Oliver Can Laugh??
Barry's POV
When I got a call from Oliver about something big coming I thought, 'Okay, so we'll get the normal group back again and we can take care of it.' Then he came at me with this we are gonna need everyone possible. So, yeah, maybe like a few more of Kara's friends. But not this.
This was beyond anything I could have imagined, I mean an 18-year-old leading us. Oliver freaking Queen listening to him and going along with speech, I mean...What the Hell? Oliver revealed himself to tons of people, and he hates going maskless.
But before he even showed up, it was my team that showed up first. No Legends, no Team Arrow, only a group of all girls decked out in silver with weapons and tents everywhere. The second we arrived they glared at us and seemed about ready to attack when a freaking 16-year-old with a silver crown thing on her head stepped in front of them and simply shook her head.
Like what the hell was that?
I wasn't really up for introducing myself, so I just decided to sit put until Oliver and Team Arrow arrived.
Team Flash was just awkwardly sitting in a circle silently when more people showed up. Thankfully I knew most of them.
I released a breath I hadn't realized I was holding when John and Thea stepped out of the car, finally people I knew. But there was still no Oliver or Felicity. And, surprise! Roy was back! Following him was a middle-aged man, with who assumed was his wife. The lady seemed to be pregnant, she glanced quickly at us but moved immediately to the 'Silver Girls' as Cisco started to call them.
The girl who seemed to be in charge with the silver crown thingy stepped forward to the woman and immediately hugged her.
I began to talk with Thea and John, "Who's that?"
Thea smiled, "That's my long lost sister Sally. Sorry, we're late she was moving really fast in the kitchen mumbling on and on about how she needed to bake cookies. She didn't stop moving until they were all done."
I chuckled lightly. I'm glad that the Queens have more family, they deserve to find more people to trust.
I looked over to the woman who was happily chatting with the 'Silver Girl' leader, she then handed her a big container that seemed to be filled with blue cookies. Ya, you heard me right, Blue cookies.
When she finished her conversation the woman, Sally, walked over to where Thea and I were standing. She looked at my outfit and shook her head.
"You guys with your special hero suits, maybe you should start thinking of using something that doesn't draw as much attention."
Thea laughed and I looked down face red. "Sally this is a friend of Ollie's and I's. The Flash or Barry Allen."
She smiled in greeting and I couldn't help but smile back. She seemed to be the exact opposite of Oliver. She was kind, open, and 100% not paranoid.
Thea seemed to read my thoughts, "I know, weird to think she's related to him right?"
Sally simply laughed, "Please, if you look hard enough you'll be able to see that bubbly and funny Oliver."
I found that highly unlikely.
Our conversation ended when I caught a glimpse of the Waverider descending in the clearing. Soon the Legends were standing along with us.
After that three faces, I definitely did not expect emerged from the tree line. Nyssa, Slade, and Merlin.
Before any of the separate groups started arguing, which I could feel was bubbling to the surface, a breach opened up. Coming through was Oliver, Felicity, Kara, the DEO, and two teenagers I didn't recognize.
I could not believe this. We were following children, Oliver didn't even trust me to lead them.
I broke into a run so I could catch up with Oliver. I saw him walking up front with the teenagers. I can't believe the Green Arrow is trusting two children that he barely knows.
"Hey! Ollie!"
He doesn't turn around to look at me, "Hey Barry. Thanks for coming."
I nod and don't say anything else until I am walking beside him.
"Are you sure we can trust them? I mean they barely look 18 and they-"
"I'm gonna stop you there. Barry, right? We have been through hell, literally. We have faced this 'Great Evil' before, you haven't. We have weapons that work against his armies, you don't. And of course, Oliver trusts me. Weren't you listening Flash? We're family."
Percy grinned at me and caught up with Sally and the blonde girl, Annabeth. Oliver turned his head slightly and I saw a glimmer in his eyes. Suddenly he began giggling, Oliver Queen was giggling. The giggle turned into a loud laugh that everyone could hear. It traveled to the back of the line and everyone turned to him with a shocked expression.
What seemed to be the impossible was happening, and everyone here didn't know it was possible for Oliver to laugh this hard.
When he stopped he noticed the stares on him, "What? Barry just got his ass put down."
I felt my cheeks go red and more chuckles were heard. I looked around and saw Percy, and Sally looks back at Oliver with small smiles. The next two people that came by were Malcolm, Thea, and Sara.
"Well, Queen, I don't think I've seen you this happy since you were 10," Malcolm spoke in a kind of quiet voice.
