Sorry, the World is a Bit More Complicated Than That
Percy's POV
It felt weird when I stepped into the portal. Like my entire body was rearranging within itself, like someone was making a Percy Jackson smoothie. The only reason I wasn't completely freak out was the fact that Annabeth's hand clung tightly to mine. Soon we tumbled out into a cozy looking apartment, I was completely calm until Oliver and Felicity landed on top of me.
"No problem...I'll be your personal landing spot."
Annabeth started cracking up, "Ah! You should have seen your face!"
"Alright, Oliver. Where to now?"
He scratched the back of his neck, "I, uh, actually haven't been to this Earth before. But she should be here soon, maybe."
I rolled my eyes, making no comment. That's just about how my plans usually end up.
Suddenly the door opened to the apartment and a blonde haired girl with glasses walked in, her head buried in her phone. She continued to walk, completely oblivious to the 4 people standing in her apartment.
Then Oliver cleared his throat.
"Aaaah!! Who's there?!"
Oliver chuckled quietly and crossed his arms, "Hey Kara."
"I-uh-Hi Oliver. Felicity. Two people, I don't know what's up? I'm guessing it's not a happy reunion."
Oliver shook his head and looked at me.
"Hi, I'm Percy Jackson. And my Grandfather wants to destroy everything, and get revenge on me."
"Wait, your Grandfather?"
"Oh, and Oliver is my uncle apparently, just found out. And yes, Kronos is the father of Poseidon. Technically Annabeth is my cousin's daughter, but because that side of my family has no DNA we ignore the relations unless we have the same parent."
The blonde cocked her head, "Uhhh, okay? Anyways I'm Kara Danvers. Nice to meet you. Are we leaving now?"
"Actually, we need all of the help we can get. If you have anyone, anyone at all that will be able to help us. Powers or not. That would be great."
The girl, Kara, nodded and immediately started texting somebody.
We waited awkwardly for a few minutes before multiple people barged through the door.
"Where's the emergency! Kara are you alright?"
"Hehehe. Umm ya, I only said it was an emergency to get you all here. Apparently, this guy from their Earth is trying to destroy everything and has the power to do so. They need all of the help they can get."
"Oh, okay. Well whatever you need, Oliver, we'll be willing to provide. You've already done so much for us."
Oliver opened his mouth to speak, but I beat him to it. "Actually, you'd be helping me. Hi, I'm Percy Jackson, and I need your help to fight in a war. If you come with us, and you will, you will follow Annabeth's plans. You will follow her sibling's plans and strategies. You will take the weapons that we have custom made for you and you will kill all of the enemies."
"Percy, there is another way."
Annabeth spoke for me, "No there's not Oliver. It's kill or be killed in our world. I have been hunted by these things since I was seven years old. If you don't kill them, they will 100% kill you. So...are you in?"
I watched as one by one everyone filling the small apartment began to nod their heads.
"Perfect, we're leaving now. Oliver, can you make that thing drop us at this location?"
He nodded and handed the transmitter to Felicity, who reprogrammed it quickly and started it up. "We're all good to go!"
I grabbed Annabeth's hand and jumped into the portal again, hopefully, I won't have to do this again anytime soon.
Thalia's POV
Artemis told me and the girls to camp out a mile away from Half-Blood Hill, no explanation, just told me to go and to make sure none of the girls attacked any of the people that would be arriving.
I had spent the past few hours worrying about the bad possibilities of what could possibly coming, and it was not helping that many males began arriving at camp. When the man in a red leather suit ran into camp with super-speed I forced myself not to ask. Thank god, Sally showed up next.
But my relief was short lived as she quietly answered my question. It was Kronos. That evil SoB was back and he took Luke's body, again? I swear to gods, he will pay for what he has done, and it won't be quick.
I was ripped away from my thoughts when a swirly blue vortex appeared out of nowhere. The only group of people that did not seem surprised was the people surrounding the man with super-speed. Out of the vortex came Percy and Annabeth, followed by another big group of people I didn't recognize.
The man that came immediately behind Percy and Annabeth seemed to make every other group in the area calm down a little bit.
Percy and Annabeth walked to me and smiled, the proceeded to stand on something that lifted them up a little above the ground.
"Hello everyone! I know none of you know who I am, and I don't know who you are but I am grateful for your attendance. From the tension that seemed to disappear when Oliver here stood up, I am assuming almost all of you know who he is. For a little bit of more information, I am his nephew, on my mother's side." He allowed this to sink into everyone's heads before continuing. "Now to get down to why we are all here, a mile or so from here is a camp filled with more people that will help us as well. But they actually know what we are facing. We are facing a war against someone who has been planning his revenge and making a plan to take over the world for thousands of years. I will further explain when we enter the camp, for now, I will introduce the group in front of you as long as you introduce yourselves, with your true identity."
Many people with masks began to shout at Percy, obviously not wanting to reveal their identities.
"You all know me right? My name is Oliver Queen. And the Green Arrow. What we are facing is something we can only take down together, so we need to trust each other. And all of you know I don't trust anyone, yet I just revealed my greatest secret."
Percy smiled in acknowledgment to Oliver, he then motioned for me to stand next to him. The hunters followed my lead.
"Standing in front of me is Thalia Grace, lieutenant of the Hunters of Artemis, the rest of the girls are the hunters. I must warn you though, they have sworn off men and they despise many of them. Please respect them, otherwise, you may find yourself missing a few body parts."
I walked away, but not before punching Percy in the shoulder. He just smiled.
"Everyone else, please make a line next to me and I will announce you and your hero name. Take your masks off."
A giant line stretched out and all masks came off. Perce began to announce.
"Oliver Queen; Green Arrow, Team Arrow
Felicity Smoak; Overwatch, Team Arrow
John Diggle; Spartan, Team Arrow
Thea Queen; Speedy, Team Arrow
Roy Harper; Arsenal, Team Arrow
Dinah Drake; Black Canary, Team Arrow
Renee Ramirez; Wild Dog, Team Arrow
Curtis Holt; Mr. Terrific, Team Arrow
Quinton Lance; Team Arrow
Barry Allen; Flash, Team Flash
Cisco Ramon; Vibe, Team Flash
Caitlin Snow; Killer Frost, Team Flash *laugh*
Iris West-Allen; Team Flash
Harry Wells; Team Flash
Jesse Wells; Jesse Quick, Team Flash
Ralph Dibny; Elongated Man, Team Flash
Joe West; Team Flash
Wally West; Kid Flash, Team Flash
Sara Lance; White Canary, Legend/Team Arrow
Ray Palmer; Atom, Legend/Team Arrow
Rip Hunter; Legend
Martin Stein; Half of Firestorm, Legend/Team Flash
Jefferson Jackson; Half of Firestorm, Legend/Team Flash
Mick Rory; Heat Wave, Legend
Leanord Snart; Captain Cold, Legend
Nate Heywood; Commander Steel, Legend
Amaya Jiwe; Vixen, Legend
Zari Tomaz; Legend
Kara Danvers; Supergirl, DEO
Clark Kent; Superman, DEO
Alex Danvers; DEO
Mon-El; DEO
Winn Schott; DEO
J'onn J'onzz; Martian Manhunter, DEO
Jimmy Olsen; Guardian, DEO
Malcolm Merlin; Dark Archer
Slade Wilson; Deathstroke
Nyssa al Ghul, League of Assassins
And this is Annabeth Chase, Sally Jackson, Paul Blofis, and me obviously.
And that's all! Thals can you guys pack up? I'll tell Chiron to set of your cabin. Everyone else follow me."
I watched as Percy led the massive group of people towards camp, somehow I still think we won't have enough people.
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