Chap 2 - A New Life and Mates?
"So do you accept?" Asked Chaos.
"Wow, it's a lot to take in. But I have some questions first though." I asked.
"Sure, ask away." Replied Chaos.
"Ok so, what about Luke, Silena, Ethan and the others? Will they remember me?" I asked.
"Well you forgave them didn't you?" He asked me.
"Yes." I replied, nodding.
"Then yes, they will remember you but since they will remember you in the next timeline they won't be the traitor and a spy, other demigods will be." Chaos informed me.
"Ok and my friends, can they join me on this...mission?" I asked, unsure what to call...this.
"Yes they can. Anymore questions?" Said Chaos.
"No, I'm good. Alright, I accept." I said.
"Very good, now repeat after me. I, Perseus Jackson, renounce all ties to Poseidon and accept Chaos as my full blooded father." He said.
I repeated and instantly I felt like my whole body was on fire and being ripped apart molecule by molecule. When it was over I felt power surge through me. Before I could say anything Chaos nodded to the gods and they shot me with different coloured beams. When I was done, I felt as though I could take on Kronos single-handedly. Chaos, or should I say Dad, summoned a mirror for me. I looked at my reflection in surprise. I still had my windswept hair but with silver (Artemis), gold (Apollo), purple (Dionysus), orange (Hestia), red (Hephaestus), white (Hermes) and grey (Hades) coloured streaks on my raven black hair. My facial features are more defined. I had more muscles and abs but it wasn't the bulky kind like a bodybuilder but more of a lean build. I didn't know how that was possible but oh well.
"Ok now that that's done. Do you want to tell your friends about the plan?" Asked dad.
"Yea could you please bring them here." I said.
With a snap of his fingers, my friends appeared confused.
"Hey guys." I said.
"Percy!" They shout, running towards me.
They piled onto me shouting about how I left without saying goodbye.
"Alright alright guys, I'm sorry that I left but you're here for another reason. Say hi to my new dad." I said gesturing to dad.
"Chaos is your dad now?!" They shouted/asked.
"Yep and he offered to bring me back in time before my first quest to bring down Olympus, because the gods are unfit to be rulers. So will you guys join me on my mission?" I asked them.
"I'm with you till the end Perce." Said Nico and the rest agreed with him.
"Thanks guys, so when I go back my dad will allow you to keep your memories of me. When I arrive at camp I will reveal my allies, which is you guys. I'm guessing the quests will be the same, so I'll go along with it like the last time but I will try to drag it out." I said.
"Wait Percy before you go can I talk to you for a minute? In private." Asked Thalia.
"Um...sure Thals." I said.
We walked out the palace, towards the Styx. Which reminds me I need ask dad about the Achilles curse when I go back. We stood there in silence for a while.
"I need to tell you something." We said at the same time.
I could feel my cheeks heat up.
"Um you first." I said.
"No, you first." She said.
"No, you."
"You go."
"You." I was getting frustrated right about now and I could tell Thalia is too.
Before I could say another 'you' she grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and smashed her lips to mine. I was too shocked to respond at first but when she went to pull away, I immediately kissed her back. We went on for a few more minutes until breathing became a problem.
"I love you Percy. Ever since you rescued me from my tree. But you were interested in Annabeth, so I backed off." Said Thalia.
"You know, when I saw Annabeth and Nick kiss it didn't hurt as much. That's when I realized I didn't really love Annabeth, someone else had my heart." I told her.
"That was so cheesy." She laughed.
She smiled at me and leaned in for another kiss. Before our lips could touch, a bring pink light flashed besides us. When it cleared I internally groaned, it was Eros. I'm pretty sure he's the male version of Aphrodite.
"Hey! I take offence to that. I'm nothing like that airhead." He said glaring at me.
I quickly apologized, not wanting to get on his bad side.
"It's ok, people often think I'm like her. I don't mess with love, I guide the people to their other halves. But the reason why I'm here is to tell you that you, Perseus Jackson-Chaos, have 4 female mates." He said.
"Four?!" I shouted.
"Yes four and congrats on finding your first one." He said, patting me on the back.
The look on my face must have been bad because Eros was looking at me sympathetically.
"Alright tell you what, I'll make it easier for you, when you meet you other mates they will glow a bright pink colour. That all I can do, so see you little brother." Eros said, waving goodbye and in a puff of pink he disappeared.
I stared at the spot wide eyed. I turned to Thalia, "I'm sorry."
"What? Why are you sorry?" She asked confusedly.
"Well, because of the other 3 mates thing." I said.
"Percy, it's not your fault. You can't control these kinda things." She told me gently.
"You're okay with this?" I asked, surprised.
"Come on, this isn't the weirdest thing that's happened to us. I'm not exactly thrilled about this but we'll make it work. Besides, all that matters to me is that I get to be with you." She said.
"Who are you and what have you done to Thalia." I asked, suspicion leaked into my voice.
"Shut up, I'm trying to be supportive here." She said, punching me lightly.
"Alright alright. I think we should get back though, there still waiting for us." I said.
"Oh Styx, I totally forgot about them. Come on let's go." She yells, pulling me along.
When we entered the throne room, I looked around and saw the gods and demigods having tea. I cleared my throat.
"Finally, I was about to go find you." Dad said, flailing his arms around.
Suddenly a bright pink glow appeared on Artemis.
Dad looked at me, "Let me guess. Eros?"
Me and Thalia nodded.
He sighed heavily, "How many?"
"Um four." I said.
He raised his brow but nodded anyways.
"Can someone please explain why I just glowed pink for a second?" Said Artemis.
"Because you are one of Percy's mate." Dad said.
"What?" She yelled.
Dad explained it to her and she calmed down a little.
"Well if anyone's good for Artemis it's you, Perce." Said Apollo.
"Alright, we've wasted too much time already. Son, are you ready?" Asked dad.
I nodded. He waved his hands and a portal appeared. Before I could step through, Thalia pulled me in for a kiss.
"See you soon." She said before pushing me into the portal.
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