I whipped my head up to stare at him, "What you thought that I only knew Oliver as the man that destroyed my plans? He was my son's best friend and my daughter's half-brother. And back then Robert and I were still good friends."
At this point, we had started moving again. Sally then came up to our little group, she walked up to Malcolm and I really wanted to stop. He may be on our side, but he still isn't safe.
"Malcolm, good to see you," She slapped him "And if you hurt my family again I will find you. And I won't be as kind as Oliver."
She immediately walked back to Percy, "Good to see you too Sally! Geez she's just as feisty as she used to be, isn't she? Why is she here again?"
Oliver chuckled once again, "She's Percy's mother, douchebag."
"There's the pre-island Oliver we all know and love," He glanced up at me. "Well except for Speedy McGee of here."
I rolled my eyes.
"We're here!"
Percy's voice drew the attention of everyone.
As we all looked behind him we saw a...Strawberry Field.
"Weren't we supposed to be going to a camp of some sorts? Y'Know, with reinforcements?"
Percy ignored Mick, "I, Perseus Jackson, son of Poseidon, grant passage to (insert everyone's names) to Camp Half-Blood."
Before we could question the 'Son of Poseidon' thing the strawberry fields weren't the only thing in the field. Appearing out of nowhere surrounding the tree in front of us was a frickin' dragon. And beyond that, there were tons of cabins as well as a massive house. Many children were walking around the camp going to stables or a lake or even an arena. Some of these kids couldn't be older than 10!
"Welcome to my home."
He proceeded in releasing a loud New York taxi whistle, not only did this draw the attention of the kids, but a black hose started flying towards us. I think I'm hallucinating, the thing had wings!
When it landed everyone began yelling 'What the hell!' and 'Holy shit!'
Then everyone was silenced when the dragon released a loud, angry roar.
"Thanks, Pelius. Would you all SHUT UP! Yes, I get it. These are mythological creatures. I get that you don't understand what's going on. But there are children here that can hear you. So no swearing!"
"Percy, I think you should explain what's happening to them now."
He looked at Oliver. "Blackjack, tell Chiron to up the Rec Room. I promise to get you donuts afterward, okay?"
The horse whinnied and flew down towards the biggest house.
"I swear I will explain everything when I gather everyone I need to okay? For now, don't talk to anyone and stick with me. This can be your tour."
As I looked closer at him, I noticed how tired he really seemed. How long has it been since this kids slept?
"Hey Perce'!"
"Hey, G-Man! Glad to see ya, how's Juniper?"
"She's great. Are the Hunters coming?"
"Yes, Grover. Pinecone Face is just back-"
He was interrupted when a small lightning bolt struck him. I went to rush over and help him when he glared back at the 'Silver Girls' leader. I learned her name was Thalia.
"Hey what was that for?"
"Don't call me Pinecone Face, Kelp Head."
He simply stuck his tongue out at her.
"Whatever, Thalia. Why don't you just get the Hunters set up in Cabin 8? Wise Girl, you think you can help Chiron?"
They both nodded and walked in opposite directions.
"Mom, Paul, you guys go with Annabeth. Chiron will be happy to see you."
Soon it was just all of us and Percy.
"Okay follow me."
As we walked through the camp a few kids ran up to us asking who we were. Others, probably the ones who normally lived in our city's told them. But other than that they didn't seem that interested in us. The rest of them ran up to Percy. The younger ones came up to him and hugged him, he was like their hero. The older kids walked by him, completely ignoring us just to simply say hi.
Percy walked us straight towards the beach where he promptly stuck his hand in the water. He stood like that for a few seconds and when he brought his hand back up, it was followed by something.
It had one-eye and towered above us.
"Hey, big guy! Can you go to the Big House? Annabeth will be happy to see you, Mom's there too!"
The..thing, hugged Percy really tightly.
"Of course, Brother! I brought Peanut Butter to share! And my stick!"
He held out a simple stick as if it was the most powerful thing in the world. Then he ran in the direction that the others went. Percy smiled after him and then glanced at Oliver's shocked face.
"From my dad's side Oliver. Not my Mom's."
Then he continued to walk towards the direction of where I first saw the stables.
As we walked in I could hear everyone stop breathing. In front of us was more of the winged horses. The horses turned their heads to the boy in front of us and to our surprise one by one they all bowed.
