Chap 16 - New King of Hellhounds and New Pets
Percy's POV
We are standing at the entrance to Tartarus. I looked down on the map, it says the first monster we have to find is wandering around Tartarus.
I looked at Thalia, "You ready for this?"
She nodded determinedly. I took her hand and we walked into Tartarus.
Time skip
We were wandering for, I don't know hours? Minutes? It's hard to tell time down here. We followed the map but everything we get close to the dot, it just disappears then reappears somewhere else.
"We've been following that stupid dot for hours. I'm tired." Thalia complained.
I spotted a nearby cave and nudged her.
"We can rest in that cave then continue later." I said.
She jumped onto my back and urged me to go. I shook my head at her. We got comfortable, well as comfortable as you can get in a cave, and I summoned some water and food for us. My other powers work just fine but can't teleport out or in Tartarus, which is why the monster is so hard to catch. After a few minutes, I heard soft thumps coming from outside the cave. I peeked out and my eyes widen. Standing in front of me was 30 ft tall hellhound with budging muscles and razor sharp claws and teeth.
It started sniffing and it swivelled around, spotting me.
It growled at me and spoke, "Who are you, demigod?"
"Umm...I'm Perseus Nova Chaos, son of Chaos. Who are you?" I asked.
"I am Vasiliás, King of Hellhounds." He growled.
"Would you consider joining me and my father in the upcoming war with the Olympians." I asked.
"As much as I hate the Olympians, I work for no one." He said and lunged at me.
I dodged to the side and swung at his hind paw. But that only made a shallow cut. He growled at me lumbered towards me. He may be big but he's slow. I did a baseball slide under his belly and thrust my sword up. He yowled and swiped his paw at me. I tried deflecting it but the force was so strong it knocked me off my feet. I got back up and saw Thalia creeping up from behind him. She drive her spear into his other hind paw.
While he was distracted, I quickly drove my sword through his chest. An agony filled roar resonated around us. The king of hellhounds slowly crumbled into dust but weird thing is the dust floated into me. Suddenly I felt stronger and faster, I could smell monsters in the distance. A howl was heard and shadows started to accumulate in front of me. A hound appeared in front of me, a few feet shorter than Vasiliás. He looked at me and bowed.
"My king." He said.
"A-Are you talking to me?" I asked.
"Yes, you are our new king since you defeated Vasiliás." He said.
"Who are you?" I asked.
"I am Orthros, the beta, your highness." He said.
"Please call me Percy." I told Orthros.
"Very well, Percy. Is there anything I can do for you now?" He asked.
"Uh, no. You are dismissed?" I said, unsurely.
"If you need us hellhounds, just summon us." He said before shadow travelling away.
"We're you just talking to that hellhound?" Thalia asked.
"Yes, couldn't you hear him?" I asked.
"No, what did he say?" She asked.
"Apparently I'm the new King of Hellhounds." I said surprised.
She nodded at me, used to all the crazy.
"Where's our next target?" She said.
I looked at the map and saw a red dot at the far east of the map.
"That's a long walk." Thalia commented.
I put the map away and shifted into a horse. I knelt down, asking Thalia to get on me. She looked sceptical but gently climbed onto my back. She held my mane tightly as I galloped towards the next monster. After a while, I trotted to a stop. Thalia got off me and I shifted back. I summoned some water when all of a sudden a roar was heard.
I turned to Thalia, "There's our next monster."
We ran in the direction of the roar and stopped in our tracks. There were 2 huge dragons, bigger than Ladon, one with red blood and midnight black scales and one with Snow White scales with rubies embedded in its body.
They were being tied down with some kind of silver net and being tortured by some empousa and Cyclopes. How the monsters managed to trap two humongous dragons was beyond me but maybe the monster had more numbers and ambushed them. Could be a possibility.
"We have to help them." I whispered to Thalia.
She nodded and we both pulled out out bows. Now I know what you're thinking, 'Percy you can't use a bow, you'll just end up killing yourself.' But I learnt how to properly use a bow on Helix. We notched an arrow and let it fly. It hit its mark, 2 Cyclopes. The other monster realized that they were no longer alone and grabbed their weapons. I charged with my sword while Thalia continued to pick off monster one by one with her bow. Within a couple minutes, we managed to dispatch all the monsters. I focused back on the dragons and realized they had muzzles on.
Thalia and I cut the silver net, after hacking at it for a while. The dragons got free and clawed off their muzzles.
"Thank you for helping us with the monsters." The red and black dragon said.
"I am Draco and this is my mate, Lilith." He added.
"What are two dragons doing in Tartarus?" I asked.
"We were cast down here by Zeus because he was paranoid that we would try and take over Olympus since we are the first ever dragons created." Lilith said.
"We are waging war on some of the Olympians. My father, Chaos, has asked me to dispose of the rotten gods and build a new kingdom. Would you two like to join us on this mission?" I asked them.
"We will aid you in the upcoming war with you as our riders." Said Draco.
"Riders?" Thalia asked.
"Yes. Every dragon has a rider, their human counterpart. Our riders have been foretold to save us in our time of need. You saved us in our time of need so therefore you are our riders." Lilith explained.
"Oh ok." I said dumbly.
Seriously this is a lot of information to take in. They shrunk down and curled around our necks like a neck pillow.
"Are there any other monster visible on the map?" Thalia asked.
I checked the map but there wasn't anymore red dots.
"Huh, I guess that's the last of it." I said.
We asked Draco and Lilith to give us a lift up to the underworld. When we reached Uncle Hades' palace, he was sitting in his throne signing some rebirth papers.
"Hey Uncle. We've dealt with all the disturbances in Tartarus." I said.
He looked up and smiled, "Ah Perseus, I was wondering when you would come back up."
"How long were we gone?" I asked, curiously.
"A week." He told me.
"A week!?" I shouted.
"Yes time moves faster in Tartarus. And who's that around your neck?" Uncle Hades asked.
"Oh this is Draco and that's Lilith, our dragons." I said.
"Hmm...that sounds familiar. Ah, I'll figure it out later. Anyway thank you Percy and Thalia for helping me." He thanked us.
"No problem Uncle. If you need anything else just ask." I said.
We bid him farewell and I teleported us back to the Chaos cabin. I let Draco off my shoulders and let him wander around the cabin.
"Well that was eventful." I said chuckling.
She laughed, "Sure was. Now let's go to bed its late and I'm tired."
I carried her bridal style to my room and gently laid her on the mattress. I stripped down to my boxers and she did the same. We used to sleep like this in my room on Helix, so we're comfortable doing it here.
I kissed her and said, "Goodnight."
She mumbled something back and was out like a light. I shook my head fondly at her and eventually I too drifted off to sleep.
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