The Revelation...
I woke up with a start. I was sweating bullets and my hands unconsciously gripped the white sheet that was pooled around my lap. My eyes darted around the room, taking in every single detail I could of my surroundings.
Hospital, was my first thought.
What was I doing here? I was supposed to be at Camp Half-Blood. I tried to recall the last thing that happened, only to be greeted by a searing migraine.
I grunted in pain as I clutched my throbbing head. I took and steady deep breaths when the clicking of a door relieved me--temporarily--of my pain. A woman, around her twenties was standing at the doorway, dressed in a nurse's uniform. Her eyes widened and her eyebrows crawled up to her hairline.
"Who are you?" I asked, eyeing the tray of food she was carrying. "Why are you wearing a nurse's uniform unless you're...a nurse..." I finished lamely and gave her a sheepish smile.
No wonder Annabeth calls me Seaweed Brain, I conclude to myself.
"S'okay." She said in a shaky voice. I raised a questioning eyebrow at her which she either ignored or didn't see. I think it was more of the former, though. "Do you want me to call your mom?"
I blinked, stunned. How did she know my mom?
"Ummm...Okay...?" I replied, but it came out as more of a question.
The nurse nodded, left the tray full of food at the table beside me and left albeit slightly reluctant for some reason I couldn't fathom.
I snatched the tray and started eating. I ate half an orange, a sunny-side up egg and burnt bacon.
I tried to stand up but immediately fell on my glutius maximus. I felt like I haven't stood up in ages! After a few minutes of struggle, I finally managed to stand up. I walked around the room examining every single detail.
Everything was white. From the curtains to my clothes. Then I noticed a notepad beside the table where the nurse placed the tray. I gingerly picked it up as if it was the most delicate thing in the world, afraid to see what was written on it. As I struggled to read it, (I can't help it, I'm dyslexic and it was written in English) the door burst open revealing my mom and Paul Blofis. My mom's eyes glinting with unshed tears.
My mom walked towards me and gingerly placed her warm palm on my cheek. "Percy?" She asked gently. Her voice was barely above a whisper. "Is that really you?"
I nodded. She pursed her lips and held my in her warm embrace. Her hand ran through my hair and she kissed my cheek. Her hot tears staining my white garments. She slowly pulled back. "Oh, Percy..." She wiped the tears that ran down her face. "I thought you'd never wake up from that coma."
My brain stopped working. "Coma?" My voiced hitched in surprise. "What coma?"
She sat on the edge of the bed, pulling me along with her. "It's nothing you need to worry yourself over about." She smiled, happiness and love radiated from it brightening up the dreary, dull walls of the hospital. "The only thing you need to know is that I love you."
I flushed at the sheer amount of unconditional love she was showering me with. I looked at Paul. He was smiling radiantly as well. Although, his smile was dwarfed in comparison to mom's. I smiled back at her. "I love you too, mom."
She brushed my hair out of my forehead (Was my hair longer?), and placed a gentle kiss on top of it. She pulled me up and led me to the elevator with Paul walking slightly behind us.
"So, mom, is Annabeth here?" I asked.
She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "Who?" She probably didn't catch what I said.
"Annabeth." I reiterated. "Is she here?"
"Huh?" My mom still looked confused. We were already inside the elevator. "Was she a friend from Yancy?"
"You know," Fear and panic slowly started creeping into my voice. "Annabeth Chase, my girlfriend from Camp."
She let out a sound of surprise. "Girlfriend? Since when?"
Something was really wrong. I could barely hear my own voice over the deafening sound of my heart banging against my rib cage. My face was paling, I was sure. "Since my sixteenth birthday."
I dreaded the next words that came out of her mouth.
She looked at me with concern. "Percy," She said, slowly. " You were in coma since you were twelve."
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