at least another three hundred monsters or so, and about fifty Death Eaters.
I looked at the trio and said, "The Killing Curse will stun any monster, so use it if your in a tight spot."
They nodded as I uncapped Riptide.
I said, "We just need to buy some time, until the rest can join us."
Ron asked, "What if we see Kronos?"
I growled, "He's mine."
The monsters leapt off of the ships, landing on the dock.
I summoned a lightning bolt to hit the edge of the dock, wiping out a few monsters.
I ran a monster, dodging its strikes. I threw a fireball at it, turning it into gold dust.
I slashed through as many monsters as could, but they just kept coming. Wave after wave.
Riptide began to grow heavy in my hands. I knew that we couldn't hold back the army much longer.
"Fall back!" I screamed.
As we ran back toward the castle, Ron slipped on the mud.
A dracaena used that to lung at Ron.
"Avada Kedavra!"
The monster was stunned for a second, and Harry stabbed it with his sword.
Hermione put her wand away and helped Ron to his feet.
I yelled to the trio, "Get into the castle. I'll hold them off."
As they scurried away, I summoned the biggest lightning bolt I could.
The front twenty monsters turned into gold dust.
I ran back into the castle, knowing that the protection spell will keep the monsters out for a little bit.
I pulled down my hood and said, "Hermione, why don't you go help Ron get cleaned up. Harry, I you to go to the hospital wing and see if Madam Pomfrey needs any help."
Once they dispersed, I went to Dumbledore's office.
"Lemon Drops."
The door opened, and I entered his office. Dumbledore was sitting in his chair, while looking at the map on his desk. He greeted, "Welcome Mr. Jackson. The students have pushed the monsters back into the Forbidden Forest."
I smiled. That's some of the best news I've heard today.
He was about to say something else, when the walls started to shake.
His eyes widened, "The spell is about to break."
Emotion left my face. "Get the younger students out of the castle!"
"Where would I send them?"
"I don't know. The Ministry? Diagon Alley? It's up to you. Just get them out of here," I ordered.
He nodded as I vapor traveled to the entrance of the castle.
When I got there, the doors were shaking, and the wizards in the Great Hall were preparing for battle.
I shouted, "Anyone who is unfit to fight, get to the Hospital Wing, now!"
Ten or so wizards left with the help of healthy ones.
I looked at the remaining wizards and said, "Once they get through, they're gonna rush us. Kronos is gonna try to overwhelm us. No matter what, keep fighting. As we speak, the younger students are being evacuated. So it's just us in here."
Someone in the crowd asked, "What about Dumbledore? Is he going to help us?"
I shook my head, "He's going to go with the younger students. He needs to make sure that they're safe first. Once that's done, he may come back. If he has enough energy left."
Some of them accepted my answer, while others began to worry.
The door shook again. And then, it fell.
As I turned around, I uncapped Riptide and slashed at some monsters.
I tried to dodge a spell a Death Eater fired, but I was to slow. I flew back into the wall.
As I laid there, a Death Eater, presumably the one who fired the damn spell, leaned over and said, "So this is the Dark Lord's grandson? I thought the Hero of Olympus would be little older."
He had long blond hair, and a pale face. He looked a little like Draco.
I smirked, "And I thought Grandpa Moldy was ugly."
His face turned beet red with anger. I took the opportunity and pulled out my wand. I yelled, "Stupefy!"
He fell back onto the ground.
I rose to my feet and picked up Riptide.
The monsters were in the Great Hall now. Harry's clothes were torn, and stained in dry blood. Draco had a wound on this stomach, but he kept fighting. Hermione was covered in blood because she was trying to get as many of the injured to safety as she could. From what I could see, a good handful of wizards were on the ground, either dead or injured.
I couldn't ask them to fight anymore. They're lives were more important than the castle.
I fought my way into the Great Hall. My goal: stop as many monsters as I could. Before they dealt the killing blow.
I tried to close the doors of the hall, but the monsters just kept coming. I knew what I had to do.
As I prepared to die, hoping it would save the wizards, there was a flash in the corner of my eye.
Arrows flew into army and the monsters exploded into gold dust. I turned to look to see who fired them.
It was Artemis. Flashing to her side were Apollo, Nico, Hermes, the Seven, Mars, Triton, and Hades. They were followed by a small army of demigods. Greek and Roman, lead by Chiron. This sparked new life into the remaining wizards. They fought with their heads high.
Jason raised his sword and yelled, "For Olympus!"
Demigods and Gods echoed, "For Olympus!"
They all charged at the army of monsters in front of us.
Artemis launched a flurry of arrows at the monsters and Death Eaters while her "older" brother, Apollo, tended to the injured wizards who were scattered across the Great Hall. Hermes was helping Hermione move the injured wizards to safety.
The Seven and Mars led the demigods into battle while Nico and Hades fought the Death Eaters. However, I think I saw them smirking when they heard the name of my grandfather's following.
Triton appeared at my side and extended his hand. "Why don't we show them the true power of the seas."
I nodded.
We fought like hurricanes.
After what felt like seconds, there was a massive pile of gold dust and unconscious Death Eaters.
The remaining monsters began to retreat into the forest.
Once they were all out of sight, the demigods and wizards started to cheer.
Apollo then said, "Sorry, Perce, but I gotta go. Some people might wonder why the sun isn't rising yet."
I smiled as he flashed away.
I went to the podium, or whatever's left of it, and said, "Why don't you all get cleaned up. And if you can, get some sleep."
"And no, Hermione, we definitely not having any classes today. So don't you dare say anything about the Care of Magical Creatures test tomorrow. I'm sure that Hagrid will understand," I added.
Her face turned redder than her blood-stained shirt.
I noticed that no one was going to their common rooms or to the Hospital wing.
I smirked, "Okay then. Why don't you all clean up the mess in here. I'm sure Dumbledore would be thrilled."
They grunted, "Ughhhhhhhhh!"
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