Chapter 1
The gods had been searching for Percy for a few months already. Without Percy Hera was forced to change her plan of sending the leaders of both the Roman and Greek camps and send them to their counterpart camp. With Percy missing and the Second Great Prophecy looming Hera was forced to using Clarisse La Rue instead. A smart talented girl with a high temper. The plan worked well at first, Jason performing admirably and saving Hera. Clarisse fighting off the shades and retrieving the Legion's Eagle.
However, as Clarisse was raised onto shields as Praetor, Juno knew that the gods were lucky to get the Eagle back, for Clarisse was an excellent fighter, but only an average leader. Sure Clarisse could command troops in a pinch, but in the long run Perseus was much more effective as a leader.
<A week later>
Clarisse ducked underneath her shield as an arrow whizzed past her. With the retrieval of the Athena Parthenos the Greek and Roman camps united, but it was too late. Betrayed by Octavian forces of Gaea had completely encircled the the camps and Olympians on the sprawling Field of Mars.
Artemis and Apollo were against the giant Orion, with neither giving ground to the other. Hermes fought against Hippolytus both using their immense speed against each other. Zues and Jason squared off against Prophyrion. Poseidon assisted Athena against Enceladus, but without a demigod neither could kill the giant. Leo and Frank easily fought and killed their respective giants before turning to help. Having seen that they had taken enough losses Prophyrion ordered a retreat back behind the monster lines. Seeing the retreat Apollo let down his guard which Orion exploited, putting an arrow through Apollo's knee. The cry of Apollo caused Hermes to look and Hippolytus took the chance and swept Hermes' feet out from underneath him. Hermes landed heavily, his weapon clattering out of reach. A foot on his chest made him look up. Hippolytus stood on him, grinning widely. None of the other Olympians were close enough to help him. Hippolytus raised his weapon prepared to bring it down. Hermes closed his eyes preparing to be sent to Tartarus. Instead he felt an explosion over him, its heat searing into his skin, but no weapon killed him.
Hermes opened his eyes to find everyone staring at Hippolytus in shock, who lay on the ground a few meters away from them. Seizing the opportunity Hermes scrambled to his feet and yelled for the demigods to get back to their makeshift stronghold. Several stray demigods quickly hurried back to the defenses they have. Hermes turned to see a gold-eyed hooded female with a scythe slung across her back standing atop a tank. The tank was was massive, with a long cannon and even protruding out from the back of the tank. The tank was very angular.
The cannon belched smoke and fire as it hurled another round at Hippolytus who was trying to sneak up behind Hermes. Hippolytus was blown backwards. Everyone stared. "Cousin move now!" A familiar(sort of) female voice said in Hermes' head. Hermes stood up and ran back to the Olympians. Everyone stared at the tank and the figure. "Ah half-sibling. Why do you attack Hippolytus? Aren't we all united against the gods?" Prophyrion asked, spreading his arms wide. "I am no sibling of yours you dummy." The figure hissed, some what like Artemis. "You're an imbecile. A new Titan Lady of time has already been crowned." The figure said. Shock was written all over everyone's face. "I will not join you in the destruction of the gods. Instead, I think they will revel in your destruction." Tanks burst from over the Hill, their huge hulking sizes bearing down on the enemy forces. The tanks plowed straight through the monster forces and made a perimeter around the demigods. The monsters stared in shock, before charging the wall of metal surrounding the Olympians. The cannons and co-axial machine-guns on the tanks opened up, blasting the monster forces. The hatches on the tank popped open. To the demigods and immortals' surprise empousa emerged and begun firing away on the monster forces as well. The monsters on the giants' side was numerous and even for the tanks it was clear they could not hold them back with just single shots from the cannons.