Percy simply rolled his eyes, "I told you all to stop bowing. And don't call me sire, it makes me feel really old. Anyways I came by to bring you guys donuts. No one steal Blackjack's! You know how he gets."
Then we walked out before we could cross paths with more people some people decided to speak up.
"What the hell were those things?" -Alex
"They're Pegasi. Y'Know flying horses. But don't call them horses, they get upset easily."
"Isn't it unhealthy to feed them donuts. They aren't good for them." -Caitlin
"Not healthy for normal horses yes. But Pegasi love sugar, and if I visit them and don't bring them donuts Blackjack leads them in a riot against me."
"What is this place?" -Nyssa
"Oh, come on Nyssa. You should know this, you are the daughter of Bellona after all. This is just the Greek equivalent of Camp Jupiter."
Before we could ask any more questions we arrived at what seemed like an Arena. We watched as kids were fighting each other with swords and knives, daggers and spears.
"Stop! That is not how you effectively use that technique. Gods, you're all wimps."
Percy spoke up, "Says the girl that couldn't even effectively give the brand new kid a swirly."
The girl practically growled, "Prissy."
"Hey Clarisse, long time no see. Y'Know I think I know what you're gonna say next. 'I'm gonna pulverize you Jackson, grrr.' And then we'll fight and you'll have another broken spear to add to your collection."
He offered her a cheeky grin and the glare that she responded with, well I'm not gonna lie to you here. I almost peed myself.
She suddenly lunged at Percy with a spear that seemed to be charged with electricity. Percy simply glanced back at us and smiled. When her spear was a foot away from his chest he easily dodged out of the way.
"That all you got?"
She growled again, this time she came at him more tactical. The thing is though, he may have fast reflexes, but he won't be able to come out of this unharmed without a weapon.
As soon as she started to circle him he spoke again, "You sure you want to do this Clarisse? I wouldn't want to embarrass you."
"Oh, Please Jackson. I think we all know who's winning here."
"Fine, sure, sure. But make sure you get to the Rec Room after this, we have a meeting."
"Obviously, Jackson."
Then she attacked, I started moving towards a weapons rack to help him out when Oliver stuck his hand out in front of me.
"Watch him, he's doing this for you all to prove to you that he is worthy of leading you into battle."
Every time she attacked he dodged, it seemed like he was bored.
"This is getting too boring for me. How about this. The entire Ares cabin, against me. If you win I'll do whatever you want for a week."
The group of kids grinned and immediately surrounded him. It was 15 to 1. I have no idea how he expects to beat them all.
"Oliver, they're gonna kill him!" -Kara
"Just watch."
As 5 of them lunged at him, we saw Percy grin, reach into his pocket and pull out a pen.
How is a pen supposed to-?"
When he uncapped him a 3-foot bronze sword appeared into his hand.
He fought like a whirlwind. Hacking and slashing as if it was nothing. He made it look easy to take on this many people. He even managed not to make any of them bleed. Soon 10 of the 15 were disarmed, while 3 others were sitting on the ground dizzy from being hit on the head with the flat of his blade. Within 5 more seconds, it was just him and the first girl again. He jumped at her, but she anticipated it with her spear ready for him and she grinned. Then before he was impaled, he dove down in front of the spear, rolled on the ground, and got his sword to her neck.
He smiled, "Darn, I thought I was gonna lose. Didn't you?"
"Shut it, Prissy. I'll be in the Rec Room. Want me to grab Rachel on the way?"
"Yeah, see ya then."
When the girl left Percy continued to walk.
"What the hell was that?!" -Winn
"That? That was easy. It was only a few people."
"A-a-a few people? That was 15! They didn't even touch you!" -Nate
"What can I say, for children of the God of War, I'm better."
Then he turned back and continued to walk until we came to a clearing filled with cabins. He walked into separate cabins, skipping a few and got more kids to join our little group. They introduced themselves as: Piper McLean, Will Solace, Katie Gardner, Travis and Connor Stoll, Jason Grace, Miranda Gardiner, Malcolm Pace, Pollux, Butch Walker, Lou Ellen, Clovis, and Nico di Angelo. Then Thalia rejoined us.
"Piper and Jason, can you guys head over to CJ to get Reyna, Frank, and Hazel? Thanks."
The two ran off into the direction of the beach.
"Hey, Death Breath!"
"Kelp Head."
That was the Nico kid. He was dressed in all black, he radiated death. And he was holding the Will kids hand, who was the brightest person I had ever seen.
"How's Mrs. O'Leary?"
"Doing good. She's with Tommy right now."
