"We have a small problem," Percy says, walking into the Big House.
"What's up?" Annabeth asks as she looks up from her book.
"There are two new campers," Percy tells her. "But they only speak, actually I don't know what language it's is, maybe Dutch? Any chance you know Dutch?"
"I'm dyslexic, I barely speak English."
Percy laughs, "yeah, we tried English, Greek, Latin, Spanish, and even French. It's not working out very well and Google translate won't work here, so we are kind of stuck."
"Okay," Annabeth says. "Let me think. Do we have any idea who their parent is?"
Percy shakes his head, "nope. We don't even know if they are actually demigods or if they can just see through the mist. They just both started screaming when a monster was chasing me through the park."
Annabeth nods, "what do we know about them?"
"Brother and sister, probably about eight and ten if I had to guess. Don't speak English. They probably live on the streets, it doesn't look like they have a home, or if they do it's not a very nice one."
Annabeth sighs, "I don't know what to do, if we want to talk to them we will have to go outside the border and use a phone, that will bring monsters and that will be a whole thing. We can't just let them leave or wander around Camp without knowing anything about them or them knowing anything about us."
"We could bring them to Olympus and see if one of the Gods can help us," Percy suggests.
Annabeth rolls her eyes, "yeah, because the Gods will love that."
Before Percy can respond the door opens, "what's going on?"
"Hey, Nico," Percy greets. "There are two new campers who don't speak English or any other language anyone here knows, so we don't know how to communicate with them."
"Can I try?" Nico asks.
"I mean you can," Annabeth says. "But we aren't even sure what language they are speaking."
"We think it might be Dutch," Percy supplies. "Do you know Dutch?"
Nico shrugs, "I know a few languages."
"Good enough for me," Annabeth says. "Even if you can talk to them a little bit it will be better than nothing."
Percy leads them to the volleyball courts where Piper, Jason, Leo, and a few other campers are standing around a young girl and boy.
"We tried everything we can think of," Piper says as they get closer. "They seem to know a few words in English, but not enough to talk to them."
Annabeth thanks her, "Nico wants to try talking to them."
Nico walks close to them, "hallo, mijn naam is Nico. Mijn vrienden en ik zijn hier om je te helpen. Kun je me je namen vertellen?"
The kids looked reviled to finally understand something, "Mijn naam is Tess. Dit is mijn jongere broer, Levi. We zagen die jongen achtervolgd worden door een monster, en toen bracht hij ons hierheen. We weten niet wat er aan de hand is. Help ons alstublieft." The girl says and points at Percy.
"Oké, ken je je beide ouders?" Nico asks.
The girl, Tess, shakes her head, "onze vader ging weg voordat mijn broer werd geboren. Wat heeft hij hiermee te maken?"
Nico sighs, "hij zou een Griekse God kunnen zijn."
"God?" The boy, Levi, repeats, as he says it a hammer appears over their heads.
"Sweet!" Leo says. "New siblings!"
"Wat is er gaande?" Tess asks looking at the hammer over her brother's head.
"Je vader, Hephaestus, heeft je net opgeëist. Hij is de Griekse God van het vuur."
Nico and the two kids spend a few more minutes talking before Nico turns back to Annabeth, "I explained everything the best I could. Their father left and their mother is dead. I'll help them get some stuff from the camp store and get set up in the cabin. I'll also help with their English and Greek and all that."
"Thank you!" Annabeth says. "That was amazing!"
"Yeah," Percy says. "How did you know all of that?"
Nico shrugs, "I was on the run for a while, remember? I picked up on a few new languages."
"How many?" Percy asks.
"I don't know, six maybe seven."
"That's really cool, Nico."
"It's not a big deal." He turns back to Tess and Levi, "kom op, ik breng je naar de plek waar je gaat slapen."
If you haven't already guessed, the Dutch is from Google Translate, so it is not perfect. If you speak Dutch and want to tell me how to say all of that, please do. Anyway, I wrote this quickly, so let me know if you see any mistakes.
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