Let's Get Down to Business, To Defeat Kronos
It seemed the entire camp's eyes were glued onto Percy as he entered the arena. That was also probably because they were. He glanced nervously at the ground. The pressure of them weighing him down. He had let them down. Threw their trust away. How could any of them look to him as leader after what had happened?
"Hey, Mom."
Sally Jackson ran, or rather waddled into her son's arms. Her grip around him was so strong he wouldn't be surprised if she herself was a goddess.
"I'm so glad you're okay! Now, never pass out like that ever again. I don't think your head can take another concussion."
Her warm smile spread throughout his body and his confidence grew the longer her hug lasted.
"Alright. Are you okay?"
"There's no reason for me not to be. All that matters to me is that you're up off that bed."
Percy walked further into the arena. Now he was ready to face the day. Face how the other thought of him.
"So. Let's see how you've all been doing without me."
The sarcastic smirk of Percy Jackson was once again seen by the world and everything seemed to become better. The past was in the past and training would continue. All was right with the world. Other than of course the impending doom that Kronos would bring with him.
Percy observed everyone's fights. Their techniques, dodges, attacks. He gave out tips left and right, even to those who had trained with Ra's Al Ghul. Maybe the Demon's Head wasn't as powerful as everyone had originally thought. If only Percy was with them then. The fight would be over within seconds.
Eventually, though everyone was growing tired of sparring with each other. Instead, they wanted to watch what they thought would be the ultimate matchup. Percy Jackson against the Green Arrow. That would only be fair. Right?
"Fine. I'll fight Oliver. Unless of course, you're too...chicken." He smirked mischievously making others wary of their wallets.
"Second time's a charm right Perce'?"
"Yeah. If I go easy on you."
The arena was cleared out by everyone else and soon they were facing off with each other. Sea green against emerald.
Bets were being placed and the demigods simply laughed at the naive mortals that believed Oliver Queen would win.
In one quick motion, Percy darted towards Star City's vigilante and there were one, two, three well-placed punches in Oliver's gut. Sending him stumbling backward as Percy moved back to his original position acting like he hadn't moved in the first place.
Many of the mortals looked on in disbelief. Did that really just happen? No one had ever been able to place so many punches at once on Oliver. Not even people with powers like super speed and strength.
Oliver made his move then. He charged at Percy and as he was bracing himself for impact Oliver jumped over him and was about to slam down on him.
Instead, Percy simply roundhouse kicked him and evaded the blow leaving his uncle in a heap on the floor.
Percy held one hand out for Oliver to take, the smirk evident on his face.
"Sorry, should I have dragged it out longer or...?"
Oliver simply glared at him and stalked off towards where the water was.
Before Percy could make another smart remark multiple horns were heard from Camp's border.
The Son of Poseidon let out a taxi cab whistle and almost immediately a fast black shadow swooped over everyone's heads. Percy threw his legs across the pegasus swiftly and just as quick as Blackjack arrived he was gone with Percy Jackson on his back. Looking as scary as ever and with absolutely no armor on at all.
"That Seaweed Brain's gonna get himself killed." Annabeth simply rolled her eyes and followed the black streak into battle. This signaled everyone else to bust their asses to get to the borders.
Oliver's POV
Everyone sprinted in the direction of the yells. Barry, Kara, and Clark sped ahead of us but as soon as they reached the top of the hill they stopped suddenly. As soon as I caught up with them I watched as the blood continued to drain from their faces, their eyes wide with terror, and I soon knew why.
Below us were hundreds of awful looking creatures. Huge and small. Reptilian. Monsters with bared fangs and fire for hair.
They attacked the demigods fighting beneath us with such ferocity and speed it seemed like everyone should be dead already. I could feel the people around me losing hope. Losing the slightest glimmer of ever being able to beat this enemy.
At that moment they heard a laugh. And not the kind of laugh that could send you running in the other direction. But a laugh that made you want to join in.
