Chapter 2: We Celebrate
The Next Morning
After what was probably the best day of my life, up to this point, everything was finally going good for me.
As we were walking to the Mess Hall, Hope said, "I can't believe we're engaged!"
I nodded, "Still feels weird calling you my fiance."
When we got to the Mess Hall, the seven, Nico, and Thalia were waiting for us.
There was a banner hanging on top of my table with the word "Congratulations."
Hope asked, "You told them all?"
I shook my head, "Hephaestus told my dad. He probably told them."
Jason came up to me and said, "Congrats, bro."
I replied, "Thanks."
Piper followed suit and hugged Hope and I. "Congrats, guys."
She pulled away and wiggled her eyes, "Last night must've been one to remember. Right?"
Hope and I instantly turned beet red.
Piper laughed at our faces before she walked away.
Thalia then walked over. She said, "I can't believe you're getting married, Kelp Head. Remember those simpler days when you were expected to die on your sixteenth birthday?"
"And you were still a tree."
She punched me in the gut and said, "We don't talk about that."
I put my hands up in surrender. Never piss off Thalia.
Leo was next. He put a hand on my shoulder and said, "Percy, you're wedding's gonna be FIRE!"
As soon as he said that word, he engulfed his entire body in flames. I was entirely unaffected by the flames, which was a plus, considering that his hand was still on my shoulder.
After he was done, Nico said, "Congrats guys! Percy, my dad told me what you did. Only you would do that, Percy. Only you."
Hope raised an eyebrow. "What? What did he do?"
Nico glanced at Hope and then back at me. He asked, "You didn't tell her?"
I nodded.
Hope turned to me with a straight face. She asked, "What did you do?"
I mumbled, "IwenttotheUnderworldandaskedyourdadforhisblessing."
I repeated, this time more clear, "I went to the Underworld and asked your dad for his blessing."
Hope looked at me like I just came back from the dead. After a few seconds, she said, "You're lying. If you asked my dad for his blessing, he would have ripped you to shreds."
"Good thing your mom was there."
Hope's eyes widened, "My mom? She was with him?"
I said, "Yeah. They're both in Elysium."
Hope asked, "How was she?"
"Good. They both are," I replied. "You know, once we're married, and you've turned immortal, you'll be able to visit them."
Hope and I then sat down to eat. I summoned us some food, and I dug in.
Hope whispered, "Percy!"
I looked at her and she glanced to my right. Everyone was still here.
I asked, "Does anyone want anything to eat?"
Everyone just laughed.
Jason then said, "We're fine. But don't eat too much. Poseidon's throwing you a party on Olympus, Percy."
I noticed that he said that the party was only for me. I pointed it out, "You mean both of us?"
Jason shook his head, "Poseidon said it's gods only. Plus, the Mikaelsons are throwing Hope her own party in Manhattan."
I nodded, "When do we have to leave."
Jason replied, "After you're done eating, go change and then flash straight to Olympus."
"What about Hope?" I pointed out. "She can't exactly teleport herself to Manhattan."
Piper cut in, "I'll drop her off on my way to Olympus."
I looked at Hope, "Are you okay with that?"
Hope nodded, "Yeah, go have fun doing whatever gods do?"
Everyone then left leaving Hope and I to eat alone.
Once we were done eating, we went back to my cabin and I changed my clothes into something other than my camp shirt and shorts.
I kissed Hope goodbye and flashed to Olympus.
When I got to the throne room, I was immediately greeted by my dad. He gave me a hug that could rival Tyson. I gasped, "Can't...breathe."
He let go of me and apologized, "Sorry, son. I'm just so excited!"
I shook my head, "It's fine. Just don't go full Charles Boyle on me."
As I was showered with "Congrats," I saw someone I hadn't seen in a long time, Hermione Granger.
I hugged her, "Mione! How are you?"
She smiled, "Good. You?"
I shrugged, "Good."
She quickly said, "Congratulations!"
"Thanks." I asked, "So I heard you work for the Ministry of Magic now?"
Hermione nodded, "Yeah. I work for the Department of Magical Law Enforcement."
After catching up for a few minutes, I asked, "Are Harry and Ron here?"
Hermione shook her head, "They're off doing some work for the Ministry."
"How's Hogwarts doing?" I asked.
She replied, "It's doing fine. Dumbledore just retired and McGonagall is the new Headmistress."
"Yo, Percy!" A voice called from behind me.
I looked to see that it was Apollo, standing next to Hermes. Apollo said, "Come on, you're too sober."
Apollo handed me a shot glass filled with spiked nectar. He explained, "Normal alcohol doesn't affect immortals."
I declined, "I'm almost twenty, not twenty-one."
Apollo retorted, "So? You're a god now. Plus, it's eighteen in England. But you can always make yourself twenty-one if it makes you feel any better."
Before I took a sip, I stated, "One round. No more."
Apollo shrugged, "That's a start."
I took a sip
"Ewww!" I said as I spit it out. "It's disgusting! How do people like this? (AN: I agree with this 100% from my own accidental experiences.)"
Apollo laughed, "You'll get used to it."
He then added, "You better. Gods drink this all the time. It's like the godly version of butterbeer."
I gave him back the glass. "Nope. No thank you."
He took it back and walked away.
The party continued for a few more hours before Zeus said that everyone had to go back to their duties.
I flashed back to my cabin and looked at the time: 3:45.
Damn, I was on Olympus for 5 hours?
I noticed that Hope wasn't back yet, and my sword fighting class was supposed to start in 15 minutes anyway. Chiron told me that he would substitute for me today, but I have nothing better to do.
I pulled my armor-bead off of my necklace and went to the arena.
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