Chapter 14: My Return to Camp Half-Blood Pt.2
When I got back, a camper told me that there was a meeting in the Big House for counselors. I thanked him, and ran to the meeting.
I was just in time when I had arrived. Chiron said, "Ah Percy, it's good to see that you came. The Gods have seen you work tirelessly over the past few weeks, especially right after a war, that you're all grieving from."
Chiron glanced at me before continuing, "So, when the two camps go to Olympus for their winter solstice meeting, those who fought-in and survived the Titan War, will be made partially immortal. Other than Percy of course."
Clarisse raised her hand, "What do you mean 'other than' Prissy?"
I spoke up. "I was offered immortality again, and I turned it down again."
They nodded knowing that this wasn't out of character for me.
After some debates on what cabins were doing what for the upcoming war, Chiron dismissed the meeting.
Jason came up to me and warned, "You better watch out. The Hunters are here and Thalia's pissed."
I gave him a thumbs up, already picturing what Thalia would do when she saw me.
I left the Big House and went to my cabin.
Sitting on my bed, I held up a picture of me and Annabeth. It was from when we went to Greece.
I looked at the picture and said, "I wish you were still here. I don't know how I can lead this war without you."
I still remember her face, as she was stabbed. And Gaea's smirk as she did it. Her pleading look as I killed her. Asking for mercy.
Annabeth's last moments in my arms. Her piercing grey eyes as they closed for the last time.
I could feel my rage, so I set the picture down, and punched the cabin wall a few times. Then, the horn blew, signaling that Capture the Flag was going to begin in 15 minutes.
I left my cabin, and went to the armory.
When I got there, I saw Thalia. As soon as she saw me. She walked over to me, whipped her hand back, and slapped me on the face. Hard. "Perseus Jackson, how dare you go missing for months, and then not talk to me at all since the Titan War!"
I looked at her sheepishly. "It wasn't my fault that I went missing for eight months."
Thalia looked at me for a second, before she pulled me in for a hug. "I'm sorry about Annabeth, Percy. She died too soon. But all we can do is keep her memory alive and wait until we see her in Elysium."
I nodded as I pulled away. I put my armor on and went outside for the Romans to arrive.
After the war, the gods created a portal between the two camps, to make travel easier. The portal is like an IM, just you can walk through it.
Once Reyna stepped through the portal, the rest of the Romans appeared. She looked at me, and said, "How's England, Percy. I hope that you haven't blown up the school yet."
I pouted, "Do you really think that little of me?"
She laughed.
We made our way to the woods. Reyna and I were made captains of the Greek and Roman team. Thalia was the captain of the Hunters, since she was the lieutenant of the Hunters of Artemis(Artemis is watching the game, like Chiron, since she is immortal).
Chiron went over the rules before he said, "Go!"
I uncapped Riptide and ran at some hunters. At first, they took aim at me and fired all their arrows.
Using my blessing from Hermes, I dodged the arrows, leaving the group of hunters with no ammo. So they pulled out their dual hunting knives and charged.
Due to their blessing from Artemis, they were a lot faster than normal demigods or mortals. However, I was faster.
I vapor-traveled behind them and summoned some lightning, courtesy of Zeus. They were quick and blocked the strike. But not quick enough.
I rushed them with Riptide. I slammed the butt of the sword into one's head, and punched another in the face, knocking them both out cold. I ducked as one tried to punch me in the face. I swept my foot, causing her to fall to the ground.
I made my way to the creek, where the Hunter's flag was. It was guarded by Thalia. When she saw me she called out, "Hey Kelp Head! You ready to get your ass kicked?"
I smirked. Thalia didn't know about any of my blessings. So I would have a clear advantage.
We rushed at each other, Thalia was charging with her spear, and I with Riptide.
Thalia shoved her spear at me, which I blocked with Riptide. I used my blessing from Hermes to overwhelm her with strikes. After doing this for a minute of so, Thalia backed up. She summoned lightning at me, thinking I would dodge, making it easier for her to strike. Instead, I kept my ground. Zeus' blessing made me immune to all lightning/electric attacks. I absorbed the lightning, but my clothes got decently burnt, as they were not able to.