There in the midst of all that chaos was Percy Jackson laughing his heart out at a man-bull thing well over five times the size of the young demigod. The beast was covered in fur with one sharp horn, the other seemed to have been torn off. It had the largest battle-ax known to man and fruit of the looms on. And yet through all that stuff that could scare anyone of us, there was my teenage nephew laughing.
"Hey, Beefhead! You lose any weight yet? Maybe today I add your other horn to my collection. I'm sure it would feel right at home!"
He was taunting the thing, aggravating it enough for it to attack him recklessly. The bull thing charged at Percy, head down, horn head straight for his head. Percy waited until he was close, too close, and dodged out of the way. As if he was competing in an extremely high stakes bullfight.
I watched as the head brushed by Percy and just as quickly as the beast charged Percy grabbed onto the one remaining horn and swung himself on top of its head. Then with all of his force, he pushed the horn down, along with himself towards the things chest.
Almost immediately it burst into golden dust, leaving only a horn to show that the thing was once there.
"Take that Minotaur! Although I doubt anyone is really surprised at this point."
Before charging back into battle he looked at us. All of us 'mortals' standing frozen in place.
"Well? You wanna help take down these sissies, or do you want to stay up there and look like doofus's? I wouldn't want to take away all of your fun."
His eyes locked with mine and he gave me a slight nod.
I looked everyone standing behind me, everyone still looked scared even Slade.
"Let's go, guys! We have the battle to win!"
I ran down from the hill and with my new bow and arrows I shot what I could, and when I was too close I drew out an arrow and treated it like a sword. Stabbing whatever I could.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw lightning flashes and blasts of fire. Laser blasts and canary screams. They had followed me. We had overtaken the monster army and soon only one remained. A man wrapped in a long, dark cloak.
His smirk sent chills through my spine. Had I met him before?
Percy's shoulder brushed past mine, he walked towards the man. Annabeth was beside him, bone sword in hand ready to strike.
"Who are you? A demigod that Kronos somehow got on his side?"
"Ah, little Perseus Jackson. I've heard so much about you."
"Who are you?"
"You'll learn that in time. Now for my question. Why are you wasting your power on these maggots? You could rule the world! I've seen you in action, that raw power coursing through your veins could get you anything you want. Why not use it?"
"Because that's not who I am. I would neve-"
"Ha! Of course, it is. You were born for destruction! It's in your name!"
"Maybe, but it's not what I want. To have everyone fear me would be my worst nightmare. I'd rather be a helper than a conqueror. If you really have been watching me you would know that. And you'd know that I am loyal to my family, and to no one else."
I smiled slightly. Percy was by far the best person I knew.
"I thought I was family."
He dropped his hood, and there stood a boy with dirty blond hair and a massive scar stretching across his face. He was the one that attacked us in the bank! I shuffled towards them. I wouldn't let him hurt them.
That was when I realized that Annabeth had tears dripping down her face.
Looking around only one other person was crying too, and it was the super scary tough Thalia Grace. Who was he to have made the toughest people here cry?
Annabeth stepped forward, her hand still clutched by Percy.
It was soft as if she was talking to a ghost. One of her hands reached towards him, but as soon as her hand got too close she snatched it away.
The wicked grin on "Luke's" face disappeared for a second as he looked at the girl in front of him.
Then his eyes became gold and he practically growled at himself.
As soon as he did this every demigod around drew their swords and pointed them at his heart. Hunters and children of Apollo all notched an arrow aimed at his head.
"Well, you lying bastard. He is still alive, your biggest weakness is inside of you. Luke is on our side 100% and you will lose. Again."
Percy growled at him, "See ya later Gramps. We all know you'll disappear right about now."
And he was gone. No trace of him ever being there.
"Check the wounded! Get the infirmary ready! Athena Cabin!"
"Yes, Percy?"
"We have battle plans to make."
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