Chap 29 - Beginning of The War
One week later
Nick's POV
Who does that pit spawn think he is. Waltzing in MY camp and acting like he owns it. He even walks around camp after curfew and Chiron didn't do anything about it. He stole my Annie away from me. I was making so much progress with getting her to fall in love with me but then he shows up and she falls for him. Fine, I'll just take his girl then. Dustin will be so heartbroken that he'll leave my camp. I snapped out of my thoughts when the horn sounded. We're under attack! I ran to the armoury and put in my gear. I saw the rest if the camp to the same except for newbies who just stood there smirking at us. I narrowed my eyes at them, they're up to something and I will find out! Suddenly they just disappeared into a shadow. I focused back on putting on my armour. When I was done, I looked around to see the rest of the campers still putting on their armour. There's no time to waste. I ran out of the armoury and to the camp borders.
While running to the borders, I saw Brad also running beside me. Since we have a temporary truce, I decided not to push him out of my way. Once we reached the border, I saw the newbies already hacking away at the small monster army of 200. I looked over the army and saw figures wearing cloaks standing behind them. There where 5 of them. Must be that pathetic Percy and his lackeys. I focused back on the army but to my surprise, there where no more monsters. I saw the figures disappear. I growled lowly, I can't believe I got showed up! That's it! Time to show them who's the boss around here!
Percy's POV
Once the army was dealt with, I waltz over to the fuming Nick and Brad with Zoë and Nico by my side.
"'Bout time you showed up. Not like we needed any help. As you can see, we handled ourselves just fine." I said, smirking.
"That's it! You think you can just walk right into my camp-" Brad cut Nick off. "Your camp?! It's mine!"
Then from there it was just them fighting over who's camp it is. All of sudden, a bright light erupted besides us.
The Olympians appeared and Zeus shouted, "The war has begun! It seems it is earlier that anticipated. From now on you are to train vigorously for the war."
"There was a war and you didn't tell us!" I shouted at the gods, outraged.
That seemed to tick drama queen off.
"Silence! You all shall begin your training tomorrow. Chiron you are to teach the campers advanced training." And with that the gods flashed out.
I looked at Zoë and Nico.
'Looks like we leave tonight. I'll tell Chiron and after we send him to Helix, we put our plan in action. Ok?' I mentally asked them.
I got an 'ok' and a 'yea' in return.
Time skip to night
I make my way to the big house, careful to avoid any stray campers. Letting myself in, I looked around the house to see if Chiron is in here.
"Hello? Chiron? You in here?" I called out.
"Ah Percy, hang on I'm coming." I heard him reply from the other room.
I waited for a few minutes till he rolled in on his wheelchair.
"I figured you would come here tonight after that...speech. You are leaving for Helix, yes?" He said.
"Yes and we agreed you should come with us too. We could really use your help on Helix." I said hopefully.
"It would be an honor." He smiled warmly.
"Great! So just step into this portal and we'll see you later. We have something to do first." I said, opening a portal.
He gave me a knowing look and said, "Don't do anything too drastic Percy."
I chuckled, "No promises."
He shook his head and stepped through the portal. I went back to the Hades cabin and saw Nico and Zoë wearing their armour.
"Ready?" I asked putting on my mask.
They nodded and we ran to the armoury. We were wearing all black so it would be impossible for someone with an untrained eye to see us. As soon as we entered, I passed some greek fire bombs, courtesy of Beckendorf, to Nico and Zoë. We planted the bombs all over the armoury and got out. I teleported us to the forest, on a very high tree branch so we could watch. I took out the controller and tossed it to Nico.
"Would you please do the honours, Neeks." I said.
He grinned devilishly and made a show of pressing the small red button. In an instance, the armoury exploded in green fire. Weapons and armour rained down in streaks of green. Campers poured out of their cabins and ran around like chickens without heads as the fire consume what's left of the armoury. I saw the sky, sea and wisdom spawn rush to the site and where frantically trying to put out the fire. If Annabeth would've used her brain, she would have known that greek fire can't be put out. In less than 5 minutes the fire will spread to the cabins and they can't do anything but watch their homes burn to the ground. But sadly my fun was abruptly cut off as a bright light erupted beside the screaming campers. The gods appeared in all their sleepy glory but managed to put out the fire with Poseidon's 'special water'. Don't ask, even dad don't know what it is and quite frankly I don't wanna know. I blanketed the three of us with shadows so we go nearer and see what the gods where saying.
"I demand to know who the culprit to this crime is." Thundered Zeus.
Seriously? Can he get anymore dramatic.
"We don't know father. We were all sleeping peacefully in our cabins when an explosion woke us. By the time we arrived the armoury was already destroyed." Brad exclaimed.
"What are we going to do?! We have no weapons or armour to defend ourselves from Chaos!" Shouted an Aphrodite camper.
Campers started murmuring and a couple where very close to panicking. Before a riot could break out, Athena spoke up.
"Wait. Where are Dustin, Dylan and Ava?" She questioned.
Annabeth looked around and frowned.
"They must still be asleep. But everyone heard the blast." She said with a frown.
"I'll go look." Nick said, looking dreamily at Annabeth who had a tinge of pink on her cheek.
I saw Brad scowl at them. Looks like we have a love triangle. Oh this is gonna be fun. Nick ran back to the group, panting. Seriously? The Hades cabin is not that far.
"They're not there. They're gone!" He shouted.
Gasps resonated all around.
"It seems like Perseus has managed to sway them. No matter! We WILL win this war. The fate of Olympus depends on it. We do not need those 3 measly mortals. When this is over, those that stand beside the Olympians will be greatly rewarded and those who oppose us will be severely punished." Zeus announced.
Humph, these 3 measly mortals could destroy you with a snap of our fingers. I can't wait to show those pompous gods their place. With a final glance to the smoking armoury, I flashed us home.
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