Spilling Someone Else's Secrets
I haven't had the Legends play a large role in this yet, so here ya go. And for those of you who are following Crisis on Infinite Earths, I'm not going to mention any of that in this story.
Sara's POV
Me and Ollie have always been the leaders in these little crossover events and it still felt strange to follow this teenager without question and not because of what happened between Percy and Clark because I get that. After the Lazarus Pit, I was an actual monster, and last year with the Death Totem when I almost killed my entire team. Everyone has their own demons, it just so happens that Percy, Ollie, and I have the biggest ones.
After breakfast, Percy said we were having another training session at 10. So before we met up with everyone else I told the team to meet up at the ship.
"Why is it you've called us here Miss Lance," Rip standing in his annoying British way with his coat swept out behind his hands.
"It's Captain Lance to you, Rip. And I wanted to call all of you here because we never had an actual training day with the campers because of the attack. So I just wanted to tell all of you to give it your all, I know that most of these campers are underage, but something tells me that they've been through more than we could possibly imagine and we're going to have a tough time beating them. And make sure you listen to what they have to say, they're experienced with the monsters we're facing, we're not."
Mick took a swig of beer and saluted me, "Aye, Aye Captain."
I rolled my eyes and walked back to the arena with my team at my back. By the time we got there, the training was about to start.
"Okay, everyone! Last time we went through this I wasn't thinking well and had little to no border guards, so most of the Ares and Hermes cabin is out there. We're going to split into groups based on skill and power. Legends! Why don't we start with you?"
Finally! I've needed hardcore training.
"Captain Lance, if you'd like to introduce your team and their abilities?"
Percy's being very mature today, hmm.
"Right. Hey guys, I'm Sara Lance and I was highly trained by the League of Assassins in martial arts and almost every weapon in existence. Mick Rory here is a thief and he likes shooting things with his fire gun and drinking beer. Leonard Snart is a high-class thief and uses his freeze gun. Amaya Jiwe uses the power of the Anansi Totem to channel the power of all animals. Ray Palmer uses a suit he built himself. Nate Heywood can turn himself to steel. Jefferson Jackson and Martin Stein combine to become Firestorm where they can fly and shoot fire. Zari Tomaz uses the air totem to control air. And Rip Hunter is the former Captain of the time ship and he has a gun from the future that shoots lasers."
"This is gonna be easier than I thought. Amaya, you're with Frank. Mick and Firestorm go with Leo. Ray, you can go with a Hephaestus camper, they are fire and mechanics, or an Athena camper, they're wisdom and battle strategy. Sara, you're with Annabeth and Thalia. Nate, you are with Clarisse, just a tip you're gonna want to steel up immediately. Zari goes with Jason, Rip goes with Austin, and Leonard goes with Nico."
The kid that Snart went to looked bone thin, his skin was extremely pale, his eyes pitch black, and massive circles made him look like the dead. He sent a terrifying glare Percy's way, who responded with a cheeky grin.
Annabeth I know is the other leader of this camp, and I think I heard that Thalia is the Luitenant of the Hunters of Artemis.
The two led me to a shed in the back that was filled to the brim with all different kinds of weapons.
"OK, we're going to go through every single one of these weapons to see how good you are with them. Sound good? Good."
Thalia never let me respond so I just reached for the weapon closest to me, a gun.
Annabeth seemed impressed, I don't know why guns are probably the most common weapons used.
"Sorry, it's just not many people go for the gun. Limited ammo and all, we probably could have put an enchantment on it to have neverending ammo but by the time people have thought of that they've grown accustomed to knives, swords, or bow and arrows."
They led me to a target range and I didn't hesitate to start shooting, getting the bullseye every time.
Thalia finally looked like she was interested, "Let's see if you can do the same thing with a bow and arrow."
I smirked and took the one she gave me and once again hit the bullseye every time, splitting the arrow every chance I got.
"Throwing knives?"
This time I took them and closed my eyes while throwing and had the same results.
By the time we got through all of the weapons, Annabeth and Thalia were thoroughly impressed.
"Where did you say you trained again?"
"The League of Assassins in Nanda Parbat. I was known as Ta-er al-Sahfer or the Canary. Now I go by the White Canary to make up for my sins and I no longer hide in the shadows. Me and Ollie were actually stranded on Lian Yu for a year together."
"I think Artemis had some hunters infiltrate the League a few decades ago, I know she was able to recruit a major League member a while ago. Ha. Her name is Talia."
I froze for a second, "Talia al-Ghul? She's the oldest daughter of the Demon's Head who's dead now. She trained Oliver in Russia and is Nyssa's older sister."
The two looked surprised, "Huh. No one outside of the inner circle of the League usually knows she exists."
"As I said before, I was in the League and I was like a third daughter to the Demon's Head. Ollie was the Heir to the Demon about 2 years ago, too. He was the one to finally kill Ra's al Ghul, but he didn't want to be the Demon's head so he gave it to Malcolm Merlin which Nyssa is still pretty pissed about. That's why most of the time when they're together they try to kill each other."
Thalia laughed weakly at the mention of Nyssa and Malcolm, but I caught her glance at Annabeth with worry.
"Sara why don't you and I spar, Annabeth needs to meet up with Perce' to discuss the battle strategy."
I simply nodded, I knew she would tell Percy about what I said, and I knew Ollie didn't tell them anything about his association with the League. But the sooner they knew the better, Oliver may be ashamed but even now they didn't trust us completely. We've seen the darkest part of Percy Jackson, the darkest part of their leader and yet they haven't seen the darkest part in ours.
Yes, he'll be angry with me, and yes he's scary when he yells. But in the end, he'll thank me. Oliver may be "our leader" but what he seems to forget is that half the time it's me leading beside him.
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