Percy Jackson and The Rescue Bots
I don't own Percy Jackson or The Rescue Bots!
(This story takes place the summer after the second war. Annabeth just turned 18 and it's almost Percy's birthday. This story was requested by SRWfangirl)
Part 1 - Meet The Burns
Percy's pov
"We fought a war for them! What could they possibly want now!?" I complain in the elevator ride up to the secret top floor in The Empire State Building.
"I don't know what The Gods want," my girlfriend, Annabeth, says. "But, I do know that you better stop complaining or Zeus is not going to be happy."
"Yeah, we don't want Zeus to kill you. That would be tragic!" My friend, Leo, says sarcastically.
"Shut up!" I tell Leo.
The elevator dings and the doors open. I step out and my six friends follow me to the throne room. We walk in and look at our parents sitting up on their thrones without a care in the world.
"What do you want?" I ask, looking at Zeus, The King. I hear a few of my friends draw in a breath as though waiting for Zeus to kill me. I see Annabeth shake her head out of the corner of my eye. We both know Zeus won't kill me, not when he wants me to do something for him.
He glares at me before speaking, "We need you seven to go to an island known as Griffin Rock. I'll let Hephaestus explain why. Seeing as he's the one who got us in this mess." He glares at Hephaestus.
"Yes, well, you see my son he has gone a little crazy and is trying to take over the world. We need you seven to stop him."
"So, nothing new?" I say.
"What is your son's name? When do we leave? How will we get to Griffin Rock? Where will we be staying?" Annabeth asks ignoring my comment.
"His name is Thaddeus Morocco but, everyone calls him Dr. Morocco. You will leave as soon as you're done packing. We will bring you to Griffin Rock and you will be staying with The Burns. There are two thing you should know about Griffin Rock and The Burns. First, they have a secret like ours. They are known as a Family of Heros because all of them are Rescue Workers. The second thing is they have Rescue Bots, but they're not bots."
"What do you mean?" Jason asks.
"They're aliens. They pretend to be robots. They also know about us."
"That's so cool!" Leo says.
"Yes, extremely cool," Annabeth says sarcastically. "We better get going so, we can pack."
The Gods take us back to camp and we tell Chiron what's going on. Then, we head to our cabins to pack. We meet Hermes at Thalia's tree. He brings us to a firehouse on what must be Griffin Rock.
"Let's do this," Annabeth says knocking on the door. A few moments later an older man in a police uniform opens the door.
He looks at each of us before saying, "you must be the kids Heatwave told me about. Come in." He opens the door the rest of the way and we follow him inside.
He leads us to a living room where there are four other people sitting. A boy who looks like he is in his early 20's. A girl who looks like she is in her late teen's. A second boy who looks like he is Piper's age and finally a third boy who looks like he is Hazel's age.
We all look at each other without talking for a minute. I decide to break the silence. "Hi! I'm Percy. This is my girlfriend Annabeth. That's Jason, his girlfriend, Piper. Hazel and her boyfriend, Frank. Leo and his girlfriend is nonexistent."
"Hey!" Leo says. "I have a girlfriend! She's just not here!"
"I know, I'm just messing with you," I assure him.
The girl speaks up. "Hi! I'm Danny, this is my older brother, Kade. My little brother, Graham, and my youngest brother, Cody. Oh, and you've already meet our dad, Charlie."
"It's nice to meet you!" Hazel says.
Annabeth smiles, but it's the same smile she gives me when I try and tell her a joke in the middle of a war. "Yes! It's great to meet you all, but we're here to get a job done. So, let's do that."
"Of course," Chief Charlie says. "We need to go see Doc. Green, he has something to show us." He walks out of the room, Annabeth follows him. Me and the other Demigods hang back with The Burns kids.
"Sorry, about her," I apologize. "She is usually a lot nicer, but she is really stressed right now. She was in the middle of applying for college when we were called out here. She just wants to get her job done and get out."
"Whatever, let's just go," Kade says walking out.
Danny rolls her eyes, "he is mad that you guys are here. He thinks we can take care of Morocco ourselves, even though we have been trying to for years."
"It's ok, we are very used to having people mad at us," Frank jokes and The Demigods laugh.
"Let's go! I'll introduce you to The Bots!" Cody says jumping up from the couch. He reminds me of a young Nico. We follow him out of the room and to a garage where there are three cars and a helicopter.
"That's Blades," Cody points at the helicopter and Danny walks over to it.
"This is Chase!" he points to the police car.
