Chapter 5: The Salvatore School Pt. 2
Percy POV:
"These are the werewolf transition cells," Landon explained.
He was currently giving me a tour of the school. So far, I had seen where the dorms were, the common area, and the library.
Right now, we were in the basement. Landon continued, "Spent a day here once, when I first got here. Don't recommended it."
I asked, "You're a werewolf?"
He shook his head, "Nah. I'm a phoenix. My foster brother's one. At first, they thought I was human, with this plant in my system that made me immune to compulsion. So they put me in here until it was out. Anyways, now that I've given you the tour, I have to take to you to Emma, the guidance counselor."
Hopefully she'll just ask me if I was diagnosed with anything.
Once we were out of the basement, we went into the common area.
As we were walking, I saw my second favorite cousin, Nico di Angelo. Sorry Neeks, but Thalia would make me fade if I didn't put her first.
He immediatly noticed me and walked up to us.
He said, "Perce? What are you doing here?"
I replied, "I could ask you the same thing."
(AN: Underlined Italics =Ancient Greek)
"I'm a newly turned vampire," he said, before switching to Greek. "I'm on a quest for Hades. See the original vampires were mortals blessed by both Hades and Thanatos. Every few years, he sends Thanatos to check up on their pet world. But since Thanatos has been busy, he sent me."
I accepted his answer, but I still had a question. I asked, "Why here?"
"This has school has caught the attention of the Olympians. It's like a hub for the three supernaturals. That's why he sent me here. As a two-in-one mission. Why are you here?"
"I saved Hope from a group of vampires, back in New York. I'm a witch." I explained.
Nico asked, "Landon are you okay?"
I turned around to see Landon looking at us dumbfounded. He said, "Yeah. How do you know each other? And what language was that?"
"We're cousins," I stated. "We were talking in Greek."
Nico then said, "Good seeing you, Perce! I'll talk to you later."
I nodded. Landon said, "Come on, Emma doesn't like to be kept waiting."
He took me into a classroom, but the classroom was empty and had two sofas and a small round table between them. This is definitely the place.
In one of the chairs, was a woman, who I'm assuming is Emma. She had dark brown hair and eyes. She greeted, "Hello, you must be Percy. Please sit down."
She spoke with a slight English accent.
As I sat down, she continued, "Before you officially join the school, I have to give you a mental evaluation. Sometimes, the information you were told earlier today, can be too much for a person to handle. That is why you are here."
I nodded my head, understanding what she just said.
"Good. Now, have you been diagnosed with anything?" She asked.
I nodded again, "ADHD and Dyslexia."
A ball on the table turned purple. Emma eyed me. She said, "This is a truth sphere. Blue means you are telling the truth, red means that you are lying."
"And purple?" I asked.
"You're not telling me the whole truth," she explained.
Great. Now I have to tell her about the PTSD I had. It wasn't that bad, thank's to Mr. D's blessing, but it was still there.
I sighed, "ADHD, Dyslexia, and PTSD."
The ball turned blue.
She raised an eyebrow, "May I ask how?"
I said, "I don't want to talk about it."
She said, "I'm sorry, but in the best interest of the school, you have to tell me. I'm a guidance counselor. No one will know but me."
I repeated, "I said, I don't want to talk about it."
She shook her head, "I understand. But it wouldn't hurt to talk about it."
She was really pissing me off. I said, coldly, "Yes it will. And so far, you haven't asked me any questions about what I learned earlier today. I'm leaving."
I walked over to the doors, but she enchanted them shut. She said, "You haven't answered any of my questions."
I turned around to face her. I glared, "If you want to ask me these questions, have Hope do it. I trust her. Or better yet, ask my cousin, Nico di Angelo."
I guess she was scared of my weakest glare, because she immediatly said a counter spell.
I opened the door and walked out.
I walked around the halls for a few minutes before I found Nico.
He asked, "So, how did it go?"
"Terrible," I replied. "She kept asking me the same question over again. 'Why do I have PTSD?'"
Nico sighed, "Don't worry. I'll tell her some excuse to get her off your back."
I nodded, "Thanks. But I also noticed that she didn't use a wand. Non-verbal magic?"
Nico switched to Greek, "There are two types of magic. The wizards back in England were mortals blessed by Hecate. Their magic is weaker so they need wands. Supernatural Witches are directly descended from Hecate, making their magic much stronger."
"Oh, that makes sense." I said.
I turned to see who called me. It was Hope.
She said, "Come on, I'll show you to your room."
I said bye to Nico before following her upstairs. She asked, "What did Emma say to you before you stormed out?"
I looked at her with a confused expression, "How'd you know."
She shrugged, "This isn't a big school. Word travels pretty fast."
I explained, "She just asked me a really personal question. I didn't want to answer it, but she kept pushing. That's why I stormed out."
All she said was, "Oh."
She led me into some more hallways before there were just two doors in front of us. She said, "Here's your room. Everything you brought with you should be in there."
She pointed to the door on the left, "That's my room. If you need anything, just knock."
I smiled, "Thanks."
I opened the door, and looked around. Inside was a bed, chair, desk, and bathroom. It was pretty empty, so you could fill it up with whatever you wanted.
I opened my backpack and pulled out a drachma. I had only packed necessities like Ambrosia and Nectar, mortal money, toiletries, clothes, and drachmas. I didn't really need anything else.
I went into the bathroom, and turned on the faucet. Using my fire abilities, I turned water into mist.
I flicked the drachma in, and called, "O Fleecy, do me a solid, show me Sally Jackson, Manhattan."
The image of my mom feeding Estelle appeared.
I called out, "Hey, mom."
My mom turned to the Iris message and smiled, "Percy, how's the school."
I replied, "Good. Other than the mental evaluation, I like it here. It's a school for mortals, who were blessed by the gods, and Legacies. It's not like Hogwarts, that's a school for a different society. Instead, they teach the students how to handle the mortal world."
My mom nodded, "I'm happy for you Percy. Do they know about your father?"
I shook my head, "I showed them my wizard abilities, since they don't know about the gods. Nico's here, as a vampire."
I explained, "According to Nico, the original vampires were mortals blessed by Hades and Thanatos. Anyway, I should go. It's almost time for dinner, and I need a shower."
My mom laughed, "What would you do if you didn't eat three meals a day?"
I shrugged as I cut the connection. Hopefully, my shower won't take too long.
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