Chap 30 - Pre-battle
Percy's POV
Once we arrived at Helix, I immediately went to dad's office.
"Hey dad," I greeted.
"Hello son, how was the infiltration?" He asked.
"It went well. We destroyed their armoury so it would be best if we send an attack in the morning and see how they deal with it. Then from there we can analyze their weaknesses and strengths. The gods would most likely replace the lost weaponry so we can see their limits. What do you think dad?" I said, sitting opposite him.
"That could work. Very well you shall dispatch an army of monsters and after you have identified their weaknesses the next day we should storm Olympus. We should try to convince the demigods to stand down, our fight is with the Olympians not the demigods." Dad said.
"Yeah but those that refuse will be contained and judged." I said.
"Very well." Dad said.
I left the room and went back to my palace. As soon as I stepped through the door, I was tackled by an auburn and black blur.
I chuckled lightly, "Hey loves. Good to see you too."
I managed to carry the both of them and sat down in the couch. Instantaneously Artemis kissed me while Bianca cuddled into my side. When Artemis parted from the kiss, Thalia walked in the room and sat on my lap, giving me a short kiss.
"Welcome home kelp head." She said.
After a few minutes of comfortable silence, I told the four girls of the plan. They agreed and since they were all tired, we went off to bed.
Time skip morning
I was currently in the stables, talking to Mrs O'Leary and Blackjack. Mrs O'Leary has forgiven me but it took a lot of donuts to get Blackjack to even look at me.
"I said I was sorry. What else can I do?" I asked my winged companion.
'Another 5 boxes of donuts and I forget all about this.' Blackjack neighs.
"Ugh fine." I relented.
He trotted happily and went to gobble up the donuts I summoned.
"Hey have you seen Draco and Lilith anywhere. I can't seem to find them." I asked them both.
'Yeah, they said they where going for their annual honeymoon.' Mrs O'Leary told me.
Luke walked in and told me it was time.
"I'll talk to you guys later." I said to the two and followed Luke out.
With dad's help, I managed to summon a thousand monsters. I gave them orders to attack camp and went back to my palace. Beck helped hook up the projector to show the battle. So now the army was in my cinema like room and watching the big screen. I took a seat next to Artemis and Bianca and focused on the ongoing battle.
After battle
Well the demigods weren't good but they also weren't bad. We are winning this war, hands down. The army went back to training to get ready for the final battle. I, myself, went to prepare by helping train the army.
A/N Sorry I'm kinda rushing to end the story. I sorta lost interest in it. But I am working on another story called 'Percy's Revenge'. I won't release it until I have at least 10 chapter in. But here's a sneak peak.
I was betrayed, accused by ones I called family. They thought they could torture me by casting me into the pit. They thought they could break me. Boy are they in for a surprise.
When Chad Waters, a son of Poseidon, comes to camp...everything changed for Percy. One by one, his friends leave except those truly loyal. Accused of something he didn't do, he is banished to the only place even the gods fear. When dark and powerful entities take an interest in the exiled demigod, things get a little interesting. With a thirst for blood, Percy is determined to make the gods and demigods pay for what they've done to him.
Third person POV
It has been 3 weeks since the giant war and the campers are getting back to the usual routine. The gods have decided to merge the two camp and call it Camp Olympia (cliche I know). A black haired, green eyed boy was walking along the border ensuring the camp is safe from monsters. That boy is Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon, saviour and hero of Olympus. He had a content smile on his face as he watched the younger campers run around and play. Suddenly a sea green light erupted in the middle of the camp. Percy smiled knowingly and walked over to the light as well as all the campers. When the light disappeared, it revealed the sea god and a teenage boy. The new comer had muddy brown hair and moss green eyes. He held a shiny bronze sword by his side with the word 'Díni' engraved on the blade. I had a small smirk as I read it.
"Campers! This is my son Chad Waters. He has trained in Atlantis and is crowned Prince of Atlantis." Poseidon said with pride evident in his voice. Percy frowned a little, 'Where was he when we where facing Gaea and he looks the same age as me, where was he when we faced Kronos? And he's the crowned Prince of Atlantis? What about Triton?' But Poseidon wasn't done. "He is also my favourite son and hero of Olympus. So you are expected to treat him with respect." Poseidon said, look at each and every camper as he said it. 'What! I was the one that cleared his name! I was the one that defeated Kronos and Gaea, I had a help but still.' Percy thought bitterly. Poseidon then disappeared and Percy made his way to the middle. "Hey, I'm Percy Jackson and looks like we're brother." Percy said with a bright smile, forgetting about his thoughts.
Chad scoffed and said, "You're Percy Jackson? You don't look like much." Percy was shocked but covered it up with a smile. "Well why don't you get yourself familiarized with camp and I'll see you later." Percy said calmly. Percy walked away, he felt a bit hurt that his friends or even his girlfriend didn't defend him. 'They were probably just as shocked as I am and didn't get a change to say anything. Yeah.' He thought. Percy suddenly remembered that it was his and Annabeth's anniversary next week and perked up. As he walked to the arena, Percy failed to see the campers, his friends and his girlfriend fawn over the new son of Poseidon.
