Chapter 2: British People are Weird.
Hermione POV:
As soon as Harry left, I went to read Hogwarts: A History. However, my reading time was cut short when I remembered that Professor Lupin said he knew this Perseus Jackson. "Perseus, huh, that's a funny name," I thought. It seemed familiar, but I can't see to recall. I hate not knowing stuff. "HERMIONE! GINNY!," Mrs. Weasley called, "They are here!"
I rushed down the stairs to see the cutest, most handsome boy ever. He had raven black hair, sea green eyes, and a very lean build. In fact, he looked like a better version of Harry. He turned around, and said, "Hi, I'm Percy."
I blushed at his face, and managed to say, "Hi, I'm Hermione Granger."
I told Mrs. Weasley that I'm going upstairs to read, as I wasn't prepared for a boy that cute.
Percy POV:
After that girl Hermione left, I saw two identical twins. The one on the right said, "Hi, I'm Forge-"
"-And I'm Gred." The one on the left finished.
I immediately figured that they like pranking. Just like the Stolls. Note to self: Never let them meet the Stolls. I replied, "No, you're Fred,"pointing to the one on the right, "and you're George," pointing to the one on the left.
They looked surprised, and then said together, "Wow, everyone always get fooled with that."
"I guess that I'm special." I smirked.
Another man that looked like the two twins walked up to me and said, "Hello, I apologize in advance for those two. I'm their father, Arthur Weasley."
"Nice to meet you Mr. Weasley."
"Now I here that you live with muggles."
"What's a muggle?" I asked.
He explained, "A muggle is a non magical person."
"Oh." I answered.
"My job is to study their fascinating world. What are they like."
This one was hard, since I was a demigod, who went to sleep for 8 months. I guess I'll just say what I remember. "Well, most of them are nice. Not much different from you. Except, they're not as formal. Maybe it's just you English people."
What?! It's the truth. English people have weird accents and all. And I would know, I've been to Rome, and I had so much fun with her. I started to tear up. I couldn't let them think I was weak. I asked where my room was and went up the stairs.
I opened the door to the to see the boy, Harry, I think it was. When he noticed I was there, he pointed a stick at me. Confused, I asked, "Why are you pointing a stick at me?"
I grabbed him by the collar, and yelled, "DON'T EVER INSULT MY MOTHER AGAIN YOU PIECE OF S***! UNDERSTAND?"
I gave him my wolf glare, and he paled, before nodding.
I went to the bathroom, and IM'ed Hades. "Percy, how are you?"
I shrugged, "I went home for 5 minutes, I think, before I found out I have another evil grandpa."
He paled, as if he isn't pale enough. "On my mom's side," I added.
"Would you like to talk to Annabeth?"
"You know my answer."
"Of course."
The scene shifted to a tropical island. I saw Annabeth, talking to- is that Luke? I called,"Hey Annie!"
Annabeth looked around, before her beautiful stormy grey eyes focused on me. "Percy! Did you die because if you are, I'm gonna kill you again."
"No, Hades let me IM you. Is that Luke?"
Luke walked over and said, "Hey Perce. I'm sorry about-"
"-It's okay Luke. I forgave you. We all did," I interrupted.
My Wise Girl said, "Percy, have you looked in a mirror recently? You look horrible. You need a haircut badly, and you're starting to grow a beard."
"Hey!" I protested, " I think I look more manly now."
She giggled, "You really are a seaweed brain."
She cut the Iris Message off, leaving me in an empty bathroom. Looking into the mirror, I saw she was right. I grabbed a razor from my toiletry bag, and scissors.
Harry POV:
I can't believe him. He walks into my home acting like he owns the place. Hermione and Ginny are falling for him. HIM!!! I'm the chosen one. Not him. He probably had a perfect life compared to me. What has he done? They probably only like him because he looks like me.
After he yelled at me, he went to the bathroom. I went to the kitchen to see Ron and Hermione. They came up to me looking mad, and Hermione scolded, "Harry! How could you insult his mother?"
Before I could respond, Sirius said, "Harry, is this true?"
I nodded.
He looked disappointed before saying, "Harry, you lost both of your parents. That is why you of all people should know to not insult somebody else's parents. You need to apologize to him during dinner."
When he put it like that, I realized I was wrong. I met his mother. She was too nice.
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