"Nice can you guys all go to the Big House? And one of you stop by Bunker 9 to grab Leo?" They nodded and moved out.
Percy was really starting to prove to us that he was, in fact, a true leader, possibly better than Oliver Queen himself.
We continued our walk around the camp until we came face to face with a giant dog. And when I say giant, I mean the size of a dumpster truck giant. The dog seemed to smell us and instantly started running straight at us. I was about to use my super speed to get everyone out of the way when she pounced on Percy and started licking him.
"Hey! Easy girl! I know, I missed you too!"
When he finally got her off of him he told us that this was his pet hellhound, her name was Mrs. O'Leary. Then came the big surprise.
From behind the massive dog was a guy I swear I recognize.
"Oh! And this is a son of Athena. His name is Tommy Merlyn."
DUN DUN DUN_________________
Just kidding! Not done yet!
Oliver pushed in front of everyone. He even pushed down Malcolm to get to Tommy first.
Now Oliver has repeatedly told everyone that he was not a hugger, but he went up to Tommy and gave him the biggest bear hug of all time. And then proceeded to punch him.
"What the hell man! I thought you were dead for 5 years!"
Tommy smiled, "Think about that Ollie. Why did I wait 5 years for anyone to see me again?"
"Oh, that's just cruel. I was stranded on an island."
Tommy smirked back at him, "Actually I've been hearing that you went to Russia, and back to Starling City. And let's not forget that time I watched you almost kill me in Hong Kong."
"You saw that?"
"Yes, Oliver. You were barely trained and you were sloppy. I don't know what Waller was thinking, bringing a newbie into the field that...new."
"Sorry to interrupt your little pow-wow but that was everyone we needed to get. So everyone head inside, and don't talk to the guy in a leopard print shirt. I'll catch up with you later." Percy proceeded by grabbing a hold of Oliver and Tommy's arms. Keeping them from moving with us.
Before I got out of ear range I could hear Percy talking, "Oliver you got to get used to this. You are my uncle so there's probably a lot of people you know that are part of my world. And who knows, maybe Tommy can help you improve your moves." He laughed and walked towards us. Arms around both of them.
Walking inside the Big House I saw a crowded room with a ping pong table in the middle, everyone was talking and arguing and at some points, they held each other at knifepoint.
Annabeth, who seemed to be another kind of leader of this camp was arguing with a boy who looked like a small latino elf.
Before we could say anything Oliver and Tommy walked in followed by Percy. He glanced around at the rowdy group of teens and laughed.
"Some of you may have heard that we have more trouble coming our way."
Groans and soft cries.
"Trust me, I know. I don't want to go into another war either. We've lost enough people as is, and I don't want to lose anyone else."
Heads bent in sorrow.
"But its also important that we have allies we can trust for things like these. Which is why I brought these mortals with me."
Scoffs, directed towards us.
"The only reason they are here is that for this coming war we are going to need all of the help we can get. And yet I still don't think we have enough help with them and the Romans."
"Veterans of the Titan War are not going to enjoy this one bit. But Kronos is back."
Shouts of anger and sadness.
"But this time we might have help from the inside."
Confused whispers.
"The person Kronos possessed, well he's technically already dead, and this time we might be able to bring him home."
"This time we're gonna bring Luke Castallen home."
People were shouting happily, except for some people who probably weren't around for whatever they were talking about. Including all of us.
Percy silenced them again. This time he looked directly at a girl with really red hair.
"Rachel, we're gonna need a prophecy."
She closed her eyes and suddenly the room dropped 10 degrees. Out of her mouth came thick green smoke, and her eyes opened up appearing to be glowing. When she spoke it was like a raspy old snake.
The Lord of Time shall rise once more
Bringing blood and carnage and death galore
The dead will rise to push him down
For the Savior to finally drown
With allies from this world and not
The Titan Lord will begin to rot
Victory, though, is not guaranteed
Especially if his love doth bleed
From the ash, darkness will rise
To fight without Wisdom and Sea is unwise
Family united under the stars
Share a bond built of scars
Along the way, the truth comes out
All shall be lost if mortals help without
Consumed by war this earth shall be
Until the sea is once more free.
She collapsed immediately after. Percy's eyes were very wide and for the first time since I've met him, he seemed scared. He looked at Annabeth, then Tommy, slowly his eyes flicked onto everyone's faces until he placed his head into his hands.
"Why in Hades did it have to be a limerick?"
Got a long one here. 3616 words!
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