Ava sighed as she walked down the hallway of her new high school. Her mom had gotten a new job, again, and the two of them moved to New York. Today was Ava's first day at her new school and it was already a horrible day.
That morning when Ava was leaving for school she bumped into a little girl with a broken leg, and her leg had hurt ever since. Ava had a special power, when she touches someone she can feel their physical and emotional pain. Sometimes it was a blessing, but most of the time it was a curse.
Ava walks slowly down the hall, careful to not touch anyone. She's looking for English room 53 with Mr. Blofis, but she just can't seem to find it.
"Hey!" Someone says in front of her. She turns to look at them. It's a boy with black hair and blue eyes. "Hey," he says again. "My name is Jake. You are new and looked lost. Can I help you?"
"Yes, please!" Ava says gratefully. "I'm Ava."
"Nice to meet you, Ava! What class are you looking for?"
"English 11 with Mr. Blofis."
"Oh, that's my first period too! Follow me!"
Ava follows him down the hall, as they walk he points to a few kids and tells Ava their names.
"Oh, I didn't know he was back," Jake says stopping in the middle of the hall, Ava almost runs into him.
"Who? What's wrong?" Ava asks curiously.
"That," Jake says pointing to a tall boy with black hair whose back is turned, "is Percy Jackson. He is Mr. Blofis's stepson and he had a history of getting in trouble. He's not a bad kid or anything, he's the complete opposite really, he is super sweet and nice to everyone. Trouble just seems to follow him. He disappeared last year and this is the first time anyone has seen him in like a year and a half."
"Wow!" Ava says in shock.
"Jackson!" Jake calls.
Percy turns to look at him, "Jake! I've been looking for you! How are you?"
"You've been looking for me? I was looking for you after you disappeared last year! What was that about?"
Percy walked over to them, "family stuff." He says simply. Before Jake can say anything else Percy sees Ava.
"Hi! You must be new, I'm Percy!" He sticks out his hand and there is no way Ava can get around shaking his hand without looking crazy. She slowly sticks her hand out and the second their hands touch she is overwhelmed with pain. Her vision goes black.
... ...
The second Percy saw Ava he know that she was a demigod, either a very powerful one or one with some sort of power. His suspicions are confirmed when she faints after they shake hands.
"Oh my God! You killed her!" Jake says.
Percy rolls his eyes, "she's not dead. We just need to get her to the nurse. Come on help me." The two of them carefully bring her to the nurse.
"What happened?" The nurse asks.
"I don't know," Percy says. "She just kind of passed out." They set her on the bed. "Excuse me for a minute." Percy steps out into the hallway to call Annabeth.
"Shouldn't you be in school?" She asks. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine," he tells her quickly. "There's a new girl at my school who passed out when we shook hands. I'm getting major demigod vibes from her."
"Okay," Annabeth says. "I'll ask around and see if I can figure out what the passing out means. Keep yourself and her out of trouble. Try to get her to agree to meet up with you after school and I'll meet you wherever, so we can get this figured out."
"Okay," he looks back in the nurse's office. "She's waking up. I'll text you later."
"Okay, love you."
"Love you too." Percy hangs up the phone and walks back into the nurse's office. "Is she okay?"
"Well, she doesn't seem to be injured," the nurses say. She turns to Ava, "do you want to go to class or do you want to go home."
Ava says that she wants to go to class, so Percy and Jake walk her to English. "Hey!" Percy says as they walk in. "sorry, Mr. B, this is Ava, she's new we were just showing her around and lost track of time."
Mr. Blofis nods, "it's okay. Take your seat, you've missed enough school in the last year."
"Hey," Percy says. "In my defense, I was doing something important and it wasn't my fault. I would have loved to be in your boring English class over that stupid ship any day."
Luckily at lunch, they get Ava to come hang out with them after school, and Percy texts Annabeth the address of the coffee shop they are going to meet at. She texts back that she will be there and that Will was telling her about the children of Apollo that can feel others' pain.
"Good news guys," Percy says. "Annabeth is visiting for the weekend and is going to join us at the coffee shop."
"Awesome," Kay says. "I haven't seen her in forever."
"Annabeth is my super awesome girlfriend," Percy tells Ava. "You'll love her. Anyway, enough about me, tell us about yourself. Why'd you move here? Got any siblings?"
"My mom got a new job and just me and my mom, no siblings, no dad."
"Oh," Percy says. "My dad was lost at sea right before I was born."
"Was he a fisherman or something?"
"Yeah, something like that. It's okay though because I have Paul now."
"He seemed nice," Ava says.
"Yeah," Percy agrees. "He's pretty cool." His phone dings. He quickly responds to Annabeth and lets her know that Ava doesn't know her dad.
A few hours later when school is over they all head over to the coffee shop, Percy tells Ava, "this is my girlfriend, Annabeth, and one of my childhood best friends, Grover."
They sit and talk for a little while before Grover pulls him aside, "she's strong, but not like big three strong, more like some sort of special power strong."
Percy nods, "that's what I thought. The others will probably leave soon, we'll talk to her then."
Sure enough within the hour, the others are gone, "well, I should go."
"Ava!" Percy says. "Wait, there's something we need to talk about."
"What's up?" Ava asks, carefully.
"You're a demigod."
Annabeth rolls her eyes, "way to get straight to the point, Seaweed Brain."
"A what?" Ava asks, ignoring Annabeth.
"Your dad's a Greek God, Apollo we think. You can like feel others' pain when you touch them right? That's why you passed out when we shook hands this morning."
"Yeah," Ava says. "You're in a lot of pain, it's scary."
Percy smiles, "after what I've been through it would be scarier if I wasn't in pain. Anyway, I know you might not believe me, but there's a camp not far from here, we can bring you there. It's will be easier to explain all of this there and your father will claim you. Like I said you're most likely a child of Apollo."
Ava nods, "I believe you. Mom always told me there was something off about dad, and with my powers, this all checks out."
They bring her to camp and explain everything. She's claimed as a child of Apollo, as they thought. She meets Will and they start talking about her power and how to control it.
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