Time skip one week
Percy's POV
It has been literal hell for me ever since Chad arrived. So far he'd managed to get all the campers to hate me except Annabeth. Chad stole Leo's tool belt and Jason's sword and pined it on me, told Piper that I said Aphrodite kids are useless and told Hazel that I insulted Frank and that made them both hate me. The only person that I have left is Annabeth and I'm glad that she believes me and not my 'brother'. I told her to meet me at the beach after dinner and there's where I'm headed right now. When I arrived at the beach, I saw a couple making out. I ignored them and waited for Annabeth to show. I patted my shorts pocket and relaxed a bit when I felt the familiar outline.
Since we love each other, I thought why not. I smiled when I took the ring out. It was a simple silver band with a sea green gem in the middle. I was snapped out of my musings when I heard Chad's voice. Why is he everywhere I turn. "When are you gonna dump my pathetic brother. I want to show the whole camp you're mine." Chad said. I frowned, why do I have a bad feeling about this. "Tonight. He asked me to meet him here tonight." Annabeth said, wait no more like moaned. I stalked over to them and saw Annabeth sucking his face off.
Third person POV
When Percy saw the scene his face contorted in rage. "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE!" He shouted. Annabeth and Chad broke away from each other and while Annabeth is spluttering out excuses, Chad was smirking smugly. That was the straw that broke the camel's back. Percy flew forward and punched Chad right in the face. CRACK! Chad fell back cradling his broken nose. Percy didn't stop, he threw punch after powerful punch at his pathetic brother. Annabeth was in the background shouting and screaming for Percy to stop.
That amount of commotion brought the attention of all campers. They ran to the scene and some campers even tried to pull Percy off of Chad but ended up getting bruised instead. All of a sudden a blinding light erupted all over camp and when it cleared, everyone realised they were no longer in Camp Olympia but on Olympus, home of the gods. "Detain him!" A loud voice boomed. A burly figure immediately seized the now struggling Percy. The figure snapped his fingers and large bronze shackles appeared on Percy.
Before the captive could protest the loud voice boomed again, "Silence! We have gather you all here today to witness the trail of Perseus Jackson." That loud voice came from the one and only King of gods. Zeus. "Perseus Jackson! You are accused of aiding Gaea during the war. How do you plead?" Zeus thundered. "Innocent." Percy said. "Lies! We have solid evidence that was presented to us by Chad Waters who found it under your bed. For your crimes against Olympus, you are hereby banished to rot in Tartarus." Zeus proclaimed. "And for cheating on my daughter you are to suffer for an eternity." Athena said, snapping her fingers.
A dark sea green light engulfed Percy, indicating his immortality. "Any last words traitor?" Zeus asked with a steely gaze. Percy formed an ice ball and tossed it in front of the council. "When this ball breaks, there will be war. One you will never win. I, Perseus Jackson, sever all ties I have with the Olympians. Heed my words Olympians, I will return and have my revenge." He said, smiling sinisterly. He campers shivered from the dark look that rested on he ex-hero of Olympus' face. The gods glared at the boy and snapped their fingers. Instantly the ground split open and swallowed the boy whole.
After a few minutes of tense silence, Zeus spoke up. "May this serve as a lesson to you all! This is what happens when you betray the gods. Now that the traitor is gone, we shall have a party to celebrate our new hero who showed Perseus' true colours. Chad Waters." The campers started cheering and congratulating Chad. When the party was in full swing, two campers silently sneaked away. One was a boy and the other was a girl. The boy had eyes like the pit and short messy black hair. He wore a black skull shirt, black ripped jeans and an aviator jacket. The girl had striking blue eyes and short choppy black hair. She wore a black T-shirt, black tattered jeans, and a leather jacket.
"This isn't right! Percy never did all those things." The boy said. "I know Nico but if we say anything who knows we won't meet the same fate as Percy." The girl said. "Then what Thalia? We're not just gonna abandon him right?" The boy 'Nico' asked. "Of course not death breath! We just have to play it safe. I know Percy and he will stay true to his words. And I don't know about you but I'm with kelp head. The gods are horrible rulers." Thalia said.
"Yeah I hear you. I think I know how we can help Percy. We can keep an eye on the camp and in the underworld there is a special form of communication that allows us to reach into Tartarus. Since he most likely plotting down there we could help by giving him the info." Nico said, looking quite proud of himself. "Wow. That's...actually not a bad idea. Look like you are useful sometimes." Thalia teased. "Hey! For you're information, I have good ideas all the time." Nico protested. "Sure whatever you say. Come on let's go back in before someone notices we were gone." Thalia said, walking back to the party.
Meanwhile in Tartarus
Percy was plunging straight towards the red stained ground. As soon as he hit the ground, dust clouded the area. When the dust cleared, Percy was kneeling down.
(Like this. I didn't know how to describe this specific pose.)
When Percy stood up, he was meet with 6 pairs of eyes. "It's about time you landed, we've been waiting for you Percy." Said a man. Besides the man where 4 others and a woman. "Oh, where are my manners. I am Void. These are my brothers Abyss and End. Then there's Tartarus, Erebus and Nyx." The man 'Void' said. "Well what do you want?" Percy asked unemotionally. "We are aware of your hatred towards the Olympians. We are planing a war against Olympus. And-" "and you want me to help you." Percy cut Void off. "Alright. On two conditions. I am not one of your slaves. I also want four people brought back from the dead." Percy said. "Very well Percy. We shall agree to those terms." Void said, with the agreement of the others. "One more thing, my name is Perseus not Percy. Percy is a weak idiot. Perseus will be the one to bring Olympus to its knees." Perseus said with menacing grin.
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