"That's Heatwave!" Kade walks to the fire truck.
"And this is Boulder!" Graham walks over to the bulldozer. "You can ride to Doc's lab with us!"
"Annabeth should take Chase," I joke and my friends laugh.
"What are you saying about me?" Annabeth asks walking out of a different room with The Chief.
"I was just saying you should drive in Chase to the lab because its name is Chase and Chase is your last name."
"Ok, you don't know how many jokes I can make out of your name, Peter Johnson." She jokes.
"Please don't!" I say quickly.
"Ok, let's get going! Everyone get in a Bot!" Charlie says.
Charlie's pov
After I tell everyone to get in a Bot the kids have in agreement over where Frank should go. Something about him being his own transformer. Finally, Annabeth and Percy get in Heatwave. I can tell Kade is not happy about that. Hazel, Leo, and Graham in Boulder. Jason and Danny take Blades. That leaves Frank, Piper, Cody, and me in Chase.
"To Doc. Green's lab?" Chase asks, making Piper and Frank jump.
"Yes," I tell him. We drive over to The Greens' house. Dr. Green and his daughter, Frankie, are waiting outside for us.
Annabeth's pov
I climb out of the fire truck with Percy and Kade. I look around there is an man and a girl, who looks about Cody's age, standing in front of a very big building. There is also a semi truck and a sports car. The others get out of their cars and walk over to us.
While Chief Burns talks to the other man I talk to my friends. "How was the drive? Were they nice?"
"Yeah, Danny was really nice. She showed me how to fly, and Blades was really nice too. Blades is afraid of heights and didn't want to be a helicopter," Jason says.
"Boulder seemed nice. I didn't really get to talk to him, because Leo was. Graham is really nice though," Hazel says and Leo nods.
"Chase was nice but, all he wanted to do was talk about laws," Piper says.
"Well, I'm glad you guys had good rides because Kade was mean to me," Percy says.
"Maybe because you tried to spray the water hose at people!" I say.
"That was only once, besides, I wasn't going to hit them. I was going to make the water go over them."
"Once? Percy, it was everyone person we saw!"
Before he could say anything Chief Charlie calls us over. Then he introduces us to Doc. Green and Frankie. Then we introduce ourselves.
"And this is Optimus Prime and Bumblebee," Charlie says pointing to the semi truck and sports car. Then all the cars transform into human like robots. Even though I know they could do that it was still a surprise.
"Cool!" Leo and Percy yell.
"Hello," Optimus Prime says.
"Hi," I say. "I'm sure you are the one who ask for us to come. So, I'm sure you know why we are here."
"Yes, I am the one who asked for you seven to come. I came down here to meet you and make sure you know what you're dealing with. So, if you have any questions I will be happy to try and answer them."
"The only thing we know about this guy is, his name, his dad, and that you guys have been trying to get rid of him for years. So, if you have anymore information on him, it would be great to have."
"That's the thing. We don't know much about him. The only other thing we know is that he is staying on a small island a few miles north of here."
"Ok, is there a library in town can use for research?" As soon as I ask that I can hear Percy and Leo groan.
"Why can't we just go to the island and attack him?" Percy asks.
"We always try and find as much information on who ever we are fighting before we attack, so we don't die," I tell him.
"I don't," Percy responds. "And I'm still alive!"
"That's because I do all the research. I'm the one who keeps you alive and you keep me alive," I remind him.
Piper squeals, "you two are so cute together!" They others nod in agreement.
"Moving on," says Percy. "Is there a library we can go to."
Then Bumblebee beeps.
"Did he just beep?" Percy asks.
"He lost his voice box so, he can't talk," Heatwave says.
"What's a voice box?" Percy asks.
"Kind of like this," Leo says pulling a small voice box out of his tool belt.
"Yeah," Graham agrees. "But his looks more like this," he shows us a picture of Bumblebee's voice box on his tablet.
Percy looks at it for a second before taking a step backwards. "I've seen that before."
"Where?" Danny asks.
"In a junk yard," Percy tells her.
"Why is Bumblebee's voice box in a junk yard?" Chase asks.
"Who cares?" Blades says. "Let's go get it!"
"No!" Percy yells. "Last time someone took something out of that junk yard she died!"
Then it all clicked, Bumblebee's voice box is in Hephaestus' junk yard.
A/N: Hi, thanks for reading! I hope you liked it! The next part of this story will be up in the next two weeks. I have some family stuff coming up next week so, I might not be able to post.
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