If all the raindrops were bubblegum and gum drops
Immmm baccckkkkk.
Idk where I went but, I'm here know and that's all that matters.
And I'm soooooo sorry I haven't updated I a while.
But enough of my excuses, on with the chapter.
Oh btw, the name of this chapter was random.
No one's POV.
"That was very interesting." Katara commented, after the movie finished. "Even I liked it. And I can't see anything!" Toph added. "This is what you guys were missing." Percy stated. Team Avatar nodded in agreement. "Do have anymore of these?" Zuko asked,looking like a child on Christmas day. "You won't believe how many. Some are extremely amazing, and some are more disappointing than Apollo's ability to be poetic." Percy answered. "Who's Apollo?" Sokka asked, voicing the thoughts of the clueless benders.
"He's my-"
"I have poetic talent!" A voice yelled from next to Annabeth. The voice came from a man that definitely wasn't there before. "That's Apollo. God of archery, music, prophecies and more. And he's my cousin." Percy continued. "So basically, he's the god of poetry, but can't say a decent poem." Toph summarized. "Yup."
"I am great at poems! Just listen."
"Today is great,
Can't you tell,
I'll throw Percy's lies in a wishing well,
Along with Dite's favourite brand, Channel. "
"I'm not sure if I should be shocked at this point." Piper commented after that, poem. "See, I told you it would be good." "You think that's good Lester?" "Yeah...." "You just hurt my ears so much, I'm surprised their not bleeding. Also, you just spoke about getting rid of my mom's favourite brand. Its gonna be crazy for you when you get back to Olympus." Piper said to the egotistical god.
"You're right. Aphrodite is gonna kill me!" Realization dawns upon the Sun god. "She's probably gonna get Ares to beat you to a pulp." Confirmed Annabeth. "And then force Hades to feed you to Cerberus." Percy added. "And then Artemis will volunteer to use you as target practice for her hunters." Piper joined in. "And then, for the finishing blow, she's going to destroy your sports car. Or worse yet, have Ares destroy it." Jason finished off.
At the end of this Apollo was shaking. Aphrodite was going destroy his beloved sports car. His sports car for gods' sake! Do you know how long it took him to perfect it! He just couldn't face an angry love godess right now. "Can I stay with you guys." ""Sure Apollo." Jason replied. "As long as you don't eat all the blue cookies." Percy added.
The sun god did a victory dance in his head. He'll stay with Percy and the others until Aphrodite calmed down. That seemed long enough.
While all of that was going on, team Avatar was watching in awe. Does this usually happen? The demigods had never really explained how the gods could appear out of nowhere, but they guessed it's to be expected. Their on an entire different level than them. Sure they could bend the elements, Aang could even use all of them, but realization dawned on them in that room, oddly enough. They were half god! They were half of a being that could mold earth and create new bodies of water in an instant. It was mindblowing.
So when the halfbloods stopped conversing with the son of Zeus, the foreigners were staring at them. They stared for so long that the demigods became uncomfortable, that Apollo became nervous. " So, about the other movie, Zuko can pick it this time." Annabeth announced. "Sure." Zuko managed to say.
(In the narrator's voice from Spongebob) Two days later
Today they were heading back to camp. Yesterday Apollo was summoned to Olypus, so he was obliged to go back. Later in the day, thunder clapped, so the halfbloods could assume that Zeus was laughing at Apollo's predicament.
But now it was Percy's time to be worried. He was going to be killed by a certain lieutenant. For the entire weekend he was secretly dreading for his last two days to be very slow, but it turned out the exact opposite of how he wanted it to be. In short, the weekend zoomed by faster than nymphs running away from lovesick gods.
"Are you ready to go back, Percy?" Jason asked with a smug expression on his face. " You just have to face your fears, even thought it may kill you. Right twinkle toes?" Toph advised. Aang nodded but noticed that it had little to no effect on the son of Poseidon. Thalia is gonna pummel me.
As they flew in the air, Blackjack didnt even mention the word donut. He was busy laughing at Percy's face. Can you stop laughing? Percy asked the pegasus. Nope. It's hard to when I already know how she plans to get revenge. The horse replied. Can you pleeeeaaaasssseeee tell me. Pleeeaaaseeee. The hero of Olympus begged. Nope. She told everyone in camp to keep their mouth shut. So ain't talkin. Blackjack informed. Still laughing at poor Percy.
I probably deserve this. Percy thought as they neared the border to camp, after endless attempts at swaying Blackjack to help him. Long story short; Blackjack's a tough blue cookie to crack. As they landed by the stables, everyone looked in their direction, looking on the verge of collapsing from amusement.
So the entire camp knows? Great. Percy thought. If everyone knows, the Sto.....
Oh sh*t! Imma die.
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