Thalia was shocked(no pun intended). I used this chance to knock her off her feet.
I sprinted to the flag, and pulled it out of the ground.
At that moment, the horn blew signaling that the game was over. Chiron clapped, "For the first time ever, the Hunters of Artemis have lost a game of Capture the Flag."
The two camps started to chant my name while the Hunters glared at me, and Thalia for letting me grab the flag.
I stuck my hand out to Thalia, as if saying, "Good game," but she slapped it away.
Artemis came up to me and said, "Perseus, I have to admit, you surprised me. I didn't expect you to have mastered your blessings this quickly. Even though I did not bless you, you have my respect. Not just as a hero, but as the only decent male this planet has."
I didn't know what to say. The man-hating goddess praising me, and I thought I was lucky that she didn't turn me into an animal for what happened four years ago.
She continued, "I'm sorry for what happened to Annabeth. She was a great warrior. And she meant a lot to my lieutenant. She deserved to have died of old age."
I nodded. My eyes began to feel watery.
Artemis saw this and did something even the Fates wouldn't expect. She hugged me. "If you need to talk to someone, just visit the Hunt. I'm sure that they would enjoy your company."
I was speechless. As she began to walk away, I said, "Thank you, Lady Artemis."
I turned to the two camps who were cheering. Chiron looked at me and said, "You never fail to impress me, Percy."
I smiled. A genuine smile. Not a fake one. I knew I was healing.
You could still feel the buzz at the campfire. But I decided to crash early since it had been a long day.
Tomorrow I would see my mom and Paul.
I was in Tartarus again. And it was dark, like you could not see what was and inch in front of you. Then I heard, "Lumos Solem!"
Within an instant, there was a blinding flash of light.
Covering my eyes, I could make out two figures. There was an opening. They stepped in right before they disappeared.
My dream shifted to another scene.
Kronos and Voldemort appeared in an alleyway, in what looked to be London.
Voldemort turned to Kronos and said, "I told you we would get out, my friend. Now we shall regroup with my remaining followers. We will free those of my followers who were imprisoned, before we kill our grandson, along with Harry Potter."
Then, my vision turned black.
Dream End
When I woke up, the sun was just beginning to rise.
I put some clothes on and headed to the Mess Hall.
When I got there, Nico, Hazel, Jason, and Thalia were already eating. I sat down and said, "Good morning guys."
They all replied with a simple "Good morning."
I continued, "Last night I had a dream. Kronos and Voldemort escaped from Tartarus, and are now in London. They're gonna regroup with some of Voldemort's remaining followers. And then break out those who are in Azkaban."
Nico asked, "Do you know what they're gonna do after that?"
I shook my head no. "All I know is that they wanna kill me and Harry."
Hazel said, "Well now that we know what they're going to do, why don't we just stop them?"
Jason said, "We can't just attack. Both camps aren't ready, and the wizards don't know anything about this war. But, we can use this to our advantage. They haven't broken out those imprisoned yet. So we're a step ahead of them. We can plan accordingly."
Jason looked at me to see what I thought. "I agree. This is our third war. We're seasoned veterans. And we each have double the resources since the two camps have been working together."
We finished eating, and I went back to my cabin to pack up. I was going back home today.
Once I finished, I vapor-traveled to the front door of my mom's apartment and knocked on the door.
She opened the door and said, "Percy, it's good to see you. How's school?"
As I walked in, I replied, "Good."
Once she closed the door, I realized that my mom had a huge lump under her shirt. I asked her, "Mom, are you pregnant?"
One week later
It had been a great past few days. I got to see Paul, I found out my mom was pregnant, and I got to be a normal 17 year old. I said bye to my mom and Paul, before I vapor-traveled back to camp.
Jason was waiting for me. "You ready?"
I nodded.
He put his hand on my shoulder as I began to feel a burning sensation.
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