"Commander Kelli! Permission to using S-1 Grapeshot canister shells?" One of the Empousa yelled. "Permission granted. All Ravagers, switch to the S-1 Grapeshot Canister shells now! They're too numerous. Use the shells now!" Another Empousa, Commander Kelli, replied. She wore much a more decorative uniform, several medals and her rank of commander shown on her shoulders. The Ravagers fired, shredding multiple monsters with the canister shells. A heartbeat later explosions tore through the monster army. Kelli stopped firing and jumped off the tank, landing on the ground in a roll. She wore a jade green uniform, gold bars on her shoulders signifying her rank. Her shorts ended only above her knee, and everyone was surprised to see that she did not have the usual Donkey and Bronze legs. Instead her legs were smooth skin, like a human's. "Commander Kelli my lords and ladies." Kelli said, saluting the Olympians. They were surprised. "I see that you have multiple injured." "Yes. Can you do anything about it? We do not have enough medics." Apollo said. "Certainly." She pressed a hand to her neck and said, "Milady, the Olympians have many injured. They are requesting help." She waited for a moment, then said, "Very well." She climbed onto the Ravager. "Damn..." she muttered. "Negative. Trexus teams you may not advance. Enemy hoard is too thick, you may get swamped and captured." She said into her mic. "What's going on?" Athena yelled, to be only over powered by the chatter of the machine-guns and the roar of monsters. Athena realized she could not be heard, and climbed onto tank to get Kelli's attention. "What's going on?" Athena yelled to be heard. Kelli took a map from her tank and jumped down. Clearing a table of weapons she shook the map out. It elevated into a holographic map. "There. You can see what's happening Athena. Get some plans for us. We need to find a way to get our medics through to us. Talk to me through this." She handed Athena a headset and a mic. Athena went to study the map. After studying for awhile, Athena called Kelli over and pointed at a section of the map. "If we can just find a way to open up a gap we may be able to get your medics through, but we need a way to open up the gap." Athena said. "What support do you guys have?" Kelli considered. "We have M880 Firestorm Multiple Launch Rocket System on standby. Unfortunately we don't have our IAT3A1 Catapult, as it is too expensive to risk here so we will have to make do with 5 Firestorms." Kelli said. She pressed a hand to her mic. Trexus teams get ready. Drive straight at the enemy. A second before you hit them we will open up a path with the Firestorms. Do it in one minute." Kelli said. From the forest flat-topped 8 wheeled ATVs burst out. Driving at the enemy forces they opened up with their machine-guns, peppering the monsters with fire. They turned to meet the Trexus but a huge column of missiles sped down and annihilated them. The Trexus sped through the pathway cleared for them, the tanks moving aside to let them through, before moving back to protect the Olympians. The Trexus skidded to a stop. One stopped right in front of Artemis, who was trying to tend to wounds on her hunters. The door opened and a female came out to help. "Get away from me monster." Artemis grumbled at being interrupted. "So you call your best friend a monster? How sad." A familiar voice said. Artemis raised her head to see a face filled with mirth, her coppery skin glowing slightly under the sun, her volcanic-black eyes smiling, her Persian-like face in a smirk. "Zoë!" Artemis squealed and hugged her ex-dead best friend. Thalia gaped at the should-be-dead-Hesperide. "Did Lady Artemis just squeal?" Zoë asked playfully. Artemis blushed crimson. "I liked it better when you were using old English and were stricter." She grumbled.
"Sorry but I'm modernized now." Zoë said cheekily as she helped five more females with equipment down from the Trexus. Artemis gaped as she saw that all five of them were the Hesperides. All of them were directing orders on how medical equipment was supposed to be arranged. A loud roar was heard as Gaea rose.
"How dare you oppose me?! I. Am. Mother. Earth!" She bellowed. Lady Time fighting on the battlefield pushed the monsters back with an explosive. "You're no Mother Earth Ouranos, Get out of Gaea's body before I force you to." Lady time said. She clutched a small syringe like device which she embedded into the ground. "I have no idea what you're talking about." Gaea said. "Your ... Mother? visited me in my dreams last night. She told me what was happening and asked me to help. In return she gave me a few favours." Lady Time said. "I hate to reveal my hand so early, seeing as I just got the Titan Economy up and running after some losses, but when the creator asks you to help it means you must help. Not to mention there are people whom I care about in there." She flicked a thumb at the group of demigods and gods. Suddenly there was a flash behind Gaea and she stumbled forward. She dropped to her knees, showing a second Lady Time behind her holding a black dagger. Gaea screamed and she begun to spilt into two. When she was done, the original Gaea, brown hair, brown eyes and dark skin lay unconscious on one side. The other side was a man with white hair, Sky-blue eyes and pale skin. He roared in anger when he realised he was exposed. He pulled a sword out and tried to stab Gaea but he moved really slowly. The second Lady Time ran forward and grabbed Gaea before fading away. Ouranos stumbled forward and his sword slammed into empty ground. He looked up wildly. "How?!" He demanded in panic. "Even the Titan Of Time would not have enough power to slow me!" He said. Lady Time formed a scepter. It was pure gold in colour and curved sharply at the end. Just below the curved part where a gem would be was an hourglass with sand twirling in an infinite symbol. "Wrong Ouranos! I am not the Titaness of Time. I am the Primordial of Time! Father Time passed the mantle to me. And now, I will fix this mess you have made." She said, levelling the scepter at his face and blasted him with a pure golden beam. (Just think of Loki's Scepter but the mind stone is replaced with an hourglass I'll try to draw one up)
The monsters shook themselves out of their stupor and attempted to pile on the Primordial of Time. She disappeared soundlessly and explosions hit the area where she was. The monsters cowered back towards the remaining giants who raised their weapons cautiously. "Zoë!" Lady Time yelled. Said Hesperide looked up and grabbed a bow and shot at Orion through the smoke. It lodged into his shoulder and he kneeled in pain, but not dead yet. Prophyrion laughed. "Fools! One tiny arrows from a demigod won't kill us." He bellowed. From the smoke a javelin shot out and stabbed into Orion who screamed and exploded. The smoke cleared and everyone could see the hulking forms of Hyperion, Atlas, Bob and Damasen, each carrying a weapon of their own. "Damasen?" Clarisse asked tearfully, seeing the bane of Ares who was thought to been absorbed by Tartarus. With a flash of light, Zoë was transported in front of Atlas. Circe appeared in front of Damasen. Calypso appeared in front of Hyperion and Bianca Di Angelo appeared in front of Bob. "Meet my elite squad, Garuda team." Lady Time said.
"Well the gods and your Garuda team and you will die! Giants! Charge!" Ouranos yelled and the whole monster army charged at the nine people. Lady Time swept her scepter in front of her and the Monster army dissolved into their own golden dust. "No more distractions Ouranos. Just you, Hippolytus, Enceladus, Gration and Pallas." Lady Time said. "Surrender or die." Pallas snorts. "We will reform." "Not with Primordial weapons. It will send you to the Void, where I'm sure Chaos is happy to give you a good chat." Lady Time said grinning. The four giants and Ouranos paled, then gripped their weapons tighter. "Come at us, bitch." Ouranos said. There was silence as the two groups stared each other down. Atlas broke the the silence by yelling "For Narnia!" And hurling an explosive tipped javelin from his javelin holder at Pallas. This was taken as a signal to Attack as the two groups rushed each other.
Calypso and Hyperion faced Hippolytus. The speed demon found himself stuck in a tangle of vines and weeds that Calypso called on, using her voice to sing the plants under his feet into action. Enceladus unfortunately was just all speed and no bite, as a poisoned rose plant spiked him as Hyperion curb stomped him and unleashed fire at his face at point blank range.
Pallas proofed to be a harder opponent, as Atlas and Zoë found themselves equally matched by the giant. As the giant, without a bane, was random and thus, an unknown variable. However it soon became clear that he was the giant of brains, using taunts and agility and natural terrain to dodge attacks. However, Calypso snuck up and enveloped him in vines while Atlas launches another javelin and blew him into dust.
Damasen and Circe just took out popcorn to eat as Gration stepped in front of Lady Time only to be cut down by the running Primordial.
Enceladus dodged and danced around sword swipes by Bianca while easily redirecting Bob's broom away from him. Finally Hyperion got tired of watch him dance like a ballerina and broke his spine of his knee. Bianca stabbed him with her own Stygian Iron sword. Then all eight turned to watch the smack down between the two Primordials.
Ouranos has attacked Lady Time with lightning, which she easily blocked except for one that got through and struck her. She did not cry out in the usual pain but just smirked. Her clothes reversed the damage disallowing anyone to see what she had under her clothes that could block the lightning. Golden beams erupted from her scepter which lanced through the Primordial of the Sky, burning him terribly and making him scream. Lady Time yanked hard on the scepter which pulled the screaming Ouranos towards her and she stabbed him quickly, once in the crotch and once in the head. Ouranos dissolved and his power transferred to Lady Time, who stumbled slightly and her eyes changed from golden to one golden, one pure sky blue. She shook her head slightly and turned towards the Olympians. Waving her hands, most of the troops and armour disappeared in a flash. "10 minutes. Zoë and Bianca. I believe the Olympians want to talk to you." Lady Time said stiffly and turned away. "Wait what's your name?" Poseidon yelled. She ignored him and disappeared. Zoë and Bianca followed ten minutes after, leaving an angry Zeus, a thoughtful Poseidon, several wondering gods, a happy Artemis and Hades, and a smirking Athena, Hestia and Hera.
Alright, as I have said, it will be Long updates because I have other stories to work on. Thus, just a fair warning; there will be a new chapter once every 1 - 3 MONTHS. I have warned you. I do not want to see people asking me to update, of course, I may change my schedule for updating but I am very busy now so only once every few months. I'm sorry.
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