Chapter Nine
Those wizards kept getting on my nerves. Albus said that we should tell them soon, about what we are, because they might come to strange conclusions, that could end up with us in Azkaban, the wizard prison.
And, well, that doesn't sound like fun.
We decided to tell them today, at dinner. Maybe now they would actually show us some respect, instead of inspecting us like we were some lab rat.
Us demigods had Care Of Magical Creatures after breakfast, so we headed down to Hagrid's hut.
On our way down, Ron stopped us.
"I saw your tattoos. You ARE Death Eaters!" He accused.
"What are Death Eaters again?" I asked Annabeth.
Ron just looked bewildered, as did Harry who was watching the scene unfold from behind Ron.
"Um, I think they're Moldywart's followers." Annabeth said, as she scrunched up her nose, "But Moldy's dead, and all the followers are in Azkaban."
"Oh. Thanks, Wise Girl." I replied, "We are not Death Beaters." I turned to the duo.
"Eaters! Death Eaters!" Ron said.
"But wouldn't that taste bad?" I replied, while smirking.
I took one last look at the duo, and continued on towards the hut.
As we arrived at the hut, Hagrid announced that the unit we were going to be working on, was horses, all types.
Sweet! Easy "A"!
I winked at Draco, who was across the group, and he smirked back, knowingly. Then he turned back to his ugly group of fake friends. I feel bad he got stuck with the Slytherin role, but hey, he's a great actor.
We made our way to the edge of the Forbidden Forest, when we saw a pitch black pegasus appear.
"This 'ere is Nightmare, ain't he beautiful?" Hagrid mused, "Are there any volunteers that would like to say 'ello to this beauty?"
I raised my hand.
"Percy! Why don't you come on up?"
I stepped toward my horse, yeah, it's Blackjack. I have no clue as to why he's here but oh well.
"Hey, Blackjack." I said out loud. It really doesn't matter, I mean, we're explaining ourselves tonight. And it's kinda fun to see them confused.
"Percy, his name's Nightmare, remember?" Ron said while chuckling.
I rolled my eyes and focused on Blackjack.
Hey boss, do yah have any donuts? Also, why is this guy calling me Nightmare?
"Sorry, man. I don't have any donuts with me, he's calling you Nightmare because he can't talk to you like I can, and you aren't exactly wearing a name tag." I replied.
"And now he's talking to the horse, what a nutter!" Harry laughed.
"Actually, Ron, his name is Blackjack, and he's mine." I told him, amused, "And I can talk to horses, and you will understand why, tonight. I'll leave you with that."
I smirked, but not before I told Hagrid I was sorry about Blackjack not being Nightmare, and grinning innocently at the class, besides the demigods (including Draco) who just looked amused with the wizards.
I walked back to my spot next to Annabeth, and waited for Hagrid to dismiss us.
When he finally did, our group rushed up to the castle, narrowly avoiding the duo's nosy questions.
We made it into Potions, where we sat down, and pulled out our textbooks and such.
Sev briskly made his way into the classroom and smiled at us, then put his usual frown on his face and began teaching the rest of the class, while we just sorta did our own thing.
Sev really didn't mind, unless we were distracting the wizards. We already knew all of this potions stuff from when he did a class at camp, that's why we were so good.
After Potions, we had lunch and DADA, which weren't that exciting.
Then, we approached Ancient Runes, which just happened to be about Ancient Greek times. Another Easy "A" for Percy today!
The teacher passed out a quiz that just helps her figure out where we're at in the subject.
I read a book about this over the summer for fun, since it had monsters all over it, (and because Hermione said I had to read at least one book over the holidays) and I thought it would be easy. Time to impress Annabeth in the intelligence department!
1) Who are the twelve Olympians?
-Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Athena, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, Artemis, Apollo, Ares, Hermes, Dionysus, and Demeter.
2) Name 2 minor gods/goddesses, more for extra points.
Might as well get extra points! It would impress Annabeth too!
-Nemesis, Persephone, Hypnos, Thanatos.
3) Who is the goddess of wisdom and battle strategy?
Oops, I forgot this one, I'll just wing it.
That sounds right. It kinda fits.
4) Who is the god of the sea?
Oh I know this one. Not really my favorite one though.
I was on a roll! I looked up expecting to see Percy completely confused, but instead I see him relaxing in his seat, playing with Annabeth's honey blonde curls, as they chat quietly in a different language. Nico and Thalia are done too! How'd they finish that fast?
5) Name the big three.
Ugh, I know the first two, but the last one starts with an "H" but I can't remember it.
-Zeus, Poseidon, and Hermes.
6) What is Hecate the goddess of?
That one was simple! Throw a hard one at me!
7) Name 3 Greek monsters.
-Nemean Lion, Empousa, drakon.
And done! I hope I get a good grade, then I can show Annabeth that I am smarter than Percy!
A/N: Lol everyone is smarter than Percy. hah ;)
The teacher used a spell to automatically correct the tests and we get them back. I was surprised to find that I had gotten questions 3, 5 and half of 6 wrong.
I looked over at Percy, expecting a worse grade, when at the top it says, "100%".
I gape at him, then I turn away, to talk to Harry. I'm sick of Percy and his "awesomeness".
Divination was weird, because Trelawney said, "You shall drown in the sea!" To Percy, and him, Annabeth, Hermione, Thalia and Nico just laughed hysterically. I mean, anyone could die from that!
Then it happened again! Trelawney said to Thalia and Nico, "You shall be struck by lightning, and you shall be killed by the darkness that surrounds you!" AND THEY JUST STARTED LAUGHING EVEN HARDER!
But then, the weirdest thing happened, Trelawney said to Hermione and Annabeth, "You two shall die from a poorly thought out strategy!"
At that, the exchange students and Hermione stopped laughing immediately, and glared at the teacher.
"That is highly offensive." Percy said angrily, and stomped out of the classroom following Annabeth and Hermione who already left.
We were left in shock, again.
Oh well. Time for dinner now!
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