We Be Sneaky
Annabeth's POV
Why didn't Oliver tell us about his association with the league? Did he have something to hide that would betray our trust? Percy trusted him, of course, he did. He was a long lost family member that knew his pain, maybe not exactly what Percy and I went through but he understood enough.
I ran along searching for Percy when I finally found him I was about to tell him everything I heard until I saw Oliver standing next to him.
"Oh, uh, hey Oliver," I gave him an awkward wave before turning back to Percy, "I need to talk to you, now."
He furrowed his brow but followed me nonetheless.
"What's up, Wise Girl?"
"Oliver's been hiding things from us, from you."
With no time to waste, I delved into everything that Sara had told me and Thalia just moments before. I was talking so fast and I was so focused on myself that I didn't realize Oliver had been listening to my whole speech.
"I didn't want anyone to find about any of that. Sara should not have told you that. Those are my secrets and I'm not proud of my past. I didn't tell anyone because I'm ashamed of the monster I had become. You have no idea how sorry I am."
Percy glanced between the two of us before he finally spoke, "You have nothing to apologize for. If you knew half the things I've done you'd think that everything you've done is good. You've never been a monster, Oliver, you're a hero. The world is lucky to have someone like you in it. Gods know I am."
Oliver embraced Percy as though Percy was a step towards any kind of normalcy. Which for many wouldn't make sense, the words Percy and normal never go in a sentence together but here was the exception. Oliver has been a shadow of himself ever since the island and he became the Arrow, with Percy's help Oliver could find a way to open himself up to his surroundings. Percy would give Oliver normalcy in the way that he would bring happiness and trust. Just as Felicity brought light back into Oliver's life.
"Sorry for overreacting like that, Oliver. I tend to jump to conclusions about some people ever since," I looked down and took a deep breath to try to keep my eyes from tearing up, "Ever since someone very important to me broke a huge promise."
As if a switch was flipped Percy turned from Oliver and wrapped his arms around me.
"We're bringing him home Wise Girl. Trust in that, if you can't then trust in me."
I buried my head in his shoulder, "What would I do without you Percy Jackson?"
"You're never gonna have to find out."
Oliver's POV
Percy's pep talk to me immediately became me becoming my sister and mentally 'aweing' at Percy and Annabeth. Damn, now I know what Thea was saying about me and Felicity.
The two finally remembered that I was standing right next to them.
"Uh, right. Um, we should probably get back to training and everything. Oliver you were on your way to spar with Tommy, right?"
I laughed and nodded my head. If I only saw this side of Percy I would be convinced that he was just an awkward teenager.
"Oh, crap. Perce' we forgot to actually listen to Malcolm's plan after your dad showed up."
I grinned at that, Malcolm was probably baffled that he could be forgotten and ignored. The look on his face after that happened must have been priceless.
"Oh, yeah. Wise Girl, you head back to Thalia and Sara, Oliver find Tommy. I'll hear what Malcolm has to say."
We split up into three different directions, I hope I'm able to hear Malcolm refuse Percy after being ignored and how my nephew will respond to that idiot.
Percy POV
I found Malcolm sitting on a rock on the beach just staring off into space.
"Hey, Merlyn, sorry we never actually heard your plan. When a god visits camp everything else gets pushed to the backs of our minds."
"Oh it's no problem Percy. I almost forgot I was going to tell all of you. And then of course there's the whole topic of how my son refuses to speak with me. Apparently nothing has changed."
"Tommy just needs time and space. I mean you did try to level an entire city and are the whole reason why he had to fake his death in the first place. And you're the reason his best friend got stranded on an island in the North China Sea. Almost killing my own mother, if I'm not mistaken. The only reason she survived was because of my dad, so I don't think your the top on my list either."
"I forgot little Sally was on the Gambit too. Interesting."
I had to refrain myself from punching him and screaming at him, "What's your plan Merlyn?"
"I was just thinking, I heard that in the last war against Kronos, he had demigod spies on all of you. What if we could get spies on his side. They could pretend to be against the gods and act as if they were all for Kronos. We would always be two steps ahead of them."
"And who were you thinking as a spy, you?"
"Well, I am pretty sneaky, and I know how to think like a bad guy."
"That's the thing Merlyn, I don't trust you to do that. And neither would Tommy and I trust your son with my life. Now if Nyssa led a team that consisted of you and Slade I would trust that. From what I've heard Slade was only bad because he was drugged up with something that made you the worst version of yourself. And Nyssa was never really bad she was just following her father. And before you can protest because you don't like her because of the League, she is the only demigod out of the three of you."
"I don't like her being in charge of me but what you say makes sense. So is it a go?"
"We're gonna have to keep it on a need to know basis. And I'll have to talk with Annabeth about it, but as of right now. It's our best of finding out what Kronos has planned. He might send you back to spy on us as well, in which case we will give you information that doesn't hurt us very badly yet isn't very good that they know."
"I thought you were supposed to be the dumb one."
"Try not to tell anyone that I'm not as stupid as I come off to be. It's my secret weapon."
I left him at the beach, walking back to where I knew Annabeth was training. His plan was a good one, and I will allow him to be a part of the team but I still don't trust him. We are going to send out more than that team, and Malcolm will never know.
A/N: Hey guys sorry for such a big break. I know with everything that is going on I should have more time to update but I honestly have less. I'm completely slammed with schoolwork and I have a lot of family issues going on. So please be patient and I will try my best.
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