You're okay
Unknown POV
I watched as the one they called the loyal and powerful turned against one of the most powerful people in his small army. And then I watched as he collapsed.
Ha! This is the child that everyone continues to warn me about? He is nothing!
He is weak compared to the pure power coursing beneath my veins. They don't know true power. How could they? All-powerful beings they compare power to are weaker than the shivering body on the ground. He doesn't even hold a fraction of my power.
I grin and turn away. Even if they had a small fraction of a chance with him. They will surely all turn against him now.
And not even the world herself could stand a chance.
Percy POV
I'm dreaming.
I stand in a pitch black room, shadows creeping up my arms.
Ha Ha Ha
A dark malicious laugh echoed around me.
"Who's there?"
You know me Perseus. You've always known me.
"Kronos." I spat the name. Venom oozing from my mouth.
You truly believe that powerless Titan could incapacitate you for this long. Ha! No of course not. Keep trying, Percy.
'Powerless Titan?'
Why of course! Compared to you he is nothing. You could crush him. He would never return. Isn't that what you've always wanted?
"Who are you?"
A figure began to appear in my eyes. Slowly emerging from the shadows. No. Not emerging, surfacing. As if they were a dark liquid. His dark sea-green eyes sparkled wickedly and his raven colored hair was swept across his face.
I felt like the dark air around me was suffocating me. Enclosing around me like a box.
Oh, yes.
"Y-you're not real."
Why of course I am. I'm you, Percy. The REAL you. Let me take control, stop fighting against your nature.
"I'm nothing like you."
Oh, really? Then how come you can command large masses of destruction. Those earthquakes, the hurricanes. And you can't forget the bloodbending. You were constructed for destruction. It's the whole essence of your, our, being.
"No, it's not!"
Why of course it is. Why else did you enjoy holding that alien's life in your hands?
That isn't true. It can't be.
A hurricane whipped around our heads, I drew out Riptide. "I am nothing like you!"
I leaped at him. And immediately cut into his leg. My own leg felt like fire. Looking down I saw the same injury as his on me.
I told you. We're the same, you and I.
Think, think, think. What's your light, Percy?
We don't have one. That's why I'm here. Hehehe!
She's waiting for me.
She's dead. You watched her die!
"No. You made that up. You wanted me to hurt Clark!"
To prove to you how powerful you are without those pesky weaklings holding you back. I should have gone for that daughter of Athena.
"Even you couldn't hurt her. And you know it."
The inky blackness started to drain from my mind and my eyes began to slowly flutter open. And a bright yellow light made me quickly shut them again.
Ughhhh my head.
I slowly sat up and took in my surroundings. I was in the infirmary. I pushed my hand down and felt a damp spot in my sheets. Strange.
It felt quiet. Too quiet. Especially considering what I had done. Standing up two strong scents entered my nose. Lemons and cookies.
I looked back to the damp spot on the bed and smelt the air again.
Oh, gods.
The calendar on the wall was a solid four days after the incident. This is not good. If I've been unconscious for the past ninety-six hours, who's been keeping Annabeth calm?
I sprinted as fast as I could outside the door, faster than I've ever gone before. I needed to see my Wise Girl. To make sure she hasn't scarred a small child. But more importantly, because I can feel a flashback coming on.
Percy stop!
Stop thinking about that.
Please. Don't ever.
Keep it out of your mind Kelp Head!
Some things aren't meant to be controlled. Please
Oh. Wise Girl. I'm so sorry.
I ran faster.
"Who's that?"
"Woah. He's fast."
Voices went in and out of my head. I kept running. Kept searching. Kept thinking.
I ran into someone. A wall of muscle.
"Hey watch where you're going."
I mumble a quick sorry and continued to run.
I knew it was Oliver, but I moved forward.
I finally passed the Poseidon Cabin and almost ran straight past it when I heard the sobbing. It got louder the closer I got to my door and soon enough I recognized it. I pushed the door open and quietly made my way towards the heaving body in front of the fountain.
"Leave me alone, Felicity. Whatever you have to say this time it won't help."
I touched the figure in front of me and her whole body stiffened.
"Please leave."
The sobs began to rack through her body until it didn't even seem like she was breathing anymore.
"Shh, Shh. It's okay. I'm here. You're okay, Annie. Shh. Everything's gonna be okay Wise Girl."
She sniffled and looked up at me, "Percy!"
"Well, yeah. Who else?"
Her hands wrapped themselves around my neck and she shoved her mouth onto mine. More tears dripped down her face and I felt her smile against my lips.
"Don't you ever do that to me again. Do you understand me? I thought you were gonna die, Percy. You stopped breathing a couple of times."
"I would never leave you Wise Girl. With every essence of my being, I would fight to be by your side."
Annabeth had stopped crying a while ago and the pit had disappeared from my mind for the time being. She had fallen asleep in my lap and I continued in stroking her curly hair. The bags under her eyes were still huge, this seemed to be the first time she slept in a year.
"Hey, Percy?"
I turned to face the person that had snuck up on me and glared. Then realizing who it was I remembered why my Wise Girl was crying in the first place and I looked down guiltily.
"Clark, look I'm-"
"There's no need to apologize. You didn't mean to. It's happened to the best of us."
"How can you be so calm about this? I almost killed you. I'm a monster and you come up to me all smiles and happiness. What the hell man?"
"Trust me. I've done so much worse and I can't take it back. Everything you do Percy is to protect the ones you love and I completely understand that. We all have a darkness inside of us, we just have to find the light in our lives and that will get us out of there. You're not bad Percy. You've just been through a lot. If I've heard correctly you've been through literal hell."
He smiled and saluted to me and quietly exited once again.
"He stood up for you, y'know."
I looked down at her, "How long have you been awake?"
"Long enough."
She stood up and pulled me along with her, "Come on. Everyone's going to want to see you. We can only do so much training in four days without the great Percy Jackson as a trainer."
Ughhhhh. The peace was about to end.
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