Wisdom Teeth
I recently got my wisdom teeth removed so this is inspired by my four missing teeth
Leo groaned in the passenger's seat of Piper's car.
"I don't wanna do thiiiiiiiiiis," he whined.
"Oh shut up," said Piper as she turned on her left turn signal. "You're literally the only one who hasn't gotten them removed. And unless you want ugly teeth and braces a second time then you're going through this just like all of us did."
"Fine." Leo slumped down in his seat. The only thing he was really looking forward to was getting loopy off the laughing gas. The pain however, he could pass on.
Soon enough, Piper had parked the car in the parking lot behind the dental facility. She had to practically drag Leo to the front door and into the waiting room. They waited for at least 20 minutes until the doctor called them up.
"Leo Valdez?" asked a woman in garbs.
"Not here," replied Leo as he sunk further into the comfortable waiting room chairs.
The doctor smiled in understanding and ignored Leo's statement. "Hello, I'm Doctor Lancaster. I know it can be scary but you just gotta get it over with. Now come with me, the room is all prepared for you," she informed.
Piper pushed her best friend off the chair and to the doctor. Leo looked back at her for a second and noticed she held her phone camera in her hand with a wild smirk on her face.
"Oh no," groaned Leo.
"Oh yes," replied Piper. "We can add it to the collection. Now get lost." Leo rolled his eyes and followed the doctor.
Once they got to the room, Dr. Lancaster had told Leo to sit down on the operation chair.
"Okay, I'm going to give you this, this is the laughing gas, and we're gonna leave you in here for a few minutes to let it settle in okay?" she told him. Leo nodded his head yes. The doctor put a weird looking thing over his nose and Leo was immediately hit by the scent of bubblegum.
"It smells like bubblegum," he said.
"Yes, enjoy it," said Dr. Lancaster. "You can breath in and out with your nose and if you need anything just holler alright?" Leo nodded again. She left the room shortly after.
After about 5 minutes of breathing in the sweet bubblegum scented air, Leo started feeling its effects. He felt bored but not bored at the same time. It was like he could stare and one point in the ceiling for hours and just vibe. A couple minutes later Dr. Lancaster showed up and went to business with her assistant.
With a mask over her face she said, "If anything hurts just raise your left hand okay?" Leo nodded again.
Dr. Lancaster and her assistant began to poke and prod in Leo's mouth, injecting anesthesia, cutting his gums open, etc. In a normal situation, Leo probably would've had a panic attack, but the laughing gas made him feel indifferent towards anything and everything.
Leo let out a little giggle for no reason. Nothing was funny but he just laughed. The doctors must've been used to it since they gave no reaction.
Leo stared at the brightly lit, white ceiling and saw a spectrum of colors spiraling from the sky. It was like getting up too quickly after sitting down all day, but multiply the colors by thousands. He watched the colors spiral inward towards the ceiling in fascination. Shortly after, Leo fell asleep.
When he woke up, the doctors were no longer in the room and probably left him there to gather his bearings. He reached up to his mouth and noticed that he couldn't feel a single thing in his chin. In his loopy state, the feeling of nothing in his chin fascinated him and he continued to massage his chin.
"Leo? How do you feel?" said Dr. Lancaster as she walked in.
"eethhhd," responded Leo.
"Good that. Now I'm going to take away the gas and give you some oxygen so you can sober up okay?"
"Yeth," he repeated. The doctor took away the mask over his nose and replaced it with the nasal cannula. She left shortly afterward to give him some time.
After about 10 minutes Piper walked into the room he was in, camera phone in hand.
"Heyyyyyy Leo," she said staring into the camera.
"Thup," said Leo with a drunken smile on his face.
"How do you feel, Repair Boy?"
"Yeth." Piper let out a small laugh.
"Wow you are out of it aren't you?"
"Mmmmmmhmmmmm," responded Leo. "I cam't feel my tchin."
"Yeah I know," she said. "Now let's get out of here and get your meds, the doc said it was okay."
Leo put both his arms in the air and yelled.
"WOOOOO!" Piper laughed at his antics.
On their way out, Dr. Lancaster had given Piper the prescriptions for all the medications Leo would need, a list of what kind of foods he could eat until he was healed, and advice on how to keep the wounds clean and uninfected.
"Thanks so much, Dr. Lancaster," said Piper.
"Yeth, fank you Dr. Lancathter."
"You're welcome, Leo, Piper. If anything seems wrong text my number and we'll get you an appointment asap alright?" Piper nodded, said thanks, and left with Leo in her clutches.
Piper had to buckle Leo into her car since he was so loopy. She was not pleased.
"HEHEE, fanks BITCH," said Leo. He spat all over her and one of the gauze strips almost fell out of his mouth. Piper rolled her eyes.
"Come on, crackhead, let's get your meds."
The whole car ride there was spent with Leo hideously humming and mumbling to songs on the radio and Piper resisting the urge to smack his swollen cheeks. When they got to the pharmacy, Piper left Leo in the car while she went to get his meds. Soon after, they were on their way back to Camp Half Blood where all of Leo's friends were waiting to see him.
Piper pulled into the camp and parked her car just inside the border secluded by trees.
"Are we there yet," said Leo for the thousandth time.
"Yes, Repair Boy, now get the fuck out before I push you."
"Shut up, you luv me bitch," responded Leo. Without Piper's help, Leo sluggishly exited her car. "Heeeyyyy," he called to Piper.
"Help meeeee."
With one arm around Leo, Piper helped him down Half Blood Hill where their friends were waiting. Percy was the first one to greet the two.
"Ayeee, Leo, how do you feel, my guy," he said. Percy smiled humorously down at Leo.
"I feel goooooood," Leo responded. Percy let out a loud laugh. Then out of no where, Leo started rapping while everyone around him laughed till they couldn't breath.
"Real asth bitch give a fuck boutta n-word, big birkin bag hoe five six figures, stripes on mah asth so he call this pusthy Tigger, fuckin on a scammin asth rich asth n-word," he recited.
"Is that Act Up by City Girls?" asked Hazel while laughing. Everyone looked at her, surprised she knew the song considering the vulgar language, innuendos, and that it's certainly not from her time. "What?" She grew nervous under all their stares. "I think their songs are fun." Frank choked on air while Leo threw an arm around Hazel's neck.
"THAS RIGHT! HAZEL KNOWS WHATS UP!" He yelled. "PERIODDDDT!" Once again everyone burst into a laughing fit.
"Hey, Dad? What's this video?" asked Leo's 14 year old daughter Esperanza. Leo's eyes widened as he recognized it to be the video where he shamelessly rapped a verse by City Girls while he was loopy after getting his wisdom teeth removed.
"If you watch that I'll lock you in your room," Leo chastised jokingly. His daughter smiled.
"That's pathetic I'm in my room all day anyway, soooo bye!" she sprinted to her room before Leo even had the chance to react.
"Ah shit."
Leo sighed fondly. Esperanza would never let him live that down, just like the others